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Girlrinth Feb 29
I used to think chastity
was a five year old who
knew nothing about ***.
The kind of innocence
I longed for as an adult too much.
Now a ****** who knows everything.
I still hate that to this day.
Yet what’s wrong  with
a tiger striped dove?
Fight in the flight or visa versa.
A lot of people in our culture
view purity as something *****.
Yet a lot of people in our culture
view the ****** as way too cool.
Where is the balance?
There has got to be one.
Chastity to me is staying
true to the one you love.
There is so much more!
this is one of my extremely rare good days. I’m fighting something extremely difficult right now. I’m seriously trying to stay off social media BUT… this post hit me.
Girlrinth Feb 26
I wonder if I was
in between your legs
if you’d moan.
Your heart is deeper
than I’ve ever known.
A fawn with white
tears running down.
Maybe my inexperience
will give you a first time.
I used to read erotica
but now I’m waiting for you.
I used to watch ****
but now I’m waiting for you.
You’re the only one
I want to see in the context
of ***.
I am the ****** that’s always
known way too much.
All that I know is nothing
compared to you my poet.
I hope I don’t die before
we can be together.
:for my boyfriend

Yes I’m still on my twitter and letterboxd break but today was a good day.
One of those extremely rare ones.
Girlrinth Jun 2020
was a house.

Knitted by
knowing you.

It was made
of sticky notes.

aching for actions.

is the fuel.

Hearts only
in its windows.

Looks didn’t
really matter.

A firm foundation

Gates of wisdom
walk to it.

laughed at it.

Gossip galloped
away from it.

The golden rule
knew better.
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