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Thomas P Owens Sr
M/New Market, Va    Lover of poetry, film, comedy, the paranormal, OBX, Rush and women named Eve
Christi Michaels MoonFlower
I hope that my writings touch others as Poetry and Timeless Prosodies have touched me. aka: MoonFlower "Fluer de Luna" Currently recovering from a traumatic ...
17/F/Somewhere Beautiful    ♡ stay. forever.


Julian Revà Feb 2018
We owe ourselves to the first loves,
to the unforgettable "forevers"
and to the fleeting lies
that made us happy once

We owe ourselves to the oil
and to the body, not to hatred,
much less to others that aren't us
We owe ourselves to happiness
(at least)

And even if we ran out of memories
I'll remember myself (it's a promise
or at least that is what I pretend)
Since the truth is that I quickly forget
what I feel; I regret

I regret to owe you so much, but
I regret more to owe myself;
must be unbearably sad

I know I owe you and you owe me
but I preffer the debt
long before the duty

What I do not tolerate is
the doubt -
the cowardice of the "would have"
what we would be
what we did not be
what we keep wanting to be

How unbearable is to carry corpses
believing that you can still bring them to life

It's enough; at the end
and if I'm not mistaken
I owe you a funeral,
I owe you a birthday
And maybe, a birth
And if I'm in the mood,
I owe you a "sorry".
(Spanish Translation)

Nos debemos a los primeros amores,
a los inolvidables "por siempre"
y a las mentiras fugaces que,
por lo menos, nos hacían felices

Nos debemos al óleo y al cuerpo
no al odio, mucho menos a otros
que no somos nosotros propios
Nos debemos esa felicidad
(por lo menos)

Y aunque lleguemos a no tener memoria
me recordaré (es promesa
o por lo menos eso pretendo)
Ya que la verdad olvido más rápido
que lo que siento; lo siento

Siento deberte tanto, pero más
deberme a mí mismo; ha de ser
insoportablemente triste

Sé que te debo y me debes
pero prefiero la deuda
mucho antes que el deber

Lo que no tolero es la duda -
lo cobarde del "hubiera"
lo que seríamos
lo que no fuimos
lo que nos quedamos queriendo

Qué insoportable cargar con cadáveres
creyendo que aún se pueden traer a la vida

Pero ya; a final de cuentas
y si no fallan los cálculos
te debo un funeral, un cumpleaños
y quizás un nacimiento
Y si me hallo de ánimos,
un "lo siento".
I Owe
I owe everything to everyone in my life.
I owe my life to my parents who gave me chance by giving birth to me.
I owe my life to my teachers who tutor me in school & college.
I owe my life to my siblings who were every time with me when I had no friends.
I owe my life to my friends who were with me in my school and college life.
I owe my life to my colleague's who were with me when I was struggling to build my business.
I owe my life to my girlfriend who never said she loved me.
Im still struggling in my life. Now I'm on my own no ones with me. I don't blame anybody I'm all alone, it was my decision to stand on my own efforts. I still failed. I'm broked, I'm bored. I'm not getting success, thought comes to my  mind to end my life. But one thing stops me from this. I know I don't even my own my life. I have no right to finish my life. Because I already owe my life to everyone in my life. I can't finish it without settling what I owe.
I always remember i owe my life to somebody.
I Owe
I owe everything to everyone in my life.
I owe my life to my parents who gave me chance by giving birth to me.
I owe my life to my teachers who tutor me in school & college.
I owe my life to my siblings who were every time with me when I had no friends.
I owe my life to my friends who were with me in my school and college life.
I owe my life to my colleague's who were with me when I was struggling to build my business.
I owe my life to my girlfriend who never said she loved me.
Im still struggling in my life. Now I'm on my own no ones with me. I don't blame anybody I'm all alone, it was my decision to stand on my own efforts. I still failed. I'm broked, I'm bored. I'm not getting success, thought comes to my  mind to end my life. But one thing stops me from this. I know I don't even my own my life. I have no right to finish my life. Because I already owe my life to everyone in my life. I can't finish it without settling what I owe.
I always remember i owe my life to somebody.