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2.2k · Mar 2018
It Is What It Is

Soar to Awareness
Killing the sweet Innocence
Is Ignorance, Bliss

Tried-Hope A Haiku :))
Unknowingly made it ten words
2.2k · Aug 2021
Musical breeze

The breeze made an impression through the night
That of a warrior back from a fight
The place all glorious by its precious presence
The winds had no say tonight
The breeze was gentle
Tenderly it spoke to the million leaves
The street lights glimmered
The crickets sung their song
Like the jingling anklets of a danseuse
On a musical night

Written 31st July
2.2k · Sep 2017
Shadows And Reflections
Shadows and Reflections
Thrive in the Bright Light
Under the Warmth of The Sun

Shadows and Reflections
Best of Friends
Together they Frolic
By the Shore On the Beach
Playful and fun
Under the Warmth of The Sun  

Shadows and Reflections
The Pitch Dark
As ghosts Loom and Lark
Without , The Bright Light and The Sun

Shadows and Reflections
Fear not The Dark
Together , will They Be
The Bright Light and The Sun
Thank you all for finding the above piece inspiring, this is actually a part of the footnotes of my other write ' Impermanence... Permanence '
A friend of mine wanted something for her son , who is in 6th grade .
The comments I received here , have reassured me that I shared the right thoughts with her :)
2.1k · Jan 2021

Look in the mirror
Don’t look beyond
It’s you
Practice and perfect
Your moves
The eyes that you set on
Is all yours to behold
Your inner strength
Radiance of the soul

2.1k · Mar 2019
Lush Bougainvillea
Paper flowers bloom
Lush Fuchsia bougainvillea
Cover the arbour
2.1k · Apr 2017
Some Chapters In Life
Some chapters in life
Are better left

Some chapters in life ,
Will leave many a chapters ,scarred , blotted and totally messed.

Some chapters in life are better left unread ..
And that is how , life's most important chapters are addressed .
Something for today's prompt halfsies
2.1k · Jun 2017
Thoughts (10 Words)
The Tethered Thoughts
Wings of Freedom
                    Well Sought
2.1k · Apr 2017
Political Apathy
Being politically correct , just to be in the rat race,
Helping a deserving candidate lose out on countless opportunities
Oh !! what a disgrace .

Political debates in a news chat room

Speakers galore , reasoning insane ...
Pointing fingers like
Mumma  'yeh '  Mumma ' woh '

      Mama  Makosa....
I wanna have a 'Samosa'
And the blah blah blah ....

The news reader in fits
Calls out,  time out .. in the chat room .

Politics in life

Fire in the mountain run run run
Don't stop , run ...
Take a right , a left .... no U Turn .
Watch out ... don't trip... Run.

MJ , playing out loud ....
"All I wanna say that they don't really care about us ...."

Lost the lyrics.........??

MJ again ....
"Heal the world make a better place for you and for me and the entire Human Race..."

Time to turn around
Hit the ground
Can't let the fire wipe out the beautiful village people and the flora fauna.
Face it finish it !!

Politics not my favourite cup of tea
Might as well savour some green tea .
For the prompt 'Undervalued Topics'
Just for fun :)
No offence to any political parties or anyone in person .

( In Hindi : yeh - this ,  woh - that, Samosa - deep fried ,spicy Indian snack)
Makosa and Samosa used for rhyme only !

Have been posting a little too much by my standards, will cool down once through with these daily prompts :)))
2.1k · Oct 2019
Happy Diwali - 2019

The Sun, misses shining bright in the clouds
Mellow, it smiles with the balmy breeze

Rain has been dancing for long in the whole town

Stars can’t shine in the night sky
The rain does its favourite ‘Tandav dance’

They never seem to be out of harmony

The  earth, wet and damp
Mother Nature teaches us to accept and walk towards happiness, nevertheless

Light up the earthen lamp and hoist the lantern in the cloudy sky
The stars underneath  brim with golden smiles

Diwali is the magical time to spend with the loved ones and feel blessed
To enjoy the festivities with spirits up and bright

Happy Diwali

2.1k · Aug 2018
Glasses weigh heavy on the newspaper
Time to gain news
2.0k · Mar 2019
Self Discovery (Journey)
What is it, that I need to read
Haven’t I read it all, that I ever wanted to know
What is it that’s missing
Haven’t I written it all
Do I need to read more
To finally know
What’s left unread
The chapters that went missing
Unfinished portion of life
Partly inspired by Hindi movie, Zubaan(2015)

Listen to your inner voice
Don’t quieten  it to the din of sorrow
2.0k · Apr 2017
In my vicinity there is
A garden  so green
Winters and
All do agree

A walking track
Joggers track
Yoga corner
A gymming area along the track
Everyone seems to be enjoying

Early morning enthusiasts
Late bloomers all love the place

A  poetry recital Corner
An occasional artist
Capturing the beauty of the place

Conversations of the Elderly
Reliving memories from
Back in the day

The children in the play area
Going Merry-go-round
And sliding , happy and gay

A canopy of trees
Sheltering the track

Come Summers
The trees bearing  flowers in bloom
Purple orange pink
Most special of All
A yellow so Mellow
(Indian Laburnum)
Leaving no trace of green
Cascading in delicate blooms

A granite  seat placed
A feeling so divine
A favourite of mine !!
Sitting quietly under a tree
Brings immense peace and tranquility.
I call mine , 'The Bodhi Tree'
2.0k · Dec 2018
Winter Sunrise
Faintly smiles the sun
The colour of the full moon
Shy in cloudy sky
2.0k · Sep 2021
Pastel sky

The sunset sky
Wore lovely colours
Pale blue with streaks of white
A trace of pink
Skipping violets and reds
Embracing the faint peach
A rainbow somewhere arched
The other side adorned
Pastels and soft golden yellow
Changing hues
To twinkling twilight blue
2.0k · Apr 2017
Acrostic For Children
A** box of chocolates
Can make a child twinkle in the eye
Rest assured his day is made
On cloud nine
Sharing with friends
The gift received
Isn't that  a lovely moment
Children inspire with their innocence !!
A childish take on today's prompt 'Acrostics'

Back in school, this is what we did in slam books .
This took me back to some fond memories : )
2.0k · May 2018
Lean on

Life -Live On(10 words)
2.0k · Oct 2017
Diwali Greetings
It's Diwali Tonight Festival of Lights
Celebratory Mood Festive Food
Gifts and Treats, Sharing a Delight

The House Well  Lit
Decorated in Bridal Colours

The Courtyard and Front Door
Decorated is the Floor
In Colourful
Designs and Patterns  

The Porch Lit Bright
With Earthen and Sky Lamps
And Decorative Lights

Welcoming The Goddess 'Laxmi'
For Good Luck , Wealth and Prosperity

Fineries Adorned
The Family comes together in the evening
Reverently Offering Prayers
Following the Rituals .

Friends come visiting
Sharing the Love Warmth and Light
Mithai and more Mithai
Calories not bothered About
Once in a year it's a Delight

Children burst Crackers
And Light  up Sparklers
The Night Sky lights up Bright
Yes it's the Festival of Lights
Spreading Happiness and Cheer
The Light within Burns Bright
Mithai -Sweets
Rangoli- Powdered colours used for drawing designs on the floor.
flower petals are also used to make Rangoli  designs

Happy Diwali my dear friends
2.0k · Oct 2018
Milestone (2 years)
I write my heart out
In my thoughts and words
You will see glimpses of my soul

Two years of writing
Has brought in me a change
Meltdowns have gone down
A mature turnaround
I am all happy , yet insane :))
This part of me remains the same

Life begins at 40 they say
At + 2 ,
Young and free spirited mind
The child within me thrives

Sometimes I like my shell
Undefined solitude
Peaceful place to dwell

There is beauty and pain in the Walk of life
The beauty I love to rejoice and pain I learn to endure
To strengthen the core
The heart and soul

My calling lay here
Unknown to me for years
It was destiny and good fate
A passion for words
That led me to this place
Hello poetry
A haven for Thoughts and Words

Reading writing sharing
Has taught me
To imbibe , absorb and let go

Not moving an inch yet trotting the globe
We may never meet
But I already know
The hearts and minds of so many of you
Thanks for showing me your world
And sharing your thoughts and words

I have always been fascinated
By nature and philosophy
Here I read them in abundance
Enrichment it brings to my soul
Thanks for sharing the knowledge keep doing so

The lesson I took  to my heart ,
“Share the love , share your gifts “
Thanks for teaching me so

Life is uncertain
Sure , here I share my thoughts
And will
Whenever I can

Blessings to one and all
Peace love and harmony to the world
(19th Oct , I complete two years of writing)
Have been sharing my work here , since Dec ‘ 16 .
I want to thank you all for being a part of my journey here on HP and all the love encouragement and support!!

Also would like to thank
my cousin( Sparkle In Wisdom) here on HP,
She suggested I should share my work someplace, where I would be able to connect on a wider platform .
And ,HP happened to me .

Had posted this poem few hours ago have comments from (Lyn , Fawn and Ben , thank you so much for the same)
But I was alerted  By ( sparkle in wisdom) that it is not visible on my stream so posting it again !!
1.9k · Jan 2022
To nurture
To know that silence
Is just a pause
A pause to water the cracks in the dry earth
For the shoot to breathe a sigh of relief
Be tickled by the gentle breeze
A tiny shadow under the sun
It takes nurturing to see the plant bloom
And silence to experience
The stillness of the calm
1.9k · Aug 2023
It takes a storm
It takes a storm
To know the strength of the winds
No more gentle as the breeze

It takes a storm
To make the calm and silent waves swell
A lesson it must teach

It takes a storm to know
Past is done, do not dwell
Gentler waves now touch the shore

For the storm too knows
Finite it is, in its entirety
Lose it must, to the tree of will

It takes a storm to know your strength
It takes a will of the tender tendrils
To sway with the winds
And stay still in the storm
Written between June and August :)
1.9k · Dec 2018
Holding Space
Promises, I make only to keep
You are a friend and that’s  sacred to me
I will be holding space, for us, you see

My words safe in my heart
The hurt mine to behold

My inhibitions, fears
Tears and distance I keep
To elevate and alleviate

You may bring your words
My silence, I’ll keep
It’s been a while, the spoken words I’ve bartered for the written
Won’t give either to you

Escapist I am not
Happy in the crowd, smile and gel
Safely guarded by my shell

Mellowed with age
Outbursts few and defences weak
Empathy, I don’t seek

It’s only human
To let go and carry on
Looking fine and beyond
As quitting is not done
Sorry, not meant for this place, but, I tend to dump :/
1.9k · May 2018
I Notice
On my way back home from an evening walk
I noticed ,as I always do
And what they do

A little boy with a bag of chips
Brought a smile on my lips
I did smile at him
He smiled back munching on his chips

Barely a few minutes apart
My son's friend riding pillion with his dad
Waved at him and he gestured back

A woman and her son holding hands
Taking an evening walk
The son my age or older than me , ageing mother some illness she had couldn't understand that
Felt blessed that we have people who do care.
Thanked the son in my heart .

A little girl and her mother , hands held
Walked past me
A feeling , I do relate
From ,
What  I had noticed
A few moments before, which made me a bit sad .

An old friend , a neighbour from yesteryears , she has twin sons .
I remember they were toddlers then .
One of them accompanied her
A handsome young man , Sure, he did not recognise me.

A little chat with my friend
And there , I reached home .
In my hometown
1.9k · Aug 2022
Dawn to Don

As it dawned upon them
It was their final chance
To dance through the night

And they danced
Donning the colours
Of the new dawn

As it was
The final countdown
To forevermore

For the words to forge
The unwritten
The written, Unforged
Had been away for a very long time
Hope you all are doing well
Didn’t write much all this while
Hope to write read and share here
1.8k · Aug 2017
The Mind In The Courtroom
Hushed tones , the birds chirped
The Mind stood handcuffed
Waiting for Judgements
The courtroom voices/noises
Filled the Arena

Waiting for judgment ..
Were the pleas heard...
What was the verdict ...

Around Came a plaintiff asking for directions to a courtroom
Standing handcuffed
the Mind thought
'Why walk in the entrapment
Where the judgements
Have no room for 'fair trials '

The Mind as usual stood a mute spectator,
Drifting .....

The view beyond the courtroom
Was that of a playground
The children played without a care
The Mind , so pleased and at peace
All charged now
Reminded of the two legs and feet
which were free of cuffs and could escape
Now , set free ,
The Mind flew into Mindscape
Evading all
Leaving ...
The courtroom empty ..
Unfinished and unedited , yet posted
1.8k · Mar 2023
Happy Holi

It is an emotion
Sung upon the winds
Youthful songs of spring

Vivacious emeralds
Colours of the shade, Jade
Fields of verdant green

Mother earth bestows
Upon us her finest hues
Let’s embrace in gratitude

Reverently we circumambulate
The Holika, seeking felicity
Quelling the evil and granting peace

Imbued with the crimson
Under the blue skies of eternity
May the festival bring mirth
And lasting harmony
1.8k · Dec 2017
Its Christmas
It's Christmas today
Time to rejoice with family
And friends
Unwrapping the gifts of love
precious the gems ,held dear
Joyous the moments
Bring in warmth and cheer

Children's stockings
Filled with gifts
Relishing plum cakes and candies
And delicious treats  
A twinkle in the eyes
And spirits bright
And a fun filled starry night*

1.8k · Jul 2017
Monsoon Umbrella
Paint the Umbrella
A Riot  of Colours
The Rain can't wash Away

Throw caution to The Winds
A Little dance to the
Reverberating Beats of
Rains splash into Puddles
The Umbrella Aloft ,Swirls
Kaleidoscopic hues at Play

Green is the Colour on the Spectrum Wide
Harbinger of Peace and Tranquillity
The Monsoons The Mainstays

Paint the Umbrella
A Riot of Colours
The Rain can't wash Away
1.8k · Sep 2021
Wings & Dreams

Under the blue cloudless sky
White doves and pigeons
Flap wings and fly

Heritage domes, rustic brown
Stand clear of dust and sand
Glorious, withstanding every storm

Motor boats painted blue and green
Sharp the curvature, folded hands
Bow to the rising waters in the sea

Stillness of the silence
Clearly felt in the sound of the flapping wings
Broken leg, the bird could fly once
1.8k · Jun 2017
Vapid Thoughts
There are days
when thoughts arise
and you don't write


There are days
when you want to write
And thoughts vaporise

Yet times ,when thoughts do
The words feel plagiarised

And then

Thoughts lose direction
Miss the words .
Same thoughts
Same words
1.8k · Oct 2021

Behind the palm trees
In the vast, rust coloured sky
Sets the orange sun
1.8k · Apr 2017
The best days in life ..
Learning is an integral part .
Making memories with loved ones around with comfort and love .

Childhood Days ....
Most cherished and longed for in
Adult life :)

Love never evades a child .
Innocence is what
It's born with .
The soul is pure and it's filled with
What it recieves .

Each child is entitled to love warmth and good upbringing!!
Childhood, got this word on the eighth page of my older  son , Amitabh 's Grammar workbook. :)
1.8k · Oct 2020
The orange glow

What burned brighter
The orange flame rising from
the evening lamp
Or in the backdrop
the setting sun in its orange home
Both wore a warm glow
The journey
Beginning to end
1.7k · Jan 2022
And someday
And someday
You’ll know
That you never knew

And someday
You will do
That you never did

And someday
You will say
That you never said before

And someday you have
To let it all go
That you always held close

And someday
You have to leave for forever
But today, you live, as you should

And someday
Someone will believe
As you did
And someday
Bad gateway
Will vanish
As it should
1.7k · May 2019
Feathered Steps
You came to me
Feathered steps
I turned away my eye
Ignorant being
To Ignore you, I never meant to
Busy, routine, you see
You wouldn’t, as you left, the same
Feathered steps
Why do you visit only once
And visitors you’d allow, almost none
Please answer

Dear thought :)
Oh yes, the elusive thought missed the words
1.7k · Nov 2017
Funny Poem
When my poems trend
How do they trend
Liked and loved
Lovely comments

Oh the perceptions
And my replies
Love them all

I post ,
Poets and poetesses
Do the reposts
Oh wow ,
I love the
Merry go Round

And then
The poem shines
On the front page

Alas !!!!
Graded yes Graded
Don't like that at all
A Big Sigh

As it's Snakes and ladders
All the time
And then comes
The great slide
Wow !!!
what a smooth ride
down the ramp
Zoom ....... it slips down

By the time I check
It's like Humpty Dumpty
Had a great fall
And ................,,,,
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty
Lol Lol Lol .........

Oh I did love the
Merry go Round
Yet the slide ride down
Wasn't bad  at all
1.7k · Oct 2018
Winter days
The Sun is mellow

Vibrant  orange marigolds

Pleasant winter days
Diwali is round the corner , feeling festive :)
1.7k · Jan 2019
Bonding Free
I am part of many groups
Yet, not part of any
Part of the crowd
Yet, free like a bird
Like the neem tree
And its branches sway free
1.7k · Aug 2018
Happy Independence Day
Freedom is being free in spirit body and mind

Born in a free country
I have my freedom to express my thoughts
Freedom to persue my dreams
Freedom to visit the places I desire
Freedom to do whatever I like
And be a law abiding citizen

My Independence has come for a price
Paid by the many freedom fighters of my country
Who fought till their last breath
I cannot fathom their struggle

It only brings me tears
When I listen to the patriotic songs
Watch movies
Read the story
The truth , the history of the struggles

We had many rulers
We allowed

But today
I enjoy my freedom

With deep gratitude and respect
I salute
To the many freedom fighters
To The Armed forces of my country
For protecting and safeguarding me
When I enjoy my freedom , my life
I salute them all
And Recite , The Pledge

And promise that I will never bring dishonour to my country .

Happy Independence Day to my Country

Love Peace and Harmony to the World !
Some thoughts on Independence Day
1.6k · Dec 2016
The soul
The soul                

Unscathed is the body ,
Drifted has the soul,
Aloof to some distant plane ,
Peace it seeks,
Jeopardises... it dreads,
Shall the quest ever be complete.

Deep is the hurt ,it fails to heal.
Seeks nourishment from within ,
It has to heal ..
To look outwardly beautiful...
Because it was always beautiful !!
My first post on hello poetry, and first ever written piece by me :)
Written on 19 - 10 -2016
1.6k · Dec 2018
May it be happy for all

The sun old soul, eternally luminous
The moon in its phases, a timeless jewel

The time of the year has come to shed the old and don
the new
It’s just a number, that’s true
Each, a new day, the night, too

To reminisce what was and gear up for what is to come with a new zeal
On the New Year’s Eve

Celebrate with loved ones
Enjoy the night and be alright

May happy be the new, New
I hope and pray for one and all

Happy New Year, dear all :) ✨✨
1.6k · Oct 2019
Covalent bonds
A molecule of water
Never alone
Different atoms
Sharing is strength
Creating covalent bonds
1.6k · Oct 2018
I write my heart out
In my thoughts and words
You will see glimpses of my soul

Two years of writing
Has brought in me a change
Meltdowns have gone down
A mature turnaround
I am all happy , yet insane :))
This part of me remains the same

Life begins at 40 they say
At + 2 ,
Young and free spirited mind
The child within me thrives

Sometimes I like my shell
Undefined solitude
Peaceful place to dwell

There is beauty and pain in the Walk of life
The beauty I love to rejoice and pain I learn to endure
To strengthen the core
The heart and soul

My calling lay here
Unknown to me for years
It was destiny and good fate
A passion for words
That led me to this place
Hello poetry
A haven for Thoughts and Words

Reading writing sharing
Has taught me
To imbibe , absorb and let go

Not moving an inch yet trotting the globe
We may never meet
But I already know
The hearts and minds of so many of you
Thanks for showing me your world
And sharing your thoughts and words

I have always been fascinated
By nature and philosophy
Here I read them in abundance
Enrichment it brings to my soul
Thanks for sharing the knowledge keep doing so

The lesson I took  to my heart ,
“Share the love , share your gifts “
Thanks for teaching me so

Blessings to one and all
Peace love and harmony to the world
Today (19th Oct , I complete two years of writing)
Have been sharing my work here , since Dec ‘ 16 .
I want to thank you all for being a part of my journey here on HP and all the love encouragement and support!!

Also would like to thank
my cousin( Sparkle In Wisdom) here on HP,
She suggested I should share my work someplace, where I would be able to connect on a wider platform .
And HP happened to me .
1.6k · Dec 2018
View through my window
Crow’s nest in the tree
Precariously nestled
Breeze rocks chicks to sleep
1.6k · Jun 2023
Nature Ally
Nature has this innate ability to take in many sounds
both unpleasant and kind, insulated its core, penetrating deep, it unravels the mysteries, mysterious its ways, in dispersion to diversity
always bears and offers fruits, fair
Nature Inspiration moments
1.5k · Jul 2023
The flowers
The flowers knew it was their end

The flowers knew their life was short

There was no way through

The flowers knew their way through

The flowers knew their way to the end

They knew it was worthwhile

They smiled to the end
1.5k · Mar 2019
Know Your Subjects
Go write your own history
Learn the geography well
To compass the feelings
Do your geometry
The value of pi does not change
Variables and constants
Algebraic expressions
Do many experiments in the chemistry lab
Observation and inferences
Experience gained
Make sure you do your math
Be Calculative
You ought to make calculations and come to decisions
Learning languages for special skills
Expression is an art
And creative you must be
Attended the orientation programme for parents of grade 10 students for the new academic year, went for my older son.

Inspired by the principal’s speech, this piece came out :))
1.5k · Dec 2018
The last flight
The leaves dead brown
Softly hummed and feathered
A few storms they have weathered

Chase the wheels on the road
Hop skip and jump in between
The mirthful laughter on mute
All in a competition cute

At the traffic signals
Behind the wheels
They stop short in their tracks
Joined by new mates
In the last flight of their fate
A little observation on the road
1.5k · Aug 2017
Run Out Of Title
The Heart
Wants a Break
Wants to be Wordless

The Mind
With Thoughts
Never on a Break
Ceaselessly Aloud
Almost a ****

The Insane Chatter
Disrespects any Barter

A quick punch
To The Head

Successful ....

Align in queues
Odd and Even
Live Streaming of data in
The Mind
Wants a screen Time :)
1.5k · Jul 2019
The Nectar of Life
The eyes wander in search of knowledge
As the butterfly flutters between flowers in search of sweetest nectar
Skipping the pitcher flowers
And the spider’s ornate dew soaked webs

The tongue and the heart
Enriched by the nectar
Know no thirst, wordless
Meditate, all sated

The mind of all
Knew the taste
The nectar of life
Experiences every day
That come your way
1.5k · Apr 2019
Dawn Breakers
Birds sing in chorus
Early morning orchestra
Sunbird leads the band
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