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Bongani G-kay Sep 2020
They say....
Man are trash...
They say...
We broke their hearts
They say...
We do not give them attention....

They say...
But never see their wrongs...
They say....
But they never loved us back as we did
They say...
But we are the one sacrificed alot broken hearts we carry...

They say...
But they never understand...
What damaged they did...
Silent we remained....
Label us with names...
When you didn't give me a chance to love you and you choosed him...

Silent i remained...
As they say
Man are all trash...

Man are trash
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2020
~for teach~

tell me, are you ok?

yeah, more or less;
like everybody else,
wires get crossed,
static builds up,
the speakers bleat
when they should blat,
and you try to stop thinking,
cause why hurt yourself
too much?

what’s wrong?

nothing to specific,
that seems to be the problem,
like aches and sharp pains
that come without reason,
on a schedule all their own,
no prior consultation,
permission slip sig forged,
so badly, it’s insulting

it’s 3:14 am, woke up with
headphones on, every tune,
reandomly selected, saying,
only the lonely, solitary man,
miles to go, it’s probably me,
long monday coming,
gonna spend it
looking for the summer

now look at this, me done wrote
another impoverished poem,
just by stringing together
song titles that were selected
just for me by an artificial intelligence,
it’s closing time, in the fields of gold,
prine singing a blues lullaby, just for me,
so I won’t have to think so hard for an answer to

tell me, are you ok?

got no complaints that
ain’t my own fault,
my guilt is plugged in
always charging,
sleep comes in dreams of many colors,
eclectic eclipses, electrifying and elicited,
words come spilling so easy, pre-selected,
elocuted and executed, with madding ease.
two more lines, then calling it quits, but at least
got an answer, why for me it’s so easy,
the being hard


3:32am and the moonlight so bright,
it’s making shadows on earth, left behind
like good graffiti announcing I was here,
maybe I’ll find these words, when I wake up,
wonder who wright these, twasn’t me,
I’m a sound sleeper, can never remember,
dreams, or nightmares, even those in technicolor,
wake up a blank slate, to see,
gotta answer somebody’s question,
if I’m ok?
Imran Islam Jul 2020
The clime without poets is like the soulless desert
Poets drew their dreams in the words of the mind
The morning without poets is like a sunless night.

Without dreams, we have nothing to get high
Poets play with dreams and they are the cool spy.
Poets bring the sunshine where has no daylight!

Those who are self-sacrificing poets
They are the golden sun in the world.
In the cloudy sky, I'll find that sunlight.

You write so many untold stories
You have so much love in your heart
You're warm-blooded and you're soft.

Sometimes you are calm and reposed
You're smell of flowers and the singing bird
You're the shadow of an evergreen forest!

Who'd do questions without a poet, who'll answer them?
Who'll think of nature and who'll love it like you.
The world in the evening, let the morning come.
It'll be a disaster anyway, even then here you come again!
Angmar Miedema Apr 2020
Things are just a thing sometimes.
Going through phases in this life.
The stars and planets are planners.
They tell you something if you listen carefully.

There have always been things carefully set up to push you in the right direction.
You have to follow, there's no other way.
Your path is so magical or so extremely horrifically hard.
But it's yours and yours only.

Embrace the light you see in front of you.
You can walk to it.
It's alright, it'll lead you home.
Embrace it cause it will happen and you will be save.
But oh what a journey and oh the things you must give, I know!

Things are just a thing sometimes.
Going through phases in this life.
The end phase is the hardest when you have to end it yourself.
You went through a part of the old times before they changed.
They changed for the better.

You helped in the change but you had to go through it.
The pain and the battle.
Embrace it cause it will always happen and you will be save.
But oh what a journey and oh the things you must give, I know!
Elsie Greek Mar 2020
Clients of the Unknown
to pile up the whys.
The lovely highs and lows
to lighten a demise.
Strange feelings override
to pump up the best
In us.
This stroke,
this bolt,
this blast.
It's here, it's going to last.
They’re like little shreds of confetti falling before the congrats and then it never comes
It’s like me kissing on you steadily down to your pant line and coming back up
It’s like you sending me pictures of your own personal art but I can never touch
Teasers are measly just like this poem you enjoyed it but didn’t get much.
This is a poem for the new generation.. the sum of it all... the poem could’ve been more broad but it’s just a teaser.
letters to basil Mar 2020
dear quinn,

you can't stop
playing the
you're afraid
of breaking the

and you can't stop
you're afraid
of pushing people

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