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  May 2021 maike
Why bind me to my own words
You are free from all the strings
I am not moving in years
But you've been flying ever since.
  May 2021 maike
So many poems
and stories
have gone unwritten
due to fear of not being good enough
  Apr 2021 maike
Tears on her face
"Please don't go"
A sad smile
"I'll ever remember you"
One last kiss
Then he turned 'round
Headed for the war
Still honour-bound
She watched him go
The pain broke her heart
'Cause she knew he was
Her only light in the dark
March of the army
Where the flames spread
They marched to their doom
They marched to their death
No glory, no battle
Instead cruel assault
Hundreds of 'em died
Gone to their bloodied vault
The love at home
Prayed at the Gods' shrine
"Let him return,
Let him be fine"
But she could no longer
Stand her fears
So she headed for the army
That wept red tears
The boy had survived
The ****** fight
A feast for the crows
Under the pale moon's light
The enemy had lost
Many warriors too
The corpses for the wolves
Cruel fate for the cruel
The girl, she finally came
To the lords tent
The lord stood inside
A sword in his hands
"What does a young girl want
In this war?"
"I'm here to stand with my love
When the horns will roar.
I'm a warrior,
Better than any other one.
My blade's a snake,
And my skin is stone."
"I can't permit,
I can't allow."
"So then, my lord,
I'll fight with  bow!!
You can't hold me back,
My lord, my lord."
And she stepped forward
To claim the sword
"I'll fight for my love
Or I will die
But 'til the end
I'll be by his side!
I'll stand with you
Cause that's my fate.
I'll wield this sword,
And I'll ****** its blade!"
With that words
She turned around,
As suddenly the sound of horns
Raised from the ground.
They've come, they've come!!!"
The scouts called out,
"The enemy has come!!!"
Red dust was at dusk a cloud
The battle begun
When the sun had set down.
Once a mere argue,
To war grown.
She found him
Between dead enemies he stood.
She caught him as he fell down
Into a pool of red blood.
Tears on her face
"Don't go, stay with me!"
"I'll ever remember you...",
On his lips she had seen.
****** light
Teared from the sun.
She held him in her arms
The battle was won.
That's the best piece I've ever written. I'd even reckon to say it's my master piece. Please give me feedback!!! And, I'm sorry, if it's too... sad.
  Apr 2021 maike
shianne rose
there are two types of sadness

there’s the kind of sadness
we ignore and
try to get rid of it
by finding new things to do
or we find someone to talk to
by blatantly avoiding any type of conversation
about feeling sad
about having any feelings at all
and then there’s that kind of sadness
that takes over
and it consumes any activity we do
we know it’s there
and there’s no possible way to avoid it
so we feed it exactly what it wants
it craves the sad music
it craves the isolation
it craves the anxiousness
and the sadness comes storming in
it has no manners
here we are calling sadness, an “it”
when all it is
is a feeling
that most people
call home
maike Apr 2021
i love rain

the way our world feels after,
so refreshed and innocent,
without any need
to pretend

like the blue drops would have erased
the pages of world’s darkest places
finally creating a new chapter
of life  
that allows us to begin again

the smell of petrichor gives me hope
petrichor = the smell of rain
maike Apr 2021
i love everything about rain,
the way the rain drops race down the window pane

the way it nets the sprouts
like a lovely hug
the dark calming color of the clouds
the thunder that sometimes growls
seeming to be the ****
of nature,
but actually is a creator
of something beautiful

the way our world feels after,
so alighted and innocent,
no need to pretend
like the blue drops would have erased
the pages of worlds darkest places together with the pain
finally creating a new chapter
of life  
that allows us to begin again

the smell of petrichor gives me hope
petrichor = the smell of rain
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