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JS Jun 2017
Just because I seem strong doesn’t mean I can be left all by myself.
Just because I wasn’t crying doesn’t mean I didn’t care.
Just because I wasn’t writing you doesn’t mean I didn’t want to talk
Just because I left doesn’t mean I didn’t want to stay

When I say it’s okey, it wasn’t, can you finally get it?
How could you take your soul away from me?
Leaving me with empty whole
That hurts every morning

Was it love if I’m so replaceable?
Just because I seem strong, doesn’t mean I will survive your lost.
Those boys
They don't understand
Them girls
They're giving them a second chance
To show
That they give a ****
Them girls
Cry every night
Because those boys
Go out and drink all the time  
She waits
For him to come home
And he
Yells for her to leave him alone
She cries
Because she's tried
But he still doesn't give a ****.
Those boys
They don't understand
Them girls
Aren't giving them a second chance
Shai Tibbs Sep 2016
just feeling like putting my hands on my head,and with that disappointed look saying **** *** happened

caught in my own confusion not truly understanding what it is I want in my life, for my life,

asking myself are my decisions I make now affecting those around me, am I accepting good in my life ,or am I inviting pain and misery in

then again my life has always been pain and misery and whenever I gather that glimpse of happiness it seems to back fire

a few smiles a few laughs and I feel oh this is going to be great turns into arguing and frustration followed with constant irritation

lost in this maze of *** like *** but **** it who cares nobody ever shows their true heart stuck up to themselves, or afraid to speak to someone they don't know all these so called friends probably won't even look to see what I wrote

oh well my support system ain't really a support

just me and my music is how I feel lost in this World but at peace with Sound

it's true I'm the wind come and go breeze feels nice then it's gone if I stay to long it'll cause a hurricane that's why I choose to go ...
Anne Kho Aug 2016
love to faults is always blind,
Always is to joy inclined,
Lawless, winged and unconfined;
And breaks all chairs from every mind.
sorry for the wait
Alisha Isabell Jul 2016
Fire burns in your mind
You complain about the heat.
I would carry buckets of water
For thousands of miles,
Pray for storms
Just to bring you a cool
I would quiet the burns
Playing your favorite song
Every night.
But time and time again
I burned at the price of others.
I would care for you
But I sit in ruins.
My arms are ash not
Strong enough to lift.
My voice is smoke.
My piano teeth are bent and broken.
No melodies will come from my embers
But at least I can appreciate the warmth.
MarcellinaGrace Jun 2016
Souls are lost as time goes by
Forgetting the connection
The emotion once felt
Now forgotten

Far away and beaten down
Believing is non existent
Nowhere to turn
Inside myself is the haven

Awkward silence
Not knowing what to say
On the tip of your tongue
Afraid to speak
Push your thoughts away

Some days are brace
Feel hope in your heart
But then it's not good enough
Hurt takes over
walls come back

Here we aren't so quickly
Ghost Writer 3 Jun 2016
The weight of the world
Sits on his chest
As he breaths
He grasps for it
Rose petals fall
Straight from his head
As his eyes burn
Like fire, again, and again
Mouth sewed shut
Her needle pokes through
Stippling his heart
Like a car wreck
The moment his hands left
He can't remember
When he lost control
Drunk driving
Into her soul

On the occasion that we kiss downy
silken, time diminishes
we petrify within our rapture
existance sails about
like snow in a globe, gentle

When we reduce
our eyes convene
courts of affection
and the world is unchained, free
to move again

At home within your purchase
a fox within its burrow, warm
at ease, a lovers sympathy

You give me life
I breathe.
Nina Sherizze Oct 2015
The waters are tears
Rolling and rolling
The sound, same as my heartbeat
Am nearly drowned
The face I've seen clearly
Now carried by the tide
A wave is still a wave
You are still you
We are no more
And I'm no longer blue.
ChinHooi Ng May 2015
Vines crawling
on the old mottled wall
fog bypassing
the fence
enveloping the entire
the mystic sky over the castle
a lightning awakening
the gloomy valley
ghosts and goblins floating
extinguishing white candles
a witch with a broom
the silver haired wizard in a black hat
standing in the darkness of spells
the enchanted princess sleeping
in the black chalet
prince charming leading a team of
sinister roses blooming quietly
spitting murky fog
tongues of flames light up the dark tunnel
the prince kills the bloodthirsty bats witches and
a clan of phantoms
the prince kisses to wake the princess who’s been asleep
for a millenium.
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