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VanillinVillain Feb 2023
seething, as the sour fruit
bleeds its poison along my tongue.
leaden with the weight of memory the heart--
but twice too much.
a day? an error? a mood? the regret of--
but twice too late.

t'was not mine own tongue what spake those words. I know not why from me they rode. but while I may not know the origin the result; still mine to bear. the responsibility still mine to own. The regret--
but twice too much.
2/23/23, 1:52pm.
Jake Devlin Dec 2022
Fear of wounds from the past
A broken man unearthed once again
Fear of unending convalescence
Stemmed from the spine of circumstance
Lingering pain of mistakes made in youth
Physical nightmares
Please forgive me, my corporeal self
My judgement was clouded
And now I am the better man
That I should have been back then
People say I'm lucky that I still breathe
A part of me died that day
They should of left me there, beneath the trees
Zack Ripley Oct 2022
When you were a kid, you were given 2 choices: "you can make this easy,
or you can make it hard."
Only to come out realizing no matter which one you chose, you'd wind up covered in scars.
But it's OK. You couldn't have known.
And I'll tell you a secret. Everyone has scars. They're proof we've grown.
These scars don't have to scar you though. Just call them by their name, and let them go. The names you won't soon forget,
these scars are named mistake and regret.
Megan s Sep 2022
What if I finally woke up and decided to understand my life isn't a mistake...
Did I finally grow up?
Oskar Erikson Aug 2022
i made the mistake.

taking too many photos
knowing they’d last

too late
we wouldn’t.
Shannon Soeganda Aug 2022
Never in my life would I ever want to come back to a mistake like you—

Never once,

Never was,

Never am,

Never will.

You might have all the forever within grasp,

because you’re a ghost,

and ghosts have forever.

But not everyone is you,

not everyone is privileged with any next lifetime.

Time with you is a time wasted,
wasted with all of your over-glorified ghost—

that the devil himself is scared of you,

even your only shadow leaves you in the dark.

And there you are,
there you always will be;

Cast out alone in the void of darkness for eternity—

bequeathed with eternal guilt;

for you are nothing much,

but a mere shadow;

a ghost of the lingering past

(not) worth reminiscing.
What kind of person is stupid enough to come back to a mistake in a form of a human being?
it seems ridiculous
to me
it does not matter
in spite
of what is
and undeniably
the truth

just because
a mistake
was not
until now;
should not mean
we are forced
to accept
the hindrance
of this idiocy
and what it means
our future
Zack Ripley Jun 2022
Which is the mistake: to give or to take?
To close my eyes or stay awake?
Do you hide from yourself in the light
Or hide from people who hurt you in the dark?
Do you leave it behind
or try to reignite an old spark?
Do you surrender yourself in honor of your faith
Or do you believe in yourself enough to create your own fate?
The truth is, it doesn't matter how you answer because none of these options are mistakes.
They're choices. And, regardless of the outcome, it's not a mistake to make a choice.
Broken Pieces Apr 2022
Is that what I am
A simple mistake
Taking up space

Is that what you see
But little old me

Can I be something
Or am I stuck
Forced to be nothing
Nicole Feb 2022
Words fail me
I don't know what I feel
I want to fade to nothing
And let the silence consume me
So many perspectives
I don't know which is true
Maybe all of them are
But then what?
They tell me I'm good
While my guilt swallows me whole
Rule one is do no harm
And I've shattered that
They say it's being a human
And I guess that's true
But if I can do anything to help
Then I'd like to
Where is that fine line
Between values and pain?
I don't owe it to them
But I feel like I do
If getting burned makes it better
At what point do I quit?
Do I hand over the matches?
Soak my soul in gasoline?
Pain for pain seems so fair
I made mistakes and I have to own them
But does letting myself burn
Really help anyone?
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