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Jack Aug 2020
People always say
Look at the bright side
Enjoy the small things
Just keep moving forward
I used to say the same

Except people change things

He lives in the dark

Her small problems are what hurt her

They are weighed down by who they used to be

Everyone has problems
Everyone needs a little help
These People can be themselves
Just be there for them
Be their friend
Because in the end
Helping them can be your own step out of the dark
Jack Aug 2020
As I watch the sunrise
I feel my heart set

The early morning light makes sure I can never forget

The lies
Broken promises
Shattered dreams

The love you give to me
Covers what's beneath the seams

I've seen your true colors
I won't fall for it anymore

I've risen past it all
And gone of to my own sunset
Jack Jul 2020
An Embrace
It brings me close

Close to your heart
Close to your soul

Bringing me to where I feel whole

This feeling
Being blessed by your touch

It fills me with a Lust
A Lust to make you happy
To help do the things you never dared

To make you see the world through new eyes
As you make your own path
With a supportive Me at your side

All of this because of the light you given
In an Embrace
A poem from the heart
To the one who has captured mine
Jack Jul 2020
I feel like a puppet in suspension
Like I'm not really myself

I'm just watching this world from my lonely little self

I'm forced to see the same **** things go by
Every single morning and every single night

I don't have much to say in the matter of this plight
Even if I did I wouldn't try to fight

Because no what you do
Or what you say

It always repeats
Every single day
Jack Apr 2020
Dear those who have passed,
      You were the guiding light
To those of us who were in the dark
You helped us through our darkest times

Even when you suffered more

You shaped us
Molded us
Built us into the people we are today

Even when your own body wanted to take you away

You deserve the world
Just like the one you gave to us

So thank you for your Words
and Deeds
That lead us here today

Wish you the best,
The one you guided home
This goes out to my teacher in High school who recently lost her battle with cancer. She was a light that was put out too soon. You are forever in our hearts Mrs. Taylor.
Jack Oct 2019
I watch
High above
Everyone is so small
I see cars and buildings
All so magnificent and tall

Nothing compares
Not to You
And that night on the Balcony
I was trapped in ACT prep so here ya go
Jack Sep 2019
Sometimes it may seem
Life's not worth the fight
Nothing about it seems right
Why try if in the end we just


Although some of that may be true
It doesn't free me from you
My family or my life
It just means it will all be harder
More of a pain

Then something magical happens
In the depths of your heart
In the inner machinations of your brain
A force


It drives away the pain
Happiness will guide you
From then on in
You'll find yourself in another
That's where it can truly begin
The healing of a broken soul
And a fight that you can win
I took about a year off to focus on life but I'm happy to be back and I hope you all are doing ok. DM me if you aren't and I would love to talk to you about it.
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