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juttu Dec 2017
A lot has been written about monotony
Here I’m only trying it from my vision
It won’t differ much from yours
But even monotony comes in different flavors
Mine is bland. Unimaginably bland.
So much, that I fear the day I spit it out,
it will leave me bitter
I make feeble attempts to break it
A lot like a fifty year old couple argue & fight
They are not trying to spice things up
Just sorting the disagreements and inconveniences that crop up, further strengthening their bond
Each one is a proven pain in the other's ***
But it is familiar, comforting pain
Losing track of the days that I lost
The days they come and go so fast
I’m preparing myself better for the days to come
‘Every new day is an opportunity lost. So you’ve got to seize every opportunity.' I was advised..
It was 00 hours when I woke up
from my untimely slumber to start
this new day on this new note
Although I’m skeptical of the meaning of new day
I don't think they meant it in the technical sense
The day they were referring to probably begins
when the sun shines so bright that it is hard
to keep your eyes closed and pretend to be asleep
In a semi awakened state,
you clasp your genitals,
then scratch them,
stroke your stiffness,
wipe the drooling mouth
or partake in other preferred activities
in any order you deem fit
and thereby amass the requisite energy
to seize the day by the *****
Me,? I’m not really a morning person
It takes a couple of hours for nausea to subdue
After I spat all the toothpaste residue
So I take this to be the start of yet another day which has begun,
and will roll,
with reasonable certainty,
just the same way as did yesterday
Or the day before
Or a day the week before
But I wasn’t here since the beginning of time
I grew from a microbe to a maniac
So I know this is just a phase that will pass
But I can’t seem to place
the beginning or end of it
Shedding hairs, bloating with worries and fat
I came to the sudden realization
that this will soon end
Whether I like it or not
Whether I force it or not
It will come to an end
Like every other thing that started
Here I am, waiting for it to unfold
Like the spectator I’ve always been,
passive with fear and with justifiable cowardice
When the days become too repetitive, you can't tell reality from a recurring dream..
hungry for the tons of resources
that lay beneath the
hungry for them and looking
to find what else can be

the hunger is never ending
we're consuming more and more
the hunger doesn't abate
as if there's a colossus galore

the world's population
exhausting the
the world's population
eating every crumb of

yet the day will arrive
when our precious resources
aren't readily at hand
they'll be depleted in supply
running down to a level  
that won't service demand

too hungry the population
too hungry the  population
Jayantee Khare Jun 2017
Unending Love

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times…
In life after life, in age after age, forever.
My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs,
That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms,
In life after life, in age after age, forever.

Whenever I hear old chronicles of love, its age-old pain,
Its ancient tale of being apart or together.
As I stare on and on into the past, in the end you emerge,
Clad in the light of a pole-star piercing the darkness of time:
You become an image of what is remembered forever.

You and I have floated here on the stream that brings from the fount.
At the heart of time, love of one for another.
We have played along side millions of lovers, shared in the same
Shy sweetness of meeting, the same distressful tears of farewell-
Old love but in shapes that renew and renew forever.

Today it is heaped at your feet, it has found its end in you
The love of all man’s days both past and forever:
Universal joy, universal sorrow, universal life.
The memories of all loves merging with this one love of ours –
And the songs of every poet past and forever.
Loved the unending love by gurudev rabindra nath tagore..hence posted here
the collective's trending
is unending
this form of trending
has proven to be mind bending
trending                                                        ­  
it's as though the collective's trending
won't be ending  
nor in the foreseeable future
will it be suspending
would appear that the trending
is always ideally lending
to the collective's  
trending befriending
trending                                                        ­
aren't tales of trending
made for those
who enjoy the extending
of a happy ending
Bianca Olivier Sep 2016
I write, seemingly unending
and years later when I look back at my troubles

I realize

I never wrote a thing of meaning
Isabelle Apr 2016
Loving you is~

A cycle of mistakes and forgiveness
A cycle of honesty and lies
A cycle of fights and sweetness
A cycle of promises and broken promises
A cycle of love and pain
A cycle of you and me
Loving you is a cycle, unending
A cycle of You and Me
Never to end, let us be.
V Feb 2016
When I was just a little girl,
people used to break my heart
it felt like every word they said
were painful in every single way.

It made me think I was meaningless,
like life's had no sense
but nobody knew how I felt.

One day Jesus found me,
He made me feel like I wasn't an ordinary girl,
restored me in every single way,
Oh Jesus, I'm grateful everyday.

Ever since that day,
God helped me to understand,
those people hearts;
They were in pain.

"Hear me, please" he said,
"Be careful with every word you said,
don't be like them, save your heart,
I've stuff for you prepared."

One thing I know for sure,
Jesus hears you,
heals you,
and saves you.

You've been there when nobody was,
You're the best friend anyone could ever have,
Oh Jesus,
You'll have forever my heart.

God change everything.
Verses crept under my
like incarnatio Tattoos
   billowing surface


To break out like ripeness'
  opens up a delight of a persimmon  

a passion, a mad devotion
     transfering abundance
  satiate flesh flames

a sentient transformation
     from crystal clear
       scream Journey
to ethereal mind-
   waves tumbling unending  
  down on my
    with yours  

         sweet sweat's
   shimmering plankton
      surrounds me as
        your love's energy
   u n en ding  u n d u l a ti on

Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
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