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Jessica B Jan 2
Just Live to be. my Love.

It’s really not that complicated.

And all the answers you seek.
They’ll find you. 🖤
Jessica B Dec 2023
I need to see the world again.
Stuck in this prison of my own making.
The walls close in on me, suffocating.
The light of everything I was meant to be.
My world becomes smaller.
With these thoughts of darkness and despair.

But Writing was always my peace.
my inner knowing, and light expressed.
Wasn’t it supposed to be?
The inner makings of beauty and love alike.
It’s how I survived.

It was My escape from the shadows that lingered beneath me.
And now they make their way up trying to reach me.

Maybe I should let them…reach me.
for a moment at least.
And finally face what I’ve been running from for all these years.
My fears.
And as she sits and waits for the ****.
I take her by surprise.
I don’t look away this time.
no longer afraid to face her, to know her, to see her for who she is….

She is but fear.
and she fears me,
as I once feared her.
She is me
and I am her.
My worst enemy is me.

Hmm but I guess She’s right….
I’d be more afraid of my light.
“And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness cannot overcome it!”
Jessica B Oct 2023
And she looked over at him….
Over from the stars.
Eyes brighter than the sky,

And whispered,
“I see God in you.”
Jessica B Aug 2023
“It’s only but a Seed...”she said.


“What a small and beautiful Wonder.”
Jessica B Aug 2023
Can you take me to those places?

Those places that are unspoken of?

The places where moments of solace take me…
With peace and tranquility…

perfect frequency…
Jessica B May 2023
I see you.
Peeking in,
From behind the trees.
Jessica B Mar 2023
Even after all these years…

You still remain.
Tethered to my soul.
The thought of you never left me,
taken by your memory.

I’d lost you once before.
In a past somewhere we can’t remember,
maybe that’s why you felt so familiar.

“I’ll never forget you,” you once said to me.
Loving you in ways i never thought possible, now and so many lifetimes ago.
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