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Styles Jun 1
My body practically salivates, that greedy part of me demanding satisfaction. In these moments, I’m acutely aware of the intense hunger I have for him, a craving that transcends reason and pride. The anticipation, the need, it all becomes a consuming force, leaving me desperate for his touch, his presence, his ****. The intensity of my longing is a testament to the powerful connection we share, a connection that leaves me yearning for more, always more.
Styles Jun 1
My body trembles, craving to be fed,
A hunger deep, with thoughts of him in bed.
Desire's flame, it burns so bright,
A need that keeps me up at night.

Anticipation, like a storm it brews,
His touch, his scent, the feelings I choose.
Desperate for his tender kiss,
Yearning for his touch, his bliss.

A bond so strong, it binds us tight,
A connection deep, pure and right.
In every moment, my heart does soar,
Craving his presence, wanting more.

This longing's power, it won't subside,
In his arms, my secrets hide.
A love so fierce, it shakes my core,
Forever yearning, always more.
Styles Jun 1
My body aches with craving, pure delight,
A hunger fierce, ignites in darkest night.
Reason and pride, both cast aside,
Desire for him, no place to hide.

Anticipation grows, a burning flame,
His touch, his presence, I whisper his name.
Desperation’s grip, I can't ignore,
Yearning for him, always wanting more.

A bond so deep, it pulls me tight,
Connection strong, it feels so right.
In every moment, my heart does race,
Craving his love, his warm embrace.

The need for him, it never dies,
In his touch, my passion lies.
A testament to love's sweet lore,
Forever seeking, always more.
Styles Jun 1
His voice, with its thick Jamaican accent, warm breath breathing down neck sends shivers down my spine, and I can feel my juices sliding out. Sir says I should be embarrassed by how badly I want ****, and it’s true—it’s all I can think about. I laugh at the absurdity of it, knowing Sir enjoys using the word “****” It throws me for a loop, but in this moment, I’m too needy to be embarrassed. I just want him inside me; my desire is insatiable. My body is practically salivating, she's so greedy tonight, she's demanding satisfaction.
Àŧùl Jun 1
Je t'aime ma chère,
Et j'ai besoin de savoir comment vas-tu ?

Tu me manques, ma belle,
Et je veux ta compagnie.

Pas seulement pour quelques années,
Mais pour toute une vie.

Ta vie est la mienne,
Et ma vie est à toi.

Arrête d'être si égoïste,
Laisse-moi être à toi pour toujours.

Je vous promets que je ne vous découragerai jamais,
Et je ne limiterai pas ta vie.

Je ne suis pas si vieux,
Pourquoi te sens-tu déconnecté ?

How are you?

I love you, my darling,
And I need to know how are you?

I miss you baby,
And I want your company.

Not just for a few years,
But for a lifetime.

Your life is mine,
And my life is yours.

Stop being so egoistic,
Let me be forever yours.

I promise that you I'll never discourage,
And your life I'll never restrict.

I'm not that old,
Why do you feel disconnected?
My HP Poem #1970
©Atul Kaushal
Styles Jun 1
she is as cold
as the draft
of a storm.
Styles Jun 1
She was a
whiskey sipping
pocketing picking
skinny dipping
county bumpkin
Styles May 30
Beneath the moon's exotic, amber gleam,
We are lost in a fevered, steamy dream.
Her laughter, like a siren's call, ensnares,
Drawing me deeper into her lair.
Styles May 30
Her moans, a symphony of the night's soft song,
Echoing desires, deep and strong.
In every kiss, a secret world we find,
Of hidden realms and pleasures unconfined.
Styles May 30
In twilight's embrace, where shadows whisper low,
Our passions ignite in a sultry, vibrant glow.
With hands like silk, I trace her every line,
A silent pledge where our souls entwine.
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