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I want to collect kisses
Melting moments into my mouth
No agony
No everlasting despair
Submerge the demons
I'm stars ripping through the sky
As the ashes fall
Hidden truths can no longer hide
Concrete jukeboxes, gas station photographs
Thunderbolt shackles
Smoky tongues singing the blues
Unwritten manuscripts whirling in my brain
Star filled cemeteries vanishing into the whimsical woods
Look at what you made me do
My fist just happened to hit your face
I control you because I care
This is how I grow up I didn't know
You know that sets me off
I was just having a bad day
It won't happen again
She don't  know when to shut up
How could I think so low of myself
Because every time I began to rise you kicked me down

Misunderstandings and Perceptions
She must like it or she would leave
Why does she stay?
It's easy to leave

Excuses we make for him
I don't have a job
I know he loves me
It was my fault I made him mad
The children need mom and dad
Alcohol made him  do it
She provoked me
I didn't mean to hurt her famous last words spoken at my coffin
#Anger #Fight #Domestic Violence
I don't want magnetic eyelashes
I want magnetic poetry
No Botox for me
Let me wrinkle let me age
It's alright to become who I'm suppose to be
Don't want fake extensions my hair is its own
It will grow out one day at a time
No need for microblading, highlights or ****** scrubs
Won't curl my lashes or disguise my wrinkles
My skin can tell my story through native lines
The burden of beauty is a fools game
I shall use my smiles lines as a accessory
Wrinkle creams will not fix your personality
I refuse to fake fuller lips
Acid peels are not for me
Cheek fillers full of botulism
Skin lasers to erase me
Hair removal will be with a five dollar schick
Keep your tanning beds and keep your Melanoma
Don't need Chanel or Louis Vuitton not paying 2,000 dollars for a handbag
I will be just me
Mother peace on this fearsome journey
To the light as the moon stirs
Hidden truths in life and self
The pathway of rites and symbols
Connecting with the earth
Drawing strength looking for growth
#Hippie Trip
A day or even seconds inside his brain  
Often wondering what is being said
Are neurons triggering as they should?
Is his brain shaped differently or the same as mine?
Can he make friends with the voices in his head?
Not done  any suggestions?
Lovers come to taste me
I couldn't let him go  
Naive bruises that I caused
Laying my head down to sleep
I feel my skin breaking
Could we still make love?
I questioned this inside my head
Like an wounded  bird I lay still
I wanted it to all be true
A change for me and you
Reading the newspaper over coffee
When a difference of opinion was just simply that  
You wanted me to love you
It was simple then
No control you left me safely in the nest
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