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his tongue
was wool
it out
he tried

sculpt me
Sadia May 2017
You were the book I often dreamed of reading. You were on the bestseller list and then you sold out.
hazem al jaber Jan 2017
Minds dreamed ...

my tears blended with a rains...

rains increased more...

so,i cried more...

cried ,because you were there...

there,not with me...

so...i slept...

slept to get you so close to me...

slept to dream about you...

its a decision to get you into my dream...

its a choice to live together into our dream...

to create a heaven to our love...

there was no another choice...

its the only way to get away a loneliness from each other...

so, we started,in a same time...

as the way as we met always...

our minds met...

our naked bodies got to the other...

bodies danced as a one as a harmonic...

danced and got it's power from the voice of thunder...

exchanged a love through a making love...

got their carnal appetite through a greatly melt...

more greater than a fusion...

bodies sewed and tried to give a lust to the moment...

to get a great love,that no one ever heard...

showed each other ,how must a love should be...

and promised one the other to be in love forever...

by: hazem al ...
Don't categorize yourself with someone else, don't lump yourself into a specific type. One similarity does not a commonality make. A million and one people may all have done what you've done or felt what you've felt but that does not breed you together into one common group or make their goals yours or your goals something they have any possibility of reaching. It may sound cliche but you are the only you, no one else could be you or truly understand everything you've ever felt to the core of your being since you've become you. And this you, the one you stare at every day in the mirror, is not the you you've always been and is certainly not the you you'll always be. You are continually changing and becoming more than you've ever been before. If you keep trying and doing and working towards something, anything that's better than what you are right now then you've already surpassed every category, type or group that you lumped yourself into. You are not a category. You are not what anyone else thinks you are. You are what you try to become, what you hope to become, what you've always dreamed you'd become.
Ambika Jois Nov 2015
You once longed for that feeling
Now you have it

You once dreamed of the rosy side
Now you've passed it

You once felt alone
Now you have that person

You once thought of solving issues
Now you don't have control

You once thought you had everything
Now you do

You once said everything was nothing
Now you feel it

You once promised you'll be there
Now you can't keep it

You once wanted to restart
Now you can't change what's happened
AlluringEnigma Aug 2015
You forget me for i fought you
You forget me for i didn't listen you
You forget me for i didn't say "HY"

You forget that every thing as we had promised
You forget me as we never been friends

you did that ALL for i've never thought about........,
never dreamed about
"""I was your best friend but you broke me "BYE"
PrttyBrd Jul 2015
The air smelled sweet of promises
The quill wet and ready
The seat sat empty
The page lay bare
Sweet promises turn decayed expectations
Rotting delusions
Spill through quill
From self-inflicted gaping wounds
The worms seem happy
Dancing in the meat of yesterday's dreams
expectation is the birthplace of disappointment
Kathleen M Apr 2015
In the trees
It is cold now
The wind creeps up and a chill trickles down my spin
The trees moan with the wind
I sink down to the soil
Laying down and shoving my fingers into the earth
They stretch and twist, flesh become plant
Not fingers but roots
Green shoots growing out of my body
Eyes turned towards the sky
Moon painting my face with pale light
A stunning realisation as I hear without ears
The trees do not moan, they sing
The wind sings
The earth hums with life
This is what I dreamed of
This is all I could ever need

— The End —