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New coins come to those who add
Transactions to each new block
This started out as 50 coins
Every 10 minutes around the clock

7200 Bitcoin - average, each day
Over two million in each year
And at block 210,000
The first halving was here

HALF of all bitcoins already mined
Then the reward halved to 25...
Coins for each new block reward
And bitcoin continued to thrive

Four more years, block 420,000
And then cut in half once more
Bitcoin reward down to 12.5
But price continued to soar

At block 630,000, cut to 6.25
The supply continues to shrink
You may want to get some soon
As it’s catching on, I think

Now we approach block 840,000
A critical juncture in time
Rewards will “half” to 3.125
As the price continues to climb
You can see this poem on a background here -
Fiat money loses value over time
     People know this and this influences
          Their thinking towards the short term.
               Short term thinking bleeds into many
                    Areas of life leading to inferiority in so
                         Many areas of our life and our world
                         We need a money that increases in
                    Value leading to long term planning
               And greater VISION in goals, family,
          Business, architecture, and nutrition.
     Imagine nations and people planning
For generations. Bitcoin gives vision
You can see this poem on a background here -
Question: What has Bitcoin done for Humanity?
Answer: Bitcoin has helped millions of people to:

Move money safely
Across country borders
Or keep money private
Through seizure orders

Avoid the debasement
Of all of their savings
As inflation abounds
Amidst Keynesian ravings

Transfer remittances
To countries abroad
Without the high fees
That border on fraud

Own their own money
For millions the “first time”
Generations unbanked
This is truly a crime

Trade with anyone
Across land or ‘cross sea
With no “middle man”
Who might disagree

Enjoy some privacy
A basic human right
As foundational freedoms
Tyrants try to rewrite

So here you go Jim
This is just a small list
Of what Bitcoin’s done
And you simply dismissed
You can see this poem on a background here -  Question comes from Jim Cramer - an investor.
One problem in traditional finance
     Is that intermediaries are needed to
          Facilitate transactions in the system.  
               These intermediaries charge fees, act
                    As points of control or censorship, and
                         Often allow chargebacks (non-finality)
                         What we need is a truly peer to peer
                    Electronic cash system which allows
               Payments to be sent from one party
          To another without an intermediary.
     Such a system built for the internet
Exists here and now.  It is Bitcoin.
You can see this poem on a background here -
Freedom may sleep, but it will awaken
For those who love freedom
Can never stay shaken

Freedom may pine, in chains for a night
Yet will always break through
And stand firm in the right

Freedom may kneel, but only to pray
For strength in its purpose
And hope for today

Freedom may falter, and may need to slow
But with renewed vigor
Will get up and go

Freedom may fall, but it NEVER dies
It’s part of our soul
And will EVER arise

Bitcoin is freedom - to save or to spend
The freedom of money
We will ever defend
You can see this poem on a background here - Inspired by the end of Ayn Rand's book Anthem.
Fiat money, printed freely and wildly
     Contributes directly to big government
          Because they don’t need the will of the
               People (paying taxes) for large programs.
                    Instead the government can just use new
                         Money created by the big central banks
                          When money is not created easily but
                    Instead is only created by honest work
               And energy expenditure, this naturally
          Limits the resources the government
     Can use for their projects and ideas.
Bitcoin is the money based on work
You can see this poem on a background here -
Jeremy Betts Feb 5
Great, another succubus and what not
A sluut, a fuuck bot
Put enough coin in the slot
Allowed in on the spot
That's a *****, is it not?
Body count is the first and last Roman numeral on a clock
Multiplied by a lot plus one added in between every tick and tock

So yeah, no, I'm gonna boycott
I don't want to get got
Cause I'm sure the shiit that she's got
Ain't eradicated with a simple arm shot
In a way making sure she's never forgot
Don't want to always be middle of the list of who'***** it within earshot
Don't need some side thing messing up the main plot

It's sad but it happens a lot
It's either the wrong lid or the wrong ***

Did you wait & procrastinate?
Or act ahead of the curve?
Well, you will get your bitcoin
At the price that you deserve

Start right now and do the work
Strengthen your will and nerve
And then you’ll get your bitcoin
At that price that you deserve

Keep your mind steady and firm
Stay focused and never swerve
In order to hold your bitcoin
As it becomes the world reserve

Learn about money, study well
Be quick to judge and observe
Then act to get your bitcoin
At the price that you deserve
You can see this poem on a background here -
An investor buys an expensive watch to stay ahead of time. While the rest, will buy it to look like they have all the time in the world. We'll hold onto to the past, to appear we can hold time in our hand; wrapping your arm in the tune of your own success, both for the applauds of a band. Still if money does talk, there'll be a disconnect holding money to your ear. Trying to seem like you talk business, but in the efforts of a sold out career. The taste of a risk, is the blood your poured out of your wrist,— covering up those scars with a time piece. Still time never gives me any real peace, for a piece of thought, is me always wondering what time is.

Murderers killing the itch of time, scratching at the wait of doing something productive at every inch. The weight of robbers stealing time, will be carried away by the imaginary fortunes they think they have, just like the rich. I know you can't really scratch that painful itch by being rich, but it does help me afford the cream to soothe that feeling of a pinch. To not pinch a penny, over thinking how to save your self. When every penny for a thought, is thinking about how you can increase your wealth. As time is money; money only comes in due time, I might have as well bought an expensive watch, to keep watch on this money of mine.

...Still money will never be enough, as there will never be enough time.
Jellyfish Jan 4
I received a lot of praise
For my musical ways
and it caused waves
To crash around my heart-
Their expectations over my art
It ruined my passion
In a "Wonderwall" fashion
Singing over and over again
Into soulless eyes,
Made me feel like a type of prize
It was a lot of work to learn I'm not
I can sing and make music without being bought
I don't play for you anymore because I don't want it to be the only thing you love me for.
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