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7d · 34
Her love was of fury.
It burned me alive.
To ashes I was burned.
Within the wrath of her scorn,
how I longed to be her
Cutting me open,
drenched me in my own blood,
Making my vessel her ritual.
My body would slowly decay by her side,

To die by her hand,
I would not mind,
For She was the only thing that made me feel alive.
May 19 · 187
The Reaper.
Psychosa May 19
I place your bones upon my altar,
an offering to the gods.

Stitched and splayed, to your rotting corpse
my devotion shall remain.
An eternal emblem of my love for you,
I make you a relic, for the life that my fallen heart once knew
and let the glycerin seep through.

Breathless, your being lies before me.
Though my tears imbue,
the life has been drained from you.
Yet in your corpse I find a bittersweet comfort.
Like a moth to a flame,
whose greatest tragedy was the reaper who fell in love with life herself.
Apr 26 · 139
Psychosa Apr 26
Flames and ashes, a testament of my love for you.
Fires set upon the world,
so that you might feel the warmth of my love.

Screaming in agony,
as you tore this heart from me.  
I dance upon the debris,
as I play the final symphony of you and me.  
Lost within the internal inferno,
I'll let the world burn for you.
Apr 21 · 48
Psychosa Apr 21
To be seen is to be known,
so I hide in plain sight.

Elusive I appear;
to none am I near.
But if you were to push past the curtain,
you could glimpse into what once was a person.

Shards of glass have entered my skin,
leaving me scarred,
burying myself deep within.
A walking grave some might say.

My soul hides from the light of day,
for it is here where my mask would melt away.
So I shield myself from impenetrable forces.
Imprisoned to my solitude,
yet solaced in my suffering.
Apr 13 · 547
Psychosa Apr 13
You sit beside the darkened waters
and gaze upon your visage.
Those eyes of yours have me imprisoned.

As I speak, you look away.
My love for you burns as much as
Persephone longs for the light of day.
Yet, you cast me aside,
an echo to your vanity.

As our final kiss subsides, you throw me to the hounds
of your ravenous lies.
Trapped within the gates,
I let them devour me.
Consume my corpse til your hunger is satiated,
only for you to ravage me again.
Within you, I rot away.
Feb 24 · 213
Psychosa Feb 24
To want you is to drown in a self-sought misery.
Yet I take refuge in the halls of your torture chamber.
Gladly would I drown in my own blood if it meant you would never know what it meant to feel thirst.

Do you delight in my suffering?
The more I give, the tighter you tie
your red-laced noose upon my parched neck.

Take me to your Judas' cradle;
dismember me to the heart's fable.
I writhe in pain, with a chelsea grin upon my face,
for through my tears, I am blessed with your sinister grace.

I wait beneath the guillotine,
in hopes that in another life you will find me.
Feb 18 · 291
Psychosa Feb 18
Knives upon my skin;
the only way to quell my sins.

A noose above my head,
whispers temptations of the dead.

The air I breathe is tainted by a soul without a home.  

It is not pain that I wish to escape,
but the black hole that is myself.

For what is a life,
when you are a slave to yourself?
So I let my soul slowly fade away,
as I look to the void in which I long to remain.
Feb 12 · 146
Psychosa Feb 12
You are the crow that sits atop my tombstone.
Above me, around me,
your presence surrounds me.

I am bound to these mortal grounds,
but you know no bounds.
You fly away, through the night and day,
only returning til you are in dismay.
How I wish I could keep you here to stay.

But I know you shall always fly away,
so I will remain here,
even in my darkest of days.
For you I would give my heart
that lies hidden deep
within my grave.
Feb 8 · 72
Psychosa Feb 8
I am your shadow,
and you are mine.

You cast onto me,
what you so long to hide.

Hidden away from the light of day,
a figment to you I will remain.

You cannot find me,
for I am hidden in plain sight.
You are but a stranger to the darkness in which I delight.
And yet my being mirrors your soul;
I am the part that makes you feel whole.

And in the end, we are doomed to never fully grasp the weight of eachother,
for I am hidden,
while you are in the arms of another.
Jan 23 · 888
Psychosa Jan 23
I feel the fire begin to rise within
the belly of the beast.
I fear that the fire will consume me,
so I dim away its flame.

I go through the world,
a shell of being,
with a whiteness in my eyes,
but no longer seeing.

The flame comes to the surface,
but now I know
it is not my demise.
The fire is what makes me alive.
So I spread my wings,
and rise.
Jan 10 · 1.1k
Psychosa Jan 10
A face I once knew disintegrates before me.
You hold before me a mirror of the person I once knew,
but it is no longer you who is looking through.

Your eyes morph to stained glass silhouettes
as of the flame of your being flickers to embers.
The greater my cries,
the quicker our demise.

A cast of the woman I once knew vacantly looks through,
and yet my heart still beats for you.
Dec 2023 · 1.5k
Psychosa Dec 2023
What a love it must have been,
to have blackened the skies in its absence
and to burn through the nothingness that was once my heart.

The love between us was but a moment in time
but has carved itself a piece of eternity.

When I look to the stars,
I know they belong to you,
for the divinity of your eyes has looked upon them.
And so through the stars,
I shall always find you
looking through.

What a love it must have been.
For though you are now gone,
my heart shall always beat for you,
and even when my mortal body is through,
I shall shine through the night skies,
for you.
Dec 2023 · 1.4k
Psychosa Dec 2023
Can you feel me
rush over you,
as I drown myself in your absence?

Void of color, my lips seep red
as I kiss upon the roses
that you placed upon my bed.
My sheets saturate by the blood of your thorns,
hidden by the beauty of your rose.

Your absinthe courses through my veins;
I am a slave to your elixir,
lost in the prison of my mind.  
Yet I remain within the labyrinth of the memory of you,
for only in my mind I know
you will not go.

As I look beyond the veil,
I cannot distinguish dusk from dawn.
Only through this absinthe
can I bear the weight of your absence.
Nov 2023 · 1.0k
Psychosa Nov 2023
Before we met,
a stone mold held me hostage.
When we met,
you showed me the cup that
I had hidden deep within myself.
But I was not alone,
for your cup was hidden deep within yourself.

When we removed our stone masks,
with hands shaking,
we offered our cups to one another.
Each of us filled the other's with glycerin.
With each sip we took,
our hearts began to listen.
The waters buried deep within us were brought to the surface.

To not drown in our own waters,
the glycerin we gave one another needed to cease.
So we stepped aboard our separate ships, with our own cups,
not yet completely full,
but glowing with a glycerin
that at long last, had finally begun to flow.
Nov 2023 · 1.1k
Psychosa Nov 2023
And through my death,
I have been initiated by the dark goddesses that dance under the forbidden moonlight,
into my birthright,
to truly be alive.
Nov 2023 · 1.7k
Moth of the Moon.
Psychosa Nov 2023
Two moths fluttered across one another's paths
before the breaking of dawn.

One of the moths mistook the other
for a butterfly from a distance,
but the closer they flew towards each other
the moth knew that there was no difference between the two.

At first, the older moth thought the younger was a mirage of herself.
But this moth that stood before her was not the moth herself,
but rather a version of herself that she had shed long ago.

The older moth told the young moth masked as a butterfly
that she must shed her false skin
so that they could fly to the moon, where they were both destined to go.

She offered to show this moth hidden beneath the façade
a path to her true destiny,
but the younger moth flew beneath the healing rays of the night
and descended into a world where she would never be accepted for her true essence.

In the end, the young moth flew to the sun and eviscerated into the fires of her own suffering.
The stars of the night burned bright for the loss of a soul who could not see that her beauty would have shined through any night.
Oct 2023 · 2.1k
Sappho, Incarnate.
Psychosa Oct 2023
Meet me there,
in the Elysian fields that
hold us between a mortal and immortal time.

Meet me beneath the moonlight beams,
and I will wait for you in the moonlit crest banks
as the gentle rains of the night
transform to the thunderous cries of the gods.  

Meet me there, my love.
Beneath these facades of skin and bone,
our souls call to one another.
I have known you in a place beyond space and time.

So come home to me my love,
and let us sail to the shores of our fateful bliss.
I shall love you through the storms of time,
if only you allow me to hold your hand in mine.
Oct 2023 · 3.6k
Psychosa Oct 2023
I watched as your stabbed yourself with daggers.
Your blood ran cold down your shaking body.
I tried to remove the daggers from you,
but you could not let go.
You were addicted to the pain that they brought you.

I tried to mend your wounds,
but you would **** them open,
drenching yourself in your own suffering.

I tried to give you the space to heal,
but to you only pain is real.
So you self-inflict
in hopes that no one will see the skin behind your scars.

So I watched you die before my eyes.
Sep 2023 · 1.7k
Psychosa Sep 2023
How I long to be touched by you,  
body and soul.
How I long for your lips
to press against mine
and wash away the fear of our fleeting time.

Your beauty is ineffable;
it would be a disgrace
for the world not to glimpse at the divinity
that is written upon your face.

How I long for your skin
to give warmth to mine
as you drench me in your silk
beneath satin sheets.

How I long for the parts of you
that will not be washed away with time.
Oh How I long for the woman that has bewitched my mind.
Sep 2023 · 609
Psychosa Sep 2023
I watch the stars dance through the sky
as my youth passes me by.

Alone I cry
with the weight that one day we all shall die.  

I look to the sky
and in a glimpse see the faint lines of a waning moon.
Painted with droplets of silver,
the night sky shimmers.

My hands feel the dirt that surround me on all sides,
breathing in the musk of the blackened night,
my eyes shed a tear.

A bat flies before me, alone in the night.
I watch as he becomes one with the darkness.
He flies to the moon and transforms into stardust.

Only then I see,
there is no separation from the stars and me.
Jun 2023 · 139
Psychosa Jun 2023
With each breath I take,
I inhale you.
With you, a world once bleak
bleeds ultraviolet.
Inside, a nothingness consumes me,
til I consume you.
The more of you I taste;
The more I must have.
I see a sparkle in your eyes,
deluding myself that it is I who changes the shape of your iris.
I look to you for love,
and you offer me another bump.

Without warning,
Your high fades,
And you leave me in our white dust,
in search of your next line.
May 2023 · 459
Psychosa May 2023
I choose to love the men
That are so blinded by their pain that they cannot see another,
Not because of the man himself,
But because I cannot bear the sight of my own reflection.
May 2023 · 510
Heart Rot.
Psychosa May 2023
The tree does not rot because of its essence
But because the skies
Have deprived her of their waters.
So forever shall her roots thirst;
Forever shall they reach  
For something
That only the skies could give.
May 2023 · 693
Psychosa May 2023
Take me through the labyrinth that is your heart.
Guide me through these blackened halls with the fires of your love.
Blinded, I give myself to you.  
Speak to me in symphonies,
As you guide me through your heart.
Row me down your caverns,
And fill me with your waters.
Take my hand in yours,
As you give your heart to mine.
May our love last,
Through the eternities of time.
May 2023 · 121
Desert Rose
Psychosa May 2023
I am the devourer of men.

With my eyes, I hypnotize.
Behind my back,
I hold a dagger, desperate to be quenched by the blood of your suffering.

I whisper to you secrets
that all men wish to hear,
just to pull you near.

My lips seep with your elixir,
Losing control,
unable to let go,
To you, I am a desert rose.

So you let go….
Into me, you sink
As I devour your soul.

I am the deathwitch of men.
Bewitched by my beauty,
I devour your heart,
In hopes that I might find my own.
May 2023 · 101
Psychosa May 2023
A broken dream.
A sky devoid of colors.
A soul sold to the existence of another.
A body drained of its being.
An ocean fallen to the desert sands.
A cloud fallen to the ground.
An eye that has looked too long
to the sun.
A cigarette burned too fast.
A spirit
by the nonexistence
of existence.
Apr 2023 · 116
The Hourglass.
Psychosa Apr 2023
I sit alone,
Content with myself,
Until I see you.
I look across the room and glare at your wrinkled skin.
You sit there, almost lifeless.
Then you see me staring at you.
You stare,
Or might I even say glare back.
I can see the envy in your eyes,
Envy of the beauty that you once knew.
Youth has escaped you.
Once more you look me up and down, but this time with a smile.
For I am what you once were,
And you are what I shall one day become.
We fear one another, not because of our difference, but because we are confronted with the inevitability.
As long
As I am here,
So shall you be.
And soon, my skin will wither away.
So I step away from the mirror
And step into the light.
Apr 2023 · 140
A Narcissist’s Supply
Psychosa Apr 2023
I am a limb attached to you.
I was a part of you-
The part that was your slave.
I did your bidding,
But nothing was ever enough.
So you slashed your own arm,
But you did not feel my pain.
No longer could I bear the burdens
That you weighed upon me.
So with my own hand,
I severed myself from you.
I am now a limb alone in the world.
Blood still spills from my side,
As I am incomplete without you.
I try to grow into my own body,
But I was only ever an extension of you.
Never was I whole,
So within me will always be a hole.
I am free,
But yet I am helpless, just how you taught me.
Enslaved to you I shall always be,
Though now my body is free.
Oh How I long,
To find what is me.
Mar 2023 · 143
Psychosa Mar 2023
The emptiness we all feel
That none of this is real.
A fire once swelled within,
But we have all been stripped from our skin.
Swallowed whole,
By this black hole
That our existence
Is not our own.
Used and splayed,
To the human Gods,
We are slaves.
Burning within our own skin,
Why won’t my body let me in?
Feb 2023 · 157
Pale Horse.
Psychosa Feb 2023
He comes on a pale horse.
Hands that have been dismembered
Begin to wrap my throat as
The world around me dissipates.
As I look into his eyes,
I expect to see sinister in its pure physical form.
But as I look up,
I see the gentle tranquility
Of  pure energy.
I embrace the scythe
and embrace my own demise
So that I may be set free.
Jan 2023 · 209
Psychosa Jan 2023
She is an enigma.
Written not by ink,
But carved in skin.
Each evening she fades by a cigarette.
With her, you will burn;
You will bleed.
Immersed by the smoke of her being,
You are in a room of mirrors.
Behind them she hides,
Only a reflection of her will you see.
She is an apparition.
Handing you a glass of elixir,
You consume her.
Soon the smoke fades away,
And the mirrors begin to shatter.
You are alone with her barren self.
And so you run.
Because it is not her who intoxicated you,
But the image she painted for you.
So she is left in shadow and dust,
As her heart is left to rot.
I just want to be loved.
Jan 2023 · 311
Psychosa Jan 2023
I am a slave to Death.
It comes to my door
telling me that I can feel no more.
It wrings its hands around my neck.
I indulge in the pain.
It drains my soul, for all is lost
when Death is the only voice I can hear.
One day we will disappear,
and my pain will dissolve
into Death's black rains.
Jan 2023 · 171
Psychosa Jan 2023
Did I choose you to love,
Or did I choose you to feel?
For this love is pain,
And I run from my own.
So I guess that’s why you feel like home.
Jan 2023 · 253
Psychosa Jan 2023
I always fall in love with my distractions.
Jan 2023 · 778
Psychosa Jan 2023
Our love was marked by the kiss of death.
From the night we met,
it held us captive.

Ever so....
you sunk your teeth into me.

you drained me
of my own life.

I became.

But the more the light drained from my eyes,
I knew it was giving life
to you.

Endlessly, I would have endured my own pain,
for you alone.

Yet you soon began to see me not as a host of life,
but rather a corpse that remained,
so you left me
to rot.

Six feet under
I will always remain,
until my last dying breath,
in hopes that you might one day join me,
in my Elysium.
Nov 2022 · 1.2k
Psychosa Nov 2022
I am so achingly alone.

In a world full of souls,
Mine has been trapped in a void.

So painfully alone.

Deserted by all
But the pain I bear,
That my existence  
Will only be
mine own.
Nov 2022 · 959
Psychosa Nov 2022
You do not set my soul on fire.
You do not consume me as the sea.
You do not make my heart bleed with desire.
You are not a storm that sweeps me away.
You are no hurricane.

You are a steady burning coal that keeps me warm when the world is cold.
You are gentle waters that wash away my fears.
You are the tender breeze that fills my lungs with life.
You are the soft rains that quench my soul when life has left me dry.

You are not fire and fury;
You are everything I need.
Nov 2022 · 382
Psychosa Nov 2022
It is a pervasive sense of grief,
but the only person who has died
is you,
and yet your corpse remains.
Nov 2022 · 2.4k
Psychosa Nov 2022
Falling into the black.
I am encompassed by this darkeness.
It has dimmed the depths of my soul.
I have run,
and the further and further I go
I realize how I am achingly alone.
Fading away
Into the haze of bleakness.
Someone catch me!
I’m falling too fast.
I’m so afraid
That I’m not going to last.
Oct 2022 · 1.1k
Psychosa Oct 2022
The first night we met, we walked through the graveyard.

Our blood coursed through our veins
as we felt the lifelessness  surrounding us.

Tombstones followed us on every side,
reminding us of our mortality.

The world was asleep
as we basked in the glow of the moonlight.

We spoke of the glimpse of the life that we have left.

I took you to a solemn grave.
Alone it stood
while the others were cast to eternity with another.

Hidden and out of sight,
we laid on the ground,
reminding us that we too shall one day be six feet below.

But as the moonlight shone on you that night,
no longer did I feel so alone.

The graveyard is my solace,
a dwelling for my solemn soul.
But as we laid on the ground,
no longer did I feel the imminence of death.

For with you,
I feel the beauty of life.
Aug 2022 · 3.6k
Psychosa Aug 2022
You are the seeds of Hades.
When I look at you,
My soul bleeds with desire.

Without you,
I starve.
Tempted by you,
my mouth parched,
I close my eyes and devour you.

Each bite I take bounds me to your underworld.
Here I suffer.
Here I am alone.
… but here I have you.
So devour me.

For I would rather suffer with you
in an endless netherworld
Than to be quenched by another.
Aug 2022 · 3.5k
Broken glass.
Psychosa Aug 2022
I am a piece of glass.

a glass that has been shattered time and time again,
losing a piece of me with every new bash/
a remnant of what I once was.

If you try to put me back together, the world will never look the same,

If you try to put me back together,
you need to remember that I am a broken piece of glass,
you will hurt yourself if you hold me in your hand,
and then I will hurt you more.

Don't hold too tight,
but don't let go.

Looking at the world through me may be hard.
I have fallen so many times that I am mere piece of myself now.
Me as your lens of the world would be small and stained.
But then again, I can show you the world.

If you try to find yourself in me,
you need remember
that I am not a mirror,
but a hollow thing where you can never be reflected.

It's a lonely existence.

I am a barrier yet I am a transporter.

You will never know

I am transparent.
If you want to find inside, you can see right through me.
But do not be deceived, for I am empty.

But with all this,
I am a piece of glass.
I am fragile;
I can be broken,
so please handle with care.
Aug 2022 · 138
Psychosa Aug 2022
To speak a word
Is not to feel a word.
To write a line of poetry
Is to feel what cannot be spoken.
For when a word is spoken,
It is taken to our common realm.
But art is to take us
Beyond the realm
Over Which logos rules.
Poetry is a transporter of the soul.
Poetry is the Charon,
Not of the living
But of those whose heart is dead in this cold world.
For Hades is not below us,
But within us.
Psychosa Jul 2022
It is the soul that is asleep,
and the body simply follows.

I find my soul only in the realm of darkness,
so I close my eyes
to put my soul at ease,
in its home
of oblivion.
Jul 2022 · 1.6k
Demon of Death.
Psychosa Jul 2022
I’m falling asleep again.
Can you feel my heart?
All I can feel is its weight…
It’s so heavy.
Whenever I try to get up,
It pushes me down further.
Why can’t I wake up?
This demon of death
Lies atop me,
****** my soul.

Release Me!
Release me, demon.

It’s getting hard to breathe.
Demon of death,
Take me or leave me.
But I cannot Stay
Jul 2022 · 766
Psychosa Jul 2022
This skin is not mine own.
For it will remain ,
When I am gone.
This skin is my home
For my time here.
Did I choose this skin,
Or did this skin choose me ?
I am plagued by own existence.
But is it even my own?
Jul 2022 · 920
Wrong or Right?
Psychosa Jul 2022
With the wrong person,
Nothing will ever be enough.
With the right person,
Nothing will be more than enough.
Jun 2022 · 2.0k
A Sullen Wish.
Psychosa Jun 2022
My existence  is forlorn.
From my body, I am torn.
Withered and stripped,
My soul is worn.
Inside brews an endless storm.
Oh how I long to be no more.
Jun 2022 · 1.8k
Broken Mirror.
Psychosa Jun 2022
It was not me
who you loved.

It was not me who you saw,
but rather the mirror you put before me.

It was not my voice you heard,
but rather your own echo.

The mirror you held between us was fragile.
Slowly it began to crack.
Each time I held you closer,
the mirror began to disintegrate.

The more the mirror began to break,
The more you saw me.
But you cannot stand to not stare
at your own reflection.

As the mirror shattered,
so did my heart.
You picked up the chards and threw them to my skin.
For you do not see the blood coursing through my veins,
but rather the lack of yourself.

For it was not me who you loved,
but rather your
Jun 2022 · 865
To die.
Psychosa Jun 2022
The day the light
was lost from your eyes
was not the day you died,
but rather
the day our love died.

I don’t know which hurts most.
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