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Viktoriia Apr 24
a paragraph, written a million times
doesn't remain the same cause the words
are constantly changing themselves,
and you are as well.
a fire that burns through the night
may seem bleak compared to the brightness
of a brand new sunrise,
but at the end of the day
it's not the amount of light that counts
but the strength to survive again.
and people are not some constructs
to be created and disassembled at whim.
they have their own voices
and their own incredible stories to tell,
and you do as well.
I was very angry
So out the window
I didn’t care
Bet aware
Where does it all begin
Coming from my head
I wasn’t sure
Who was pure
Now to see the lost Light
Wasn’t waiting for
Comes a price
Keeping rumbles at heart
Not to watch someone
Lost to become
Very numb
Gripping out hanging teeth
Fearing to decay
Won nother day
To meet way
People lost their own wit
How to find out why
We quit to shy
To deny
Left hormonal our rage
To place us and save
What left to crave
Bones to path
So far wondered the wrath
Soul to conclave
Knight from the knave
Near to grave…
Zolayshia Apr 15
A dagger to my heart.
Words cannot describe how much I love you.
I would steal for you.
I would **** for you.
You said you loved me.
But you were always with her.
As you lay on the ground heart beating.
I finally felt how much you loved me even to the last beat.
Dagger in my hand.
Cherry blossom tree above us.
Covered in blood.
I lay down.
Blood dripping.
Slowly admiring the beauty of the tree.
Closing my eyes as my blood for my wrists makes a puddle into the water next to us.
You said you loved me and I never thought it was true.
I took your love with me as we finally rested.
I love you too.
It's a dark end don't read it if you don't want to be depressed.
aviisevil Apr 12

sweetness of
the moon rains down
on the last bus
going home

all the flowers
crushed beneath
the sky

cry for the
mother tree

for she was standing
still when I met her

I don't know what
else to tell you

I've never known
what it feels to be
someone else

and you don't
exist inside these

perhaps I'll trade
all my fantasies for one
moment of absolute

it's not that hard
to mute what little
is left of me

is this how you feel
when you are sober?

as I am numbed in euphoria by
the closeness of his embrace,
the eclipse which held me in paralysis
slowly bleeds in the sky
as it anchors a crescent light of passion.

oh, he has held the disaster of my body
in his palm and has laid me naked upon him.

tucked neatly among the webbings of his fingers
is a whispering lily that sings me to sleep.

the sphere of black,
fixated upon the sky,
is melting...

I weep to see his loving eyes
pour over the deprived valley
that is the entirety of my being.

It is as if this man,
and his exposed nakedness encompassing me,
is the coming season of warmth
which teaches me nourishment...
blood poetry
he has viewed me as
a feathered dune
in the quiet desert.

as if my body
were to constantly pile
and brush away
in a romantic dance.

this wild,
yet golden,
landscape seems to be
a panorama of the summer deity.

I fear,
he will push his
whisper upon me,
and I will erupt
in grains of misfortune...
blood poetry
if I told you I died 5 times today,
would you believe me?

in the horizon there,
my passion hangs on
a weak branch
stained of copper.

so timeless is the upset of ruin...
feeding the crows who leave
their feathers upon me,
making me black...
blood poetry
How can you truly wish true love the best,
Lost years slipping away from our hands?
Betrayal, lies, deception a test,
Love turning blind darkness all commands…
For what is truth if not halve our hearts torn,
Leaving us scapegoats of wilderness?
Did not we share our desires all worn,
Only to never come and confess…
I can feel the pain brewing inside you,
An old soul will always have to know…
No, what comes in your life isn’t all new.
Your burdens are mine aching to show…
Whatever you go through I will be here,
Pushing my love away from you I fear…
Jeremy Betts Mar 24
I feel safer somewhere cold and dark
Like my lonely, ransacked heart
At times it has played the part
Tucked behind a fleshy rampart
Casting a stark silhouette,
Becoming somewhat of a trademark
Can't remember when it lost it's spark
It had to have been sometime, way back,
Before the halfway mark
The memory gets a bit hazy,
Especially when trying to recall the start
What I get to deal with now is,
Just how quickly it all fell apart

I seen you all before,
One too many times.
I fear not what’s in store,
While you hide the crimes.
Petty you, I shadows,
Your standard is failed.
Look up, there’s your gallows,
Dead bodies all wailed.
Your sins were never mine,
All in your dear head.
I no longer benign,
I already bled.
No more we are in sight,
Die alone your own blight…
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