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1.2k · Jan 2013
I try and untangle the emotions that bound me
How shall I define myself?
I’m sure you’ll tell me
Should we begin at religion?
Lets categorize this
What about the color of my skin?
Where do we begin?
The injustice seems to paralyze me
Shall we go back to the day of slaves?
Perhaps teach discrimination and hate
Looking through a jaundice eye
We disgrace through cruelty and condescending tones
Who would of thought that millions of people could be wrong
Its taught ingrained into our skin
We become frightened of the truth don’t perceive an end
Words that like to hide disguised as our friends
1.2k · Jan 2014
Devotion Of Flesh
Heightened unyielding devotion
Eager convulsing flesh
A indulgence of yearning
Silk silhouettes of a ******  with glistening skin
A flipped flood tide  shimmered  into my mind
Honeydew of your kiss confides in my lips
1.2k · Aug 2012
Above All
Did you know that I have secrets?
That I love the smell of wildflowers
Did you know that I need romance?
That I love to let the rain fall on my fragile remains
I love sonnets and love stories
Words move me much more than a touch
My fingers like to be held way to much
Did you know I can feel the moon on my soul?
The smell of grass reminds me of childhood
The stars speak to me they whisper the sweet nothings you seem to forgot
I believe in love but it’s seems to be foreign to you
I’m terrified your hands are large next to mine
You take my breathe and make it yours
When on top of me you have bruised my ribs
I need you to be gentle as you guide me  
Touching  as if I were a delicate flower
Beware that the petals don’t descend into the cool grass
It has been so long I think I’ve come undone
Have you ever known me ?
The traits that define me?
Young and vivacious and ready to run
My messy hair swaying in the breeze
Youthful dysfunctional lines that create me
It's an awful shame that your frightened to know
I represent all the things that alarm you
Loyalty and patience but above all love
1.2k · Dec 2014
Jammed With Cancer
Oxygen deprived kiss
A reflection that don't exist
Mouthfuls of toxins infesting my frame
Pierced with defects
Extracting a slice of me
Restricting strength
Bruised by a caregivers hand
Those who are tired and ready to be free of pain.  So many slipping away, to this awful disease. Violating the soul. Thinking of my brother and several others. May peace be within you all.
1.2k · Dec 2013
The Core Of A Kaleidoscope
As her blonde hair twirls into the sun
As he spins her, her dress looks like a kaleidoscope
They dance as he strokes her face
This love is not easy to find
There seem to be no sounds
On the wings to set sail
I want to collect a future for you and me
Through continents and back home
When shifting winds grind at our core
Infecting our love but rage we leave alone
Like cracks in a sidewalk, we all have flaws
As the years move on our backbone begins to descend
We still make love, but with the sounds of our voice
We smile at one another, daydreaming about the past
We're growing older as our eyes become cloudy
Our memories parted ways
You looked so heavenly that morning
I became fearful without you
You're the lace of a golden summer
The stillness in the sea, weary and forlorn
I take comfort in knowing that we cherished every day
The steps that we took through changing times
We were together, I don't regret a single day
1.2k · Jul 2016
Bittersweet Xanax
Hollowed slivers rotting the irises of living things
Meadows of erosion swallowing throat scars
Stranded in a blinded world
Immortality poisoned and blistered
Bittersweet xanax only last so long
1.2k · Jul 2013
Suicidal Mouthfuls
Merciless tears hollow the cadavers
Amniotic fluid erupts heavy and pallid
In this sulfur of wildflower sea
Transparent flesh kissing the mouth of ashes
As the hours grow intense
Suicidal mouthfuls of a language down on my knees
Descending mysteriously in roots as the vines bleed
The noise of limitless feathers of the heavens

Pandemonium embarks to the unforgiving provider of the flames
Dancing constantly with poverty and shame        
Cremated, tangled, and warped
Fingers, hands, and arms
This creator has wronged
The wind of the lines
Words that are unhinged and woeful
Vunerable enslaved with fear
As my anger grows heavy
Yet I guilt myself into you

My pretty red lipstick is ruined
Covered in your cheap sticky *******
Having me feel shamed
You don't handle rejection
My guts are shattered
You make me eat the blame
Harrasing me until I'm lifeless
Then you mock me
As I spill my veins
Contains ****** content  ADULT
1.1k · Oct 2012
A Weed That Nobody Picks
Beyond colors beyond hope
I’m somewhere I may of forgot
I use to celebrate the life I knew
Embracing the moments of anew
When days seemed to never end
And the grass was soft and wet beneath my feet
Everything seemed so vibrant and new
When in mud puddles I could swim
I tried to reach the clouds
It never seemed so far away
I danced with the moon underneath the stars
Had no fear and no regrets
Nothing seemed problematic what an easier time
I didn't yet know the color of blood
Running down my chest
Scrambling onto my legs where it seemed to rest
I dreamed of flying as my arms flapped at my sides
With stick thin  wings and so much fight
In my mind I could fly
I didn't know how to resist
The wind kissing the curve of my youthful hips
I collected flowers and dandelions were the best
Not just a **** that nobody seemed to pick
But a rose that was lovely with delicate petals
Transformed into a life
1.1k · Jun 2013
Solitary Exhaustion
This war professes the whispers of infatuation
A hopeful faith yearning for satisfaction
Deteriorating steps that began to  carve my way

The spirit knew he had to stay away
With visions of burning fields
As  you return from your flight
I'm condemned for the harsh tight wounds
That you created and sewed in my chest
A dress made of scars and a  lost youth

You may stay and gather
To try and survive
Although this place will beat your bare
All hours I  still wanted to come inside
You were awake hiding in a piece of a shadow
Sheltering your rage
Destroying the hunger of lies
The mystery of numb thinking

The very words that escape your throat
Lust that reflected the water onto the stones
A displaced reflection without the truth
Vomiting my beliefs of this solitary exhaustion
Petals of torment that hindered me
Trembling with a million pieces of need

Obstructed by the hostility that fulfills me
A vision of intolerance frantically spreading
The taste of callouses gathering on my tongue
I unearth the truth
Peeling the flaws of our mistakes away
No man or women should have to go through domestic violence. Not only does it destroys families it can strip your children of there youth. Peace and love I encourage you to seek help. Save your family.
1.1k · Oct 2013
I Ask Why
Look at her she don't fit
What is she wearing?
Look at that shirt
**** girl, where you shop? Wherever it is you need to stop
If people knew or took the time to ask
I would say my mothers about to pass
You think you need that tag on your shirt?
Make sure its exposed
Whats wrong with wearing a shirt and saying this is my mothers?
She wore it to chemo to keep her warm
I would rather wear my mothers because its covered in love

Why does a young girl feel she don't belong?
Getting bullied because others think she looks like a boy
While she walks home she hears loud  whispers  *****, ****
As she looks in the mirror she, feels she has a contagious disease
The hurt don't leave when school is over
In fact it continues all over

There was a girl with black skin and ***** hair
Her dad was a lawyer for a secure firm
But she is black, remember
She tries to erase her color
Hides her eyes, so nobody can see what's inside
Although she is brilliant
But won't speak in class
I ask why?

There a little girl with freckles, and green eyes
Hair beautiful, and crimson that her daddy would brush her hair
As she looks at herself in such a different way
Trying to pick all the freckles away
Now there are visible scars that visit everyday
All because of what one person had to say

I invite you to penetrate your mind
We become passive, sit back with time
Hoping that prejudices go away
That schools send your children home with eternal bruises on their soul
Budgets are made that doesn't help
Children need a confidant
Kids killing kids, I ask why?
They feel so angry and resentful
Words and actions that should of never be applied
We  need to educate our youth
Give them hope, teach them empathy, and pride
The ones that have Autism, mental illness and such, don't leave them by the wayside
Don't sort people by the color of their skin
God cradled all of us, defined and created all of us
So tell me why we can't see eye to eye
I invite you into the beauty in your heart

Cutting benefits for the veterans
Have they not done there time?
They can't rewind history, or bring back fallen friends
As a grandfather tells his story
With tears behind his eyes handing down his purple heart to his grandson
Who to is going into the military
21 guns, and Folded flags I ask why?
I don't mean to offend anyone but then again can't please everyone. But I own my thoughts and you own yours. Peace
You **** me
With dust that is
You made me hiss and spit
In the moments I hated myself
Dressed to go and a discover a new drug
Sparrows and doves eating me alive
This tree is such a pretty color of pink
I'm sinking in this ocean of lust
The veins are my path
So refreshing and free

Refusing to miss my gear
I undress and I inject
Floating into the clouds the mystery of my way
My fingers catch the highs and lows
Following the crave
As my eyes seem to fall away

Needed to find the last crumbs
I want to be erased fly into rainbows
Talk to the storm tell them I'm all alone
My mind needs a rest
I shall remove it and lay it in the dirt
Where worms can fulfill there hunger that they need
I have not a thing to say
Lets go for a walk paint the town
Is that snow? Make a snowman for me
My head is spinning no it's being eaten by a man
A small man that fits in my hands
He is white and soft
My best friend he knows how things go

Your are hideous and offensive
Why tell me in this state?
One more foolish speed
The little man helps me again
Open my mouth that is covered in blood
I lay for awhile all is still
I hang on to that little guy

He never left my side
I feel cold and lonely
I swirl around there is no sound
Inside I'm screaming but there is no air
I cease to function
I'm confused I'm lost
My eyes have returned yet I can't see at all

I know your alone
But your heading home
Rest your weary soul as your lifted

I often wonder why you were so sad ?
Your no longer an addict with needles in your arms
I hold your hands study your fingers for the last time
Caress the scars on your arms
Pray out to someone that this is wrong
Your little girls
They miss you so
We send you balloons and love
You'll always be a essence of us
I know this piece is very personal I lost my brother 2 yrs ago. He was an addict for many years. Every time I see his girls it destroys my heart. My niece has spina bifida and has had 14 surgeries. She is so strong and loving she blows kisses to her dad. I hope he catches them. Excuse all the madness in this piece I lost my way. Thanks so much
1.1k · Feb 2014
Spilling The Moonlight
Jolted, pondering, and dazed
Illusions unraveling as the silence dips and exhales
Windswept  essences of a divine peace
Waves sailing with a savage hunger
A promised confession with remnants of a forbidden whisper  
The bones of the sea dance with the flesh of the breeze

Touching dreams beneath the sound of clouds
Weakened shadows fall from light
The blue earth speaks with the wings of the dance
Whiskey teeth tangle and hate
In the stomach of a perfect hunger
Sorrow turns every corner
Bare wounds in the fields of fragile faith
Bruised screams recover the  sunlight spilling the moonlight
Silently undone, fingertips numb
Foreign ashes with circles in my mind
An ancient atmosphere, ashamed diving through the cracks
Streets stained with calloused imperfections
1.1k · Dec 2013
Damaged Core
In the paper peak is a hidden monster
Speaking forlorn  shadows of the past
Grace at a distance , following high expectations
As animosity heaped into the depths of me
Seduction flared  in the stomach of an angel
A spiteful swim oppressed in my throat
As the red breasted birds, set  the paths that feed hate
1.1k · Apr 2012
Baby Steps
Autism is just a word

It does not define who you are

It dont make you unintelligent

It is something about you that is unique

That should be embraced

It cant be corrected but can become easier over time

Your little gestures I understand

I know who you are

I see what you see

I have discovered what is beneath all the layers

That everyone is so afraid of

The many layers of autism

The communication barriers the learing disabilities

I shall as your mother love you and tenderly be here for you

Every step of the way
1.1k · Aug 2012
Sew My Insides
You can do with your hands
What you  do with your heart
Kiss me until my lips turn blue
And my souls apart
Shaking my fists into the sky trying to breathe without you
Screaming if you only knew the strings that tie
Close to the ground
Leaping bounds as I drown
As I try and speak there is no sound
This use to be a place I called home
Now I try and push it all away
Screaming for salvation and something sound
I often wonder what happened to our wings ?
We flew so high
We flew so close
Now I have to watch you as we fall
I take it apart one piece at a time
Hold  it my hand examine it so
Just trying to find something worthwhile
I wrap it around my brain and unravel as often as I can
With each solitary fragment  
That I find within
Trying to find comfort that will feel like my favorite song
I often question where we went wrong
I’m stuffing this sorrow deep in me
Sewing up my insides so I will not need
1.1k · Oct 2013
Eyes of perfection
With a soft echo breath
As the wings dust the breeze
With a vision of the womb in your heart
1.1k · Oct 2013
The Emaciation Of Youth
A nudging hunger
As the dandelions weep
My mouth staggers
Ripe with madness
Masking the oppression
Harboring the withered deprivation
As the bones eat your flesh
In the distance where shadows speak
The lighting stroke melts
Contorting the imperfections
The obscured carcass you claim
I pray that young girls will accept and love themselves. What a awful disease that  also eats away at your soul. You don't have to be skeletal and try to make yourselves a model. Grasp these years and believe that your exceptional and find your self. It's an art to find out who you are. Let your voice be heard.
1.1k · Aug 2013
Vanilla Trees
God of the winds
Flying out of vanilla trees
Closing my eyes for the shadows to see
Battered poverty swallowing my youth
Hopeless staggering fractures  
The voice of anguish
Encloses the elements
As the oppression fades
I reach inside to pull out the taste of faith
1.1k · Apr 2018
Crab Apple Skin
You tore out my heart, and ate it like a sandwich
You cut and gut me like a fish
I needed you more than I needed growth
God's womb planted crab apple trees in me
I had begun to blossom
Unsettling my roots, as fathers branches grasps at me
You would suffocate me just to bring me back to life
His lust outweighed me
My corpse will still taste you
Gods bees will make his honey
1.0k · Oct 2012
I ache as the harsh wind rips through my body
I indulge in my own sweetness and condemn my indignation
My tender existence and my delicate heat
I often wonder if I have faded out, like the colorless leaves on the ground
Frightened by the truth that love can bring
The reality of my existence
I know all to well
1.0k · Apr 2012
I search the cupboard for the hidden bottle of wine

At that moment my heart breaks

Your hands tangle in my hair

Your kiss taste of sweet alcohol and indesicion

I will anchor myself into your arms

Is my secret safe with you?

I feel so disconnected from who I am

A moon that is to late

For you can't hang it in the sky

I shall gather and nuture all the humanity

I have and move forward

Will you see me for who I am?

Or leave me behind ?

You have broken my bonds

Made me into someone I'm not

I will nourish you with my elegance

Take away the affliction

That I cause everyday

Are you lost without me?

Is everything going to be alright ?

Will I heal myself?

Tell me as I hide under the rain its alright

Come to me and be my angel

My lifeless eyes scream for you
1.0k · Apr 2013
Tiptoe In Your Heart
I tiptoed with my bare feet into your soul
With tiny secrets we keep
I swam inside your stomach
I wanted to know
Tenderly I approached your wounds
But my mouth couldn't heal
The quiet love we made with hush tones and make belief
1.0k · Apr 2012
I reach out to you

Deep inside my soul

Deep inside of you

To forgive you

But what happened was so disgusting

I cant barely look at you

I wear my best disguise

I know you did wrong

Why you were just a child yourself

Did someone hurt you ?

Shame you?

Blame you?

I reach my arms up to the sky

Looking for forgiveness

So I can be free
1.0k · Dec 2013
Dreaded Thread
Horrendous pain echoing, and yearning for fate  
Stretched and strained, swaying for relief  
Ruptured, faithless, and impure  
Poison infatuates death
Hurt and betrayal lifelong
As a Rusted spine drums beneath the hands of fortitude    
Poetic threads sewing the gardens of distress  
Terrorizing eyes of self doubt
Somber inside the soul of shame
Corners of worship with stars for fingers
Pockets of hallucinations
Trembled languages mistaken
As the fire collapses the faith
Tremendous pain crying for reason
995 · Sep 2015
Manic Bubblegum
Roller coaster ruckus
Bubble gum, Ferris wheel
Fireworks kisses feel's like bee stings
Cotton candy rampage
A carousel confusion
Panic in the popcorn
Imposture that I don't know
992 · Nov 2016
Mouth Fuck (Adult Content)
My weak voice visited me today
It took me by surprise, it had been so long
You pull me to your trousers
Your sprouting and squirming
Firm and aggressive
Bucking your hips ,mouth ******* me
You tighten your grip on my neck
As you smolder my visceral, it will never be admissible
My flesh is inflamed, frenzied, and moist
A fervent appetite for you scorching inside
Our lips fasten as I ****** your mouth
Your hands are greedy and anxious
My fingers trace and roll on your face
Suckling your neck as I  worship you
Your seductive eyes glistening
Inviting lips pouty and full
Curvaceous and refined,  I touch your milky skin
I want to flow into you

My ******* become firm as you pinch and feast
Glistening from your taste
Peeling back my needs
As your tongue spirals around my heat
Hips rotating and lifting
Clamping unto you as you tease
A tide ruptures in the middle of me
Provoking lascivious thoughts
Whimpers escape gripping you

Your majestic body flushed
As your inviting lips kiss my womanhood
A unity for our  intimacy
Your virility entering inside my mouth
Taunting as you pull me near
I savor your flesh as you thrive

Filling the center of me
Your rising inside my passage melting inside
The dampness from our devotion
Interweaves you into me
989 · Dec 2013
Wooden Lips
The raw sunlight pounding on my neck
Throbbing air, painfully cloudy
Wooden lips that rip my tongue
Hands that grain pieces of deception
Clattering roots, with pounding bones
Polluted words giving me blisters in my head
A blind stillness,  captured me
Portions of creations, harboring hate
Callous and raw fists fluttering
Eyes trembling into my skull
With a sadness that I shall not have at all
985 · Nov 2013
Falling In
A splintered continent
A land of romantic eras
A much needed travel
We rose above the mountains in a land all of our own
We receded oceans, blowing through  storms
Making love in the rain with an exhilarating electricity
A million quiet cries touching your skin
Rekindling unwritten melodies
A stunning twinkle ignites a colorful connection
A season of raw fantasy, laughing and existing
Unwritten dreams falling into the summer breeze
Feeling flames with wildflowers
Beneath your auburn hair I reside
I simply breathe a ghost of silence and smoke
I forsake my identity in this pitted, sheer, beautiful, fractured tragedy
975 · Jun 2013
Frenzied Phenomenon
Once we savored wonder
Untainted and innocent
But our thirst perished
A feverish illusion of hostility
Tears followed by memory
In a haze of righteousness  
A torrid uncertainty of misery as perceptions diminish
I segregate you
As the night falls in a sorrowful suffocating masquerade
We become souless
As we are afraid
The salvation for which we once sacrificed ourselves for
Flickers once, then dies
Devoured by a velvet somber nothingness
All hope must sicken and depart
Your essence thrives no more
Destructive thoughts surround us
Crying as we have lost our way
948 · Nov 2014
Sea Sprouts
Sand sprouts leaving traces of sea knots
Naked lovers ripening with each embrace
Tripping through landmines of uncertain love
Crevices of truth finger traced as if a masterpiece
Gardening fingers pruning and uprooting
Wires of shadows touching the shore
As the dust of flowers caresses the sky
Translucent kisses and enthralling truths
Chasing the song of the sun
947 · Mar 2013
The Sweetest Sound
The sweetest sound is you and me
In the moment when everything escapes
All I want to do is make love with you
Tender yet raw
Coarse yet smooth
All I want is you
936 · Nov 2015
Space Cadet Candy
A jagged rig ,  nose diving through my arteries
China white is my new  side kick, making me comatose and delirious
As my  brain ******'s with  gratification  I'm swaddled and content
Toxic wasted eyes , creases like canyons scrimshawed into my face
I'm a wraith of my own creation
Herion is a *****
935 · Oct 2012
Glass In The Atmosphere
I settle closing my eyes
Go to the edge of the earth and I dive
I don’t descend quickly like I intend to
I’m suspended in air with no flight
My body is immobile yet my mind is frantic with expectation
I ask myself  am I still alive ?
For this is what I fear
Surrounded by clouds that trap me
I don’t want to shelter my fall
I need to feel what is real
My fingers intertwine with the atmosphere
For moments that seem to  pass by
I observe the radiance of the sky
The place where the stars live and the sun dies
But nothing can deplete this despondency
My nucleus is torn open with little shreds of glass
I ask for this to be over at last
935 · Jan 2015
My Hearts Compass
Eyelids of contusions smudged with bones
Winter waves grip my stripped wrists
A graceless waltz, stumbling, flailing
Strings of a marionette, gnawed by unbending stars
Trapeze walking through dizzying hills

Graffiti on my heart disfigures
Unyielding, plunging knives into memories
My hearts compass spins wildly
No direction, blindly traipsing in circles
Gazing through windowpanes of steel
The sword that places the scars
The **** upon the wars
Buttons on your mouth
I'll unsnap them
When you can talk

Your made of dust and nothing more
I can blow you away in a minutes time
Don't get to comfortable
You'll be gone soon  
Hold your breath
I may be back
October is Domestic Violence  Awareness month. So many woman and men have to go through this. Your made to feel as you have no voice. And that you don't matter you can be replaced. I say that we all deserve love  and to be treated with kindness and  respect.  So that is my story thanks for reading. I HAVE A VOICE
924 · Apr 2013
There is a landfill

I call it my heart
923 · Sep 2013
Poison Keeps Me Alive
Dressed in a bottle of fatal wine
Imagination unique with a rare passion
A syringe that suffers with shame
I moan with anticipation
Merging to be inflicted
As I become tangled
Hushed nudges as I bloom and sway
The gray matter is destroyed
Hallucinations invited to stay
****** slaves as the embryos pray
Tormented by a flame
A war of voices with elements I abused
Bracing myself against the bar I ordered another double Jack and coke
I crushed out a cigarette and crave yet another drink
Passing the time, as my plane has been delayed
There are few empty chairs as I survey the bar
Newspaper readers, and men in dress blues

A yellow sheath dress that defines the arch of her neck
Corkscrews curls of toffee brown hair disembarking down her back
Seductive curvaceous figure that floods my mind
This  face of porcelain, endangered my bones
I pull in a lungful of her air, musing the taste
Eyes that swam with storms of gray
Filling an empty chair at the bar
I observe this familiar stranger in the mirror
Becoming  aware of my heavy lidded crinkled eyes
I see a depiction of what I think may be me
Weather beaten skin, yet, I do recall those raven eyes
Running my fingers through my steel gray hair, that has stayed generous after all these years
I ordered her a drink and we begin to chat
Her manicured fingers unintentionally reach out and touched mine
She played with her hair and tugged at her ear
I wanted to dive into her core
Glossy lips and a slight gap between her teeth
She was hypnotizing
Her laugh was sensual with a throaty flow
Words were not spoken after that

We get a room, without an exchange of words
Ablaze with spilled arousal
Floating my fingertips across her luminescent chin
Sweeping my tongue on her lips, claiming our mouths as one
Easing and tracing her milky neck
Removing that yellow sheath dress
As her fleshy peaks became firm, I feasted
Working down her voluptuous form
At the mouth of her arousal
I circle and explore, her scent is addictive
Creamy and soft inside the majestic valley
As I lap and savor she gasps for air
Whimpering as I gratify
Raising  her hips every time I engorged on her spot

Clenching my jaw as my velvety shaft is explored
Her lips and tongue trail up and down
Caressing the underside and flicking the tip
As she dips the whole length, into her heated mouth

Frantically we're suddenly grasping onto one another
As you enter my womanhood I rise and sink
Whimpers escape through clenched teeth
You clutch my hair and I feel your whole length

We are unheeled lovers with dust on our hearts
I rise and sink as your fingertips **** my mind
As  you sprout inside of me,I hope you did not spill any love
Instilling your secrets and dreams  

Our flesh stamped together
Landmine of bruises where lovers have hands of stones
Seduction flares in the stomach of old lovers
You spasm and tremble making up for the lonely nights
921 · Dec 2013
Submissiveness and somber
Passions to high
Intolerable sobriety
Inhaling razors at 3 am
Graceful drunk, worthless
Shattered with enslavement
Starving for a bottle of you
Wishing for a fairy-tale life
913 · Feb 2014
A golden grace with spirits fluttering
                                      On the wings of faith
                                       For we await at the golden stairs
913 · Apr 2012
Untold Truth
I unravel as I unfold
The layers of youth
Go so untold
I handle your soul with the tips of my fingers
Holding your heart as it falls into a million little parts
Let go face the truth
Own your voice and what is real
Why forsake what you deserve?
The question is forgotten and we get left behind
Then my insides will scream
Not to be divine
Procasinate it's what you do
912 · Jan 2014
A Dejected Past
A skyway path to passion
Reflecting wings deep with fate
Poems extinguished the lonely times
Faith makes me return and wait
As I glide into a canvas with a perfect view
911 · Dec 2013
Incurable Hope
Colorlessness filth inside
Spiritless and exposed  
The bloodshed of humanity prolongs
As Injustice penetrates our wounds
As we have lost our way
I wish I could make a difference for others. Bloodshed for no reason at all. I use to live in the Flint area in Michigan so much crime and several homicides this year. I pray for those affected.
905 · Jul 2013
The Tunnels Of The Moon
As I tiptoe to the moon
Reaching my hands out for more
Collected material with nonsensical remains
No warmth, no war
No spoken words influenced by a bleeding brain
Fractures set by society
Countless splintered flames
Profound judgement does not exist
The very essence of humanity
Is conceived through elements
Dense collected heavens falling
Afflictions shoot away
Through the tunnels of the wind
Pommel and debilitate the sorrows and woes
Spilling and weaving into the core of it all
As I climb the steps to the stars
Colorful doves begin to soar
903 · Nov 2013
The Embryo Of Us
Petals diving through my spine
A wind of intoxication
Idles in my bones
When I'm with you I'm not distressed
Plunging away at the sun
Jasmine climbing the vines
I Gorge on the essence of you
The flesh of your fingers provoking conviction
The frenzy tangled into our core
I want to be sunk inside of you
Floating to get a authentic glimpse
902 · Nov 2012
Asleep In The Wind
I float away from love letting it flee
Strolling after summer songs looking for relief
Through the nights of sweet blue birds
Under the daffodils I reside
Where the earth blossoms and hears my cries
We suppress a thousand years of lies
Her shadow sleeping in the wind
Storming over the raw language of love
Moaning with that dark drunk tongue
Always bitter with delirious skin
Torn petals on my flesh
Lick beneath the pink suit
Smooth whispers and the smell of the moon
As crushed flowers weep
Goodness still soars
As our dreams boil frantically together
We are bare yet never recover
897 · Jul 2012
Stand For Empathy
Nothing is perfect or I’ve been told
But we can't solve a problem
When nobody will  take a stand
What has happen to the humanity?
To take the time to have empathy and kindness that is true
Why did this start too dissolve ?
It makes my heart start to pause
Do I want to be here; do I have a cause?
I’m one person in the corner of my world
Or my voice is small and not yet heard
Wish I could make a difference
For everyone to feel:
Having equality and peace within,  
Helping one another would never have to stop
896 · Oct 2013
Phantom and Flowers
Beneath the blanket of sleep
Where we drank from the dredge
Underneath our historical stamped bones
All the distance that we drove
Seeking the pedigree of the past
Voices recovered that once had been scraped and unheard
Brittle souls branded with dejection
As our hearts sweep away into the atmosphere
Flowers drift with the breeze
As the earths ghost crowds and disfigures
A slow, rare, river patterned with regret
Intense shame beneath fluttering space
Wishes tasting like temptation
A fatal dreamer suffering from unbearable pain
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