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Steve Jan 2023
Marking the moment
When 2023 was sent in from the cold
And 2022 bent to take the knee
The moment we all focus
On the year ahead
And wallow in our memories
Amongst the living and the dead
A time for hope
A time for prayer
A time to reaffirm existence
And welcome in another year.

Never got around to posting this one, but let’s hope 2023 can be half of what we’d like
Steve Jan 2023
Can’t believe this is still a thing?
I almost gave up on the site because of it

Counts to 10, Deep breathes, tries again..
Steve Jan 2023
He was the owner of a broken car
When he hit it with an iron bar
Then as a demonstration of extreme ire
He took a knife and slashed the tyre

Onlookers couldn’t believe what they were seeing
As he cried out “I hate this ****** car with all of my being”
Then in a final act of retribution
Devoid of any final successful solution

He built a pyre and set that ******* car on fire.
A La John Cleese
Steve Jan 2023
Why do I say I love you
When you already know that I do
Why do I need to say it out loud
When you already know that it’s true?
Steve Jan 2023
Before the day rears it’s head
And the sky turns blue
Mist meets cloud
And smiles are few

Like drifting thoughts
Drenched in a morning dew
The day rolls on
And the clouds do too.

But there’s a hole in this cloud
Where the sun breaks through
This lonely cloud
Yearns for you.
Steve Nov 2022
Painting thoughts inside my head
Picking pockets from the day ahead
I get lost in space
Thoughts caught on my daily walk
Strolling around my mind
How much of me - gets left behind?
How much will be left to find?
Looking through me to another time
Eyes that knew me, past their prime
Keeping fit, bit by bit
And thinking it all through
Where to go and what to do
Looking out for something new
Another story with a better end
A different outcome, a better blend.
But here’s the sting; if I could
I wouldn’t change a single thing.
Steve Sep 2022
Married men will often go
Off in the back of shiny black
Left on their own
With no reason to moan
Widows wonder which was the
Somebody said to me do you know why men go first? Because they want to!
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