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Midas Aug 2021
i see you sitting there
a few feet from where i'm sleeping
the wind caressing your hair
your right hand's busy scribbling.
the weather all bright and good
birds chirping from the distant wood
i just lay here in bed unmoving
memorizing the moment unfolding.
tho you might have noticed me looking
'cos you turn to me smiling
brightening up the room more than ever
i just want it to last forever.
then you walk up to me with grace
eyes holding on to my gaze
you snuggled and hold me close
our bodies molding like petals’ rose.
and when i feel you smiling in my neck
that makes me all ticklish and weak
it is also making me braver
i hope you'll always remember.
Alicia Moore Mar 2021
The dawn of humans unknowingly sparked a debate in sincerity.
While praising dexterity, one may neglect the warmth of a tender heart.

Is it better to ablate the ***** —
do we intend to berate its kindness?

I wish to travel to the beginning of evolution,
when no pollution of such harshness is clear;
that may be our only solution here.
Chad Young Feb 2021
When attributes like courtesy seem insincere, what ails me?
The litany of my words drowns out all others.
My words are for me, not necessarily the reader.
This voyage I was on by myself.
Who invited the entourage?
Affection and love have no existence here, He says.
This is the arena of insight, not imitation, He declares.
The truly righteous know that sincerity is the king of courtesy.
O Hashem, stop my words, stop my attributes, for evil awoke me four hours ago on this mat, and I know that that soul awaits truth.
I have 1st world problems in a city of Ahriman.
Will I be despondent enough to know their pain?
Or will their plight spark my vanity again?
Sometimes silence exalts the downtrodden in the head of those who have had it easy.
If your heart be so far away, how can I come to thee through small talk?
There must be something true to you that would ignite the fire of Hashem.
John McCafferty Nov 2020
When entering the realm of another
Try to connect by being receptive
Relate to appropriate space
Approachable pathways through
principled heart centred objectives
Display the routes to sincerity by
observing a faithful open perspective
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Psychostasis Oct 2020
Do you tell me you love me with sincerity
Or is it out of guilt
Or is it out of pity

The scariest thing about life is never knowing who's saying those three cursed words
And who genuinely means it
nanimono Oct 2020
White roses
On a lonely night
As a sign of sincerity
To end the journey of two human beings
Let it be a memorable memories
Although it just gonna be a fragment of a memories
But it will be enough to always remembering you
"My One Month Friend"
Ends with an white roses
At least I want to end one beauty
With another beauty
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Penitent one, pitiful soul.
It's hard to apologise whilst you're stood inside a house of echoes.
Simon Holzmann Jun 2020
Hound dog for honesty
got a sniffer for fearlessness
harrier than thou, oh yes
only closer to here is this
growling for profundity
and bark at the moon in bliss
catch the scent of levity
clue you in what you missed
get a whiff of humanity
bona fide and real artistry
doesn’t get more upfront than his
and hers is straight virtuous
true art has an odor no less
than you and beasts and me
it’s certified amenity
to smell when someone’s
finally free of
uncertainty tee-off
performance feat me-bluff
authenticity handcuff
got rid of the fake fluff
and reeks of human real stuff.
Aaron Gubang Mar 2020
Killing the truth for religion
Can destroy our beloved region
It's time to stop this fake religion
And let's all ease the pain

Someone make all the truth rain
It's now our time to cut
The rest of this fake sincerity
For the sake of humanity

They promised to unite all nations
But all it did was to create divisions
Is this part of their vision
to spread delusions?
Euphrosyne Mar 2020
Not a man of so much confidence
But I have to say this now,
of all the smiles I've seen on earth
Your smile is more than others worth

I'm not a man who’ve seen other worlds
But I've seen more in your eyes
That brought me into the beautiful skies
Even though we revolve in different worlds
That finds us a new environment
I'd still choose you more

Not a man of material things,
But I'll give you all I've got
No expensive gifts nor shoes to give
But all I could give you is my entire heart

I'm not a man with so much confidence
Getting to the point that I can't tell u the words of how I feel, but,
I'll express them on my paper
I'll write them for you to understand
What I feel for you inside.

if you are the poetry
You'll be the words that
ryhmes to the beat
of my heart.
I was too shy to tell this to diane but I have my confidence now.
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