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Jan 2022 · 233
Bard Jan 2022
Maybe the real treasure was the money we made along the way
Jan 2022 · 62
Just Close My Eyes
Bard Jan 2022
One dollar to my name and I need a million or more
**** this collar its all the same the boss gets the score
While I act like a ***** for a dollar and stay poor
I welcome death at my door I'm hollow to the core

Hollow to the core longing for nevermore
Empty eyes they've been dry for a year or more
My heart is sore and still life takes more and more
Only option only path my only choice is to end, or...

Struggle to survive walk on and act like I'm really alive
Yeah, like I'm really alive aimless I've missed the time
It's like these rhymes I make they wander listless across the line
Maybe me and my suicidal friends are just a sign of the times

Anti depressants like water and **** like the air we breathe
Loss is always what comes after seeds are planted in earth
Reap the young **** us cause the old have need for wealth
Can't breath buried by bills tossed away if we lose our health

Looking at my till with more cash than I'll ever have
Breaking my will patch it with the stash in the cave
Work till the day I die I know for sure I am a slave
Misery is sold cheap these days its the new wave

Drowning, breaking hearts, while the markets break the chart
I mourn the loss of innocence while I commit evil just to eat
Criminal thief and dealer but I always made that rent
I grow colder my veins icy all the way to the heart

Nowadays I invest in blackrock even as they steal the future
To poor to not play the stocks heal finances like ***** sutures
But its more like I'm locked in stocks while wealth laughs at my fears
If I don't succeed than I can only hope my face will be graced by tears
Only twenty three and I feel the depth of years
Jan 2022 · 75
Bard Jan 2022
**** I think this might be the end
Do you want it, do you need a hand
Applause ****** and roar across the land

Take the hand and bite chew it up and ask do I spit or do I swallow
Lost in sound all night threw it up in a mask taste the spit and bile

Hey stop whats that sound look whats goin round
its ashes to ashes and I keep falling down

The abyss screams at me and I scream silently
No seams left to bust everyone watches intently

Will he stay or will he go
The thread frays when will he die
Its okay no one will know
Jan 2022 · 219
Bard Jan 2022
rent rent rent die
Dec 2021 · 83
Big Top
Bard Dec 2021
Eye on the prize but I won't grab it
Brains been fried on a skillet
Loaded up with fire on a pallet

On the way down with the face of a clown
Doom in the town death looms all around
Why the long faced frown what have we found

Blood in the paint and I sip it
Mud in the joint when I hit it
Ash in the vein and I slit it

Mirth and merry in a brazen bull
Flesh is scary we'll flay the fool
Hope is scary we'll pay the toll

On the way down with grease painted faces
Darkness unknowns without any traces
Flying straight down like four aces

Tents gather as permanence  loses its moor
Sold it for two pence and went on tour
What a joke to have hope anymore

Hatred for the old gods, god I hate them
We sprung from their ***** and it began
Inducted into the circus right then
Dec 2021 · 124
Nurgle Walks
Bard Dec 2021
Gods sick threw up all over the floor
The odds slick slidin towards war
A ***** an skin splits with black tar
Tin soldiers march after a dark star
We molder under a tyrants charge
Flickering compliance on the verge
Without defiance suffer the purge
Silent laughter after every surge

A tyrant who defies sense and science
Irate eyes die and fry in noncompliance
Half a brains alliance with petulance
Ants who think themselves giants
A gross death squashed by pseudoscience
Until the breath stills they rave and rant
Many a contrivance for the easily pliant
Really dyin because of words on an appliance
Dec 2021 · 80
Dripping From My Pores
Bard Dec 2021
Corpses follow me everywhere
Every step is dread on the stair
Me and empty airs always a pair
What do they care

Gods in a zero and ego is the one
Encoded on the sconce carved in bone
Digits grasp at scripts, flicker on the tome
This is no home

Shadow tints off its sheen a wraith
Misty eyes drown a foggy faith
Murdochs docket was a taste
Billions with a face

Senses made listless buzzed and restless
Rinse the gristle till its sodden an lifeless
Spawn pence on a trumpets estrus
Bile wins the race

Air flows through a blue spile
Just leave the corpse on its pile
Ghetto birds nest outside landfills
You'll stay awhile

States of matter are caged, slain, and in pain
State of a master gated golden ghoulish grins
State your worth state it at birth and begin
To not matter is sin

Plaque in the heart black is the art
Cannibals at work called it wal-mart
Consummate greed and our worst part
She's a ****, a ****

A vote another class war lost at the poll
A painful visual till the orbs sunk into my skull
Wistful introspection absorbed into my own soul
Blind to the quiet cull
Dec 2021 · 77
Hey, nice suit.
Bard Dec 2021
First they took someone faraway and nobody cared
No-one had a single thing to say cuz nobody cared
Then they took someone a city away and nobody cared
The news lost behind twenty tragedy's cuz nobody cared
Then they took a local vagrant and nobody cared
Water cooler rumors and talk of sunny days, nobody cared
Then they took your neighbor and nobody cared
You sat scared and prayed while nobody cared
Then they took you and nobody cared
I asked myself should I have cared

Should I have seen the signs of the times
Jackboots replace police shoes
Gunshots at protest crowds
Bricks on top of pallets in city centers
Alt right killers and school shooters
Leaders taking shots posing with glocks
Twitter over judges and lawyers
So many criminals who think they're warriors
So many family's in houses and they aren't owners
Money on islands with child *******

But what could I do as far as I knew it was business as usual
How could I know how to end the sins of business casual
When I'm told this practice makes money and the business is masterful
Brainwash the masses and **** their kids then call business tasteful
Even the end of the world makes money, never is business wasteful
It has just been business as usual, every ******* day is business as usual
Business as usual, just keep going like its a business as usual
Wake up, get ready, and go to work its business as usual
I clock in, I clock out, I go to lose myself its just business as usual
lose my heart, lose my soul , lose my ******* mind and its business as usual
Dec 2021 · 117
Bard Dec 2021
all overboard
Soon we'll all be dead
we came unmoored
And fell into dread
the captain said
Don't lose your head

Crashed and can't burn
a wet pathogen
Let's all breathe in turns
nothings learned
Just more meat to churn
no one will mourn
Dec 2021 · 62
Bard Dec 2021
Fossils rule the world
Oil and fuel do as they're told
eighty years old tell the young to fold
Dec 2021 · 50
Treasonous Angst
Bard Dec 2021
I don't have a reason
Into oblivion I ease in
Darkness is in season
To claim purpose is treason

The hall burns over us
To stay warm is enough
Breath in ash taste the rust
The house is coal black and unjust

Cracked pavement on the road
Roaches in apartments pay the toad
Thieves who can't afford a code
Slaves until were choked

Freedom is owned land
Trespassers will be shot
Kingdom of greed always the plan
Envy is all the rest have got

You are what you eat
So lets eat the wealth
Blue blooded meat
Its good for my health

Hate is the only reason afforded
The only emotion and I own it
Want the kings to eat lead
Like Caligula's head
Nov 2021 · 78
Bard Nov 2021
My feelings made me sick
So I puked out my heart
Shudder to a click an swipe

At a twilight height with a swisher lit
Good things in every hit best to forget
Every night its the same old ****

Old flames, dust to dust ash to ash
***** that if I had more cash
Our love had a chance to last

That's the past its best to forget
Lose it between every hit
And fade into my regret
Bard Nov 2021
Empty holes in my thoughts
I thought to lose my soul
I am the bard I am the fool
Don't go too far that's the rule
that's the rule that's the rule

The world is a tool that's rusted brown
Once was cool that glistened an glown
A fool who hastened to the ground
Mortal wounds my laughter found
I am an actor and a clown

The passion burned hot now it burns not
From the throat came every broken note
I rely on the rope never once on hope
One will hold you afloat
The other holds until you choke
Oct 2021 · 224
Tasteless Words
Bard Oct 2021
The words enter you face
And replace its empty place
What a waste
Oct 2021 · 72
Bard Oct 2021
Our generation is somewhat infertile
Cause its hard to **** amongst ****'n bile
Oct 2021 · 71
Live and Let Die
Bard Oct 2021
So you don't want to vaccinate
You doubt the lies on your plate
But what of the truth you hate
Of skin turned greyer than slate

Grandfather, grandmother didn't hear a word
"Covids a sham" into a casket they slammed
Ever faster death does gather its all around
It abounds yet gets erased by radiowaves sound

Adults can't behave, to wants remain a slave
Maskless and unashamed not one is saved
Double down in those tasteless ways
Half a million dead dropped like flies

Still a toast is in order as progress is made
One casket at a time feel the change
Jobs open up and now I'm getting paid
Wonder why everyone is so afraid

Mostly we lose dregs who don't know when to fold
Costly now to lose so many empty heads to a "cold"
On hospital beds thinking shoulda woulda coulda
While the doctor thinks "I ****** told ya"

Breath your last, lungs in tatters, whats the matter
Maybe everyone isn't mad as hatters
Scientist in agreement with doctors
Riddle me that conspiracy theorizers  

Well I'm tired of being sad so happily I say goodbye
Let go and go in peace even if it was all a lie
So just sleep, leave your loved ones behind
Paul said it best "live and let die"
Oct 2021 · 70
Bard Oct 2021
everyone at a distance
Dead moths in the lens
Everyone loves to pretend
but thats just a pretense
Lithium lights are our friends
Helium heights chemical highs
everybody lies nobody cries
So get ****** take flight
Go get money every night
keep chasing bright lights
Feel the heat in signs
And be burnt by the times
over ashes they shine
Many are dead by thirtynine
Oh well guess we're doing fine
we made it, we touched it, we died
Bard Sep 2021

Tick tock another second gained your life arranged
Clocks abound framed and bound forward marched
Now tense is present where sensation moans
Passion over sense actions set into stone
How many will reach us when thrown
And reach the seed that will be grown


Once so loud gone quiet, read our lives plot synopsis
Where is pride when you live in edges of solipsis
In a stones shade I am alive treading after sisyphus


A man or a child
Blessed or left for dead
Am I the words said
Or sins committed
The name cherished
But feels so ashamed


A hypocrite to the bone
Trite words said to no one
A life spent all alone

Sep 2021 · 233
Labor Day
Bard Sep 2021
Being alive these days feels like a crime
Punishment in the smog and crushed limes
Drink till it stops come pay your fines
Then work your way back through the line

Get higher get tools get cash
More fire more fuel more ash

Trace threads on your bed
Face the dead in your head

Gold plated saints lead us over the edge
Black tarmac crumbles on the ledge

Dreamers can stay in their comas
Workers can dream of some commas
Aug 2021 · 57
Patriots Folly
Bard Aug 2021
Take me back to the homeland
It's all Ive had its become all I am
My land, my pride, and my flag
Nothing to hide except the past
People die so that the soil lasts
My empire will never pass
Eternal taxes from axis to axis
Commit to peace through casual violence
Apple pies, red delicious lies, and amnesia
Saviors and hero's that's the ideal that's the idea
Protectors like crusaders feel zeal with a righteous cry
Drone strikes over the people we choose to die
Money is denied for most of the lives
On empty expect everyone to strive for
Picket fences a couple kids need more than more
Work harder as long as me and friends got ours
I love my country I suffer for its health
I work to death to produce its wealth
Can't even tell I'm proud of hell
Aug 2021 · 89
Rat Races / Ratty Places
Bard Aug 2021
Life is a treat from your betters
So step to the letter step with fetters
Mice are good cheddar getters
Up the ladder type in your headers

Office spaces and other empty places
Smiling faces and glassy eyes
Corporate lives where everybody lies
From the top floors how many will fly


Hell is sent from the past
All body and *** living trash
Tats plaster like a mask
Let loose and shirk the tasks

Beer bottles in the lawn
Full throttle till I'm gone
Burning alive up and down town
Moths after fires we're drawn
Aug 2021 · 175
Lost Touch
Bard Aug 2021
Hate the voices in my head, they talk and talk
They can't stop cause they want me dead

Want love want life want another day
Nowhere left to go not okay not today

Take it day by day thats what they say
Take two pills today take me away

Nothings free especially not me
Soul on the deed sold for free

Tin flavor under the skin
Sins everywhere I've been

I'm the voices in my head
And my tongue is lead
Aug 2021 · 67
Bard Aug 2021
Punks who don't respect the past
Goths sitting in the back of the class
Gangsters burning up fast
**** of society
Scared of the sight of we
Be dead in a week
Left behind
Rockabillys dead behind the shed
Hippys fed full of lead
Yippys buried in sand
No living in this land
Till you follow the man
Chase freedom if you can
Jul 2021 · 67
Mass Appeal
Bard Jul 2021
How you doing are you feeling content?
No? Then just consume more content
Watch a show listen to a song
Get the popcorn tune in turn on
Everything is dark, the night is long

So just consume to the tune of a pop star
Your home is your tomb so get a car
And if that's not enough get four more
Happiness in jars sold at your local megastore
How long can I ignore my problems, maybe forever

Everyday devour the stars eat from palms of liars
We're all stars in a play and our stage is on fire
Over each other we climb up higher
Wonder how far you gotta to not get burned
How much can you buy how much have you earned

Enjoy the view of ones and zeros
Live vicariously through fake heros
Eat up your feed till its all you know
What did you see how was the show
Did you forget your all alone now

No? Then just consume till your bloated
The void remains unfilled and the colors are faded
Always so impatient have you waited
Time has been traded to the machine you did your part
In return it ripped out your heart

Every purchase almost feels like your really alive
Things to chase almost like a purpose to live
All of it to feel as if death isn't at your side
To hide from the fact that if you stop then you've died
So purchase, consume, eat up the happy lies

Live vicariously through heros who never lived
Watch villains make sport of mocking our lives
Look at your feeds watch as they water seeds
That decide our needs, Versace and Thneeds
We're in a sea of ads and digital goods

Look at all your things your heart almost beats
Are you feeling happy are you content?
Do you need more content?
We're all happy to sell anything or something
So we can buy something or anything
Jul 2021 · 60
Wonder Lost
Bard Jul 2021
No thought to evolution or gods
No more solutions or fighting odds

Not gonna ask why don't care who
My only reply to life is ******* too
Jul 2021 · 164
Bard Jul 2021
Nowhere left in the sky
Now no one will ever fly
Say mayday, say mayday
As all hope goes away
At the cliff feel the breeze and sway
It lifts you to a kneel and sends you away
Jul 2021 · 57
20% Gratuity
Bard Jul 2021
Meet me by the midnight sea
Where black waves crash over me
Burn your olive trees
Scatter salt and seed
Not what you need
It's who you want to be

Oil slick down the wireline
Cash sent down a pipeline
Downtown tick tock in time
doing fine, doin just fine
My life is just fine
Ran the stop sign

Smell the burnt rubber
Hit by the brunt of lost lovers
Real shaker and mover
Ever go still die in a gutter
Inhaling exhaust shake from the fear
No outrunning the past its already here

The future isn't real only imagined
But so sure I was that in its name I sinned
Hate when people ask where have you been
I've been busy far away dying inside
I lie and say it's nothing much I've seen
I won't fail, I'll save us all, I lied
Jun 2021 · 56
Bard Jun 2021
True colors show, crimson red on the snow
Deeper reds I go, in every crack is a hateful glow

I hate my ****** family that stole my cash
And **** my friends who never last
So unhappy in every camera flash
Always wondering when will it end

Hated my poverty scarred childhood
Furious in my adolescence surrounded by people who never understood
Now seething and empty I brace myself for adulthood

I dream of dripping meat and bloodbaths
Wanna hurt the elite cause all my friends are dying fast
Wanna **** cause my family got prescribed pill bags
Under my eyes darkness sags

All I see anymore is cash and pain
All I see anymore is trash and rain
All this trash and pains gonna crash the train
Focus in and be insane so wash your brain

Every talking head sounds the same
Everyone clamoring for change
Everyone clamoring for the same
Everyone saying it's such a shame
Jun 2021 · 127
Bard Jun 2021
Problems get bigger so pour more liquor
Livers get sicker as I chase a few figures
Faded pictures the past moves quicker
Jun 2021 · 323
Peace and War
Bard Jun 2021
When enemies turn to friends the time of mercy begins
When friends turn to enemy it's time for mercy to end
Jun 2021 · 43
Bard Jun 2021
Watch the mania in my eyes
Hysteria escapes my lips
Wisteria enters me in sips

Louder quieter see you later
Careful on all those risers
When you go meet the miser
Ask him the cost ask whats lost

Work and chores all for the poor
And they will all ask for more
Pump blood till the heart is sore

Follow our pied pipe with an empty head
He wraps it in cords and melts the meds
Needles wires pins and stems
These will fill the empty hand
Jun 2021 · 61
Bard Jun 2021
Citizens everyone of us
Future of business in the class
Passionless, as I pass into the middle class
Fall in line with all the rest

Boss said its time too get paid
Ghost say its best to learn a trade
Make a nest and live as a slave
Only alternative is an early grave

Citizens everyone of us
Irons and gears in our rust
Leaders that make the devil blush
Under foot the meek feel the crush

Decay on the highrises death before our irises
Ashes make me say less make me feel blessed
Blindsided by the crash burning up to fix it
Strings of violence chasing after finances

Small towns raised from dirt left to the curb
Suburbs running from filth is what I deserve
Moneys the only master left to serve
Reach out and grab it if you got the nerve
May 2021 · 70
Mage of Hope
Bard May 2021
Im still haunted by your embrace
Long after ive forgotten your face
Remember you were all hope and grace

I wonder if your still the same
The brightly burning flame
Do you still obsess over the game?
May 2021 · 89
Bard May 2021
Hope swirls round and round the holes in my head.
Heart pulses pound  pound as I roll in my bed.

What do I live for? What do I die for?
Do I want more? What would it be for?

Just trying to close my eyes but I'm in the deep end again
Just trying to lose my sighs but I'm depressed and its a drain

I'm golden and jaded a dreaded choker round the neck
Rhymes sodden, faded, and overstated what a wreck

Maybe feign my death just close my eyes and finally rest
A baby cryin for breath so sözel; lies sandy easily infest

Every nook of life filled with uncomfortable grains
The ground shook as I lied with comfortable pains
May 2021 · 341
Bard May 2021
Friend of mine lost his mind
Line by line  he left it behind
And he left me in kind

Burnt brain, burnt foil
Emotion came to boil
Turned black as oil

Laughter died long after the eyes
The lies he plied were just a guise
Never wise in a bed of maggots and flies
May 2021 · 68
Courage of the Meek
Bard May 2021
So many claim that they will commit violence
But are cowards who will commit to silence
In the moments of need remain still and compliant
Thank goodness for others cowardice
How else would we have unregulated avarice
May 2021 · 75
Bard May 2021
I remember, left you on read
In December looks like your dead
May 2021 · 65
Let the Restaurants Die
Bard May 2021
Path to follow its paved in rust beneath is hollow
Many fell below turned to dust that's hard to swallow
It's follow or bust though so where will they go
Head off the pillow rest not a must time is shallow

Leaders after success, not yours not mine just theirs
Others suffer to cater at a dime serve wine without a share
Career servants without time tearing out their hair
Fair is never what comes near the life of a waiter

Family members, team players, sacrificed at the altar
Never allowed to falter the atmosphere grows hotter
Grease and sweat drip off wage workers
Sickness, death, and age as they grow older

Nothing to account for no money
Nothing to amount to no property
Nothing to surmount except poverty
Nothing but a body-count for inequality
May 2021 · 93
Moving On
Bard May 2021
Scars on my back match the scars on my lungs
I can't ever take it back I've already made the jump
Funny thing is now I don't hate myself
Funny thing is now all I have is myself
Self love narcissism and wealth
Roads paved listen as I pour out my health
Woes and leaves fall where I once knelt
May 2021 · 71
Bard May 2021
Narcotics are often very therapeutic
Tonics, the prescribed chronic do the trick
Unplatonic love for the sick sold by a doctorate
May 2021 · 161
Gas Station Clerk
Bard May 2021
Saltwater fills the tills and the tide won't let me breath
Insects chase my dread roaches burning in my sheets
Whiskey neat to help me drown underneath
How'd I still get burnt standing in the sea
Apr 2021 · 428
After Fairer Days
Bard Apr 2021
Woke up looking sideways
Time to get on the highway
Moving past my yesterday
No one to ask if I'm gonna stay
Wouldn't want it any other way
I have so little left in me to say
Woke up looking sideways
Pulled into different byways
One has my head in yesterday
The other took my soul to latterdays
Never given direction so I pave a driveway
I'll make the home where I can stay
Then watch ashes as I burn it anyway
Bard Apr 2021
We worship under angry gods who count each and every sin
Scripture says its best to applaud as our home shall burn
So sayeth the flock so sayeth the lord look back and be unborn
Justice in faith Holyness to those that placate the form
Just once I wish to live life more than the meek and the worm
To get caught in the eye of a needle and be lost in the storm
My lifestyle called feeble looked at like I grew out horns
Living too idle, I'm no Able but I know I'm not Cain
Guess some see it as all the same can only live in one lane
Faith is the only way to deliver oneself from eternal pain
But if its all the same I'm fine gonna embrace a way of my own soon
Apr 2021 · 82
Unlicensed Labor
Bard Apr 2021
I live among many broken men
All of us with dented hearts of tin
Born to work and now work begins
Born separate now make the ends meet
I live among many broken men
Long gone rented out our hearts of tin
Born from labor now the labor never ends
Born desperate men of flesh men of meat

Never will the skin mend
Souls often stolen by the sin
Alcohol takes us all in the end
Spoken foul beaten brow ignorant men
Scars of hard work don't mend
Holes where darkness bleeds in
Tramadol pain killers quicken the end
Broken scowl Silent howl itinerant men
Apr 2021 · 167
Bard Apr 2021
Say I live in insanity
I say your lost in sanity
Apr 2021 · 65
Bard Apr 2021
Stopped wearing a watch cause I only waste my time
Now watch as I drop line after aimless line
Meandered and squandered all of my time
After all the wandering and wondering I missed the sign
So I'm driving past the state line
Just hoping everything will be fine
Apr 2021 · 85
Bard Apr 2021
So far from utopia no one even tries
Watch the weak all die, telling themselves lies
Do you feel the betrayal of a honest days pay
Despair without hope in hell we all stay

Why do we live this way, is it the american way
The kids are dying everyday as elders pray
Mothers are crying as the NRA sponsors our grave
Born long after any better days tell me to learn a trade

Or live life as a slave working off the debt of yesterday
Worthless lives who can't even look at an ICU
I have to say it seems humanity lost its way
When scraps of paper mean more than surviving the day

Some people should just say it that they hate the less fortunate
Walls to stop immigrants they just wanted to live somewhere safe
Drugs are smuggled by the guards we pay sponsored by the state
Suburbanites who never faced real fear killing in the name of hate

Drug addicts put in prison till the rot away
Some ******* wouldn't have it any other way
We're all a cancer what else is their to say
Pray to Jesus while damning all of his ways

Put spikes under the freeway to keep them away
Build cases instead of places for the homeless to stay
Then justify it by saying who will be the one to pay
Don't know why I pay taxes anyway

Bask in radioactive snow static on the TV show
Down and down we go living in misery and woe
Spiraling down further till rock bottom is all we know
How low will we all go before we start fighting the flow
Bard Apr 2021
Pigs hunt us for sport
Then get awards from court
Judge and pork are cohorts
Victims to villains that's how they sort
Was it a gun or drugs put on the report

Kids dead and the feds said he deserved to be bled
Now a hole in his head and parents filled with dread
Murderers stalk the street they'll find you in bed
Watch where you tread listen to orders still your dead
Made no moves, Hands up, then your blood is shed

Now people protest the wrongs they write
Civil unrest, follow your psalms do whats right
If you can't see the plight then you've lost your sight
To be quiet is to support the violence in the night
Justice is worth the fight now, don't wait for hindsight

Media making enemy's out of friends
Bigotry, blacks against the whites
Plant the crack, give people a ***** sight
Now the injustice is looking alright
More ******* on news coming at eight

Trust your own gut go figure out what's what
Check your source cause events are never clear cut
Make sure you don't believe something stupid as ****
An example, thought blank was a gun, that's a cover up
Stay the course of the righteous never let fear shut you up

It may be hard to breath or to hold onto sanity
As the fires seethe and the jury makes claims of guilty
Hard to eat while fury builds within the family
Just stay on your feet remember you got the whole city
Don't worry the streets know whose really guilty
Apr 2021 · 47
Bard Apr 2021
Wake up everyday and taste the acetone
***** hands and cracking cuticles
Fill up on pharmaceuticals over the telephone
Apr 2021 · 53
Passing Judgement
Bard Apr 2021
Written off cause of the things they said
Locked away put your all back to bed
Heart tucked back under sleeve and thread
Words mean more than actions when someone trusts them
It's swords hidden behind fashion each word thrusts you into sin
Ask where you been what you've seen then cut you off before you begin

Judged by the most evil of thoughts left in a cell to rot
Truth and law never matter when both get bought
At least that's what the accuser thought
Play the games your never taught that's your lot
Never get lost in someone else's thoughts
Don't get caught in the ink and the blots
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