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Julia Celine Nov 2021
I couldn't hear your voice
Above the raging silence
I figured you weren't saying much
Unbeknownst to my changing faces
That sees meaning in milliseconds
Seeking out a love that's chaseless
I'll find errors in complication
I'll find a way to erase us
I'll love you 'til you're empty
And claim I'm feeling wasteless
You'll raise an upper hand
And find us switching places
Sharon Talbot Oct 2021
Things sometimes fall apart
Among sisters and brothers,
No matter what they once were.
Childhood picnics and dreamy games,
Memories of trips with Dad,
Since Mom was tired of us.
We would climb Appalachian peaks
Or drive to look at the Mayflower.
Every summer there was a golden week
A lakeside cottage and all-day swims
In crystal water, becoming mermaids.
But time passes and bitterness accrues.
Imagined slights grow like slow tumors,
Never excised but nurtured by some.
I go to college and am freed
From the poison of ignorant rage,
From the creeping depression left
Like diesel fog on an endless floor.
Four or five years of delight pass
With only hints here or there
Of a sibling’s misery at home.
Of a once close sister, Maggie,
Who is ignored and never loved
By any man she pursues.
She blames me for it, for reasons
I have yet to fathom.
Of a brother, Francis, deluded, drugged,
Steals the family car in a rage
And drives to New York City.
Of Deirdre, the middle sister,
Whose friend who knows men who feed
On her ignorance and rebellion.
Only Susannah tries to rise above
The maelstrom of misery.
I send her to a school far away
And she sheds despair, at least.
Decades drawl, children are born to us,
While the bridge between us, obscured,
Sags and frays under weight of rancor.
Christmas dinners and birthday parties
Turn into chores, invitations kept as scores.
Petty grudges, like acid, sever the bridge
At last, all ties are abandoned.
When we are all grown and scattered,
No one speaking to anyone else,
Unaware, uncaring about the others.
Only Susannah visits me and smiles,
With no ulterior plan for insane revenge,
Or accusations for errant slights.
Her once dark hair is grizzled and wild
And her girlish skin now creased.
But her treacle eyes, “black aggies”,
I used to call them, still shine.
Only Susannah writes a letter,
Wishing us well and
Healing scars made by others,
Returning the word “family”.
To my basket of small treasures,
I carry with me
Into the twilight.
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2021
Without word
How I know you.
Without kiss —
How we are twined.
There is feint space,
Which has no dimension
That is, binding us.
You see my face —
As I look away and know
That blindness illuminates.
You pretend we are separate
And I will have none of this,
I make believe we are in a dream
And there is no end to that slumber,
No awakening.  This confuses you
And makes me weep.  Why are we
Without each other when the whole
Universe is exploding all this emptiness —
Which we feel — like newborns deeply hugged
By strangers that say we belong with only smiles,
Touches, that solidify, without words, as ancient light.
Merlie T Jul 2021
She's an empty canvas
under sheets of red
Her legs spread out before me
as her body lay still
Julia Celine Apr 2021
Your indifferent hands make disarray
Of meticulously maneuvered letters
Tethered by the taste of sunlight
Cast upon the header

I know you don't love poetry
But my heart still longs to write you
Knitting rows of golden thread
That ties my soul to you

Though I know it never reaches you
I see the vacancy in your eyes
And I wonder how many fabrications
I've sewn together in my mind

I tell you that I love you
In way too many words
I wrap this thread around me
And pretend you ever understood
Nikkie Jan 2021
You left me with no explanation after I told you that I loved you. I felt like a jilted bride left standing at the altar.  You once looked into my eyes and told me that you could feel it if it were real. It was real for me. But you changed your mind when it came to your feelings for me. Was I that wrong? Did I misunderstand you when you told me that I was the one? Did I misinterpret it when you told people that I was your lady as you introduced me to their acquaintance?  Did I get it wrong when we went to the jazz concert, when you kissed me for the first time in front of a room full of other jazz enthusiasts? Was I dreaming when you laid next to me at night and held me close while we slept?  You know what, the only thing I was wrong at was, giving you ANY time of day!
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