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I’m so in love with you
I think about you first thing in the morning,
and you’re the very last person I think about at night.
You’re the first person I wanna run to when I have good news,
and the person I want around when everything isn’t right.

I’m so in love with you
I write you letters but never send them
Afraid with each word you’d pick apart the pieces of my heart
Shattered with each time it isn’t reciprocated
Doomed to be damaged

I’m so in love with you
That even still
I await the time to see you
Look forward to hear you
Love when I feel you
Although you’ll never choose me
I’m so in love with everything about you and what you do to me
Amy Childers Mar 5
My mind has killed me in a thousand different ways but only you could torture me.
Only you know how to tear my heart open with hello and scorch it with goodbye
Mangle my desires and bleed me dry.
Only you could make me believe in snow in July.
For a taste of your love I was prepared to gamble my pride.
Maybe you would have known if my words were not a scramble but you never did try.
My heart has been broken a thousand times but never like this, and for what?
I can't even call you mine.
selina Feb 28
perhaps i kept you like a secret, but
you spilled and overflowed into everything i did
lingered oh-so-noticeably, like an expensive perfume
perhaps you left me, but you also left your presence
like coffee stains on my journals, like, despite my wishes
all of your reserved enunciations and misspelled mannerisms
still shadow alongside every line that i reluctantly write
my parents say i am selfish, and perhaps they are right
my friends say this is hopeless, i hate that they're always right
perhaps i still sing about how we were "right person, wrong time"
perhaps i still write about a different us living out a different life
one where getting to love you is still a privilege of mine
perhaps i've finally stopped writing about the day we reunite
perhaps i can't move on, perhaps i lie, perhaps you'll understand
when i tell you over lunch, on the verge of tears, that i'm afraid
that i will suffer a case of unrequited love until the day that i die
Maybe if I am perfectly still
Til' the silence rings through my ears

If I don't even speak it
If it doesn't slip through the cracks of my tongue

You will never know
And it will never exist

So maybe I can exchange this dullness in my chest
To spend the rest of my life with you by my side

For if the world even realizes for a second
The things I've wished under my breath

About you

How I could love you and tell you all the things you deserve to hear.
I am afraid

I feel sick
Thinking and wondering every second

Which day will be our last.

I don't want to lose you.
Ellenah Jan 23
“Write me a poem?” he asked me.

“Of course, my love.” And I do.

My love is written onto a page
The words spilling onto the floor
Trickling through the cracks in the wood
Dripping onto the dry earth below
Watering long forgotten seeds
Sprouting tendrils of flowering vines
Giving pollen to the smallest of bees.
From their hives of great abundance,
Honey leaking, sticky and golden,
I collect in a jar made of crystals
And present to him, my poem.
“I give you my very being.” I say.
With a laugh, he takes it.
“Write me a poem?” I ask him.
“That’s not really my thing, sorry.”
Hannah M Jan 19
It's been a while,
Don't you think ?
I haven't learned a thing
No way I jump
I know I'll sink.
And still
You'd have no clue.
How much
You twist me up
Melt me...
Bind me like glue.
It's silly
Don't you think ?
When I'm driving home
From a good time,
Tell me why
I think of you.
Ander Stone Jan 13
you share with me such hurtful words
that are a balm to
my kindred soul.

they hurt as they leave your summer wine lips
and drip like molten wax
upon my chest,
and heart,
and mind,
and touch my soul...

verse after verse.

you entwine my eroded coil
within you moonlight glow,
and tell me all the things
I so hungrily needed to know.

you wrap my broken hands
within your silken ones.

I crave to part your lips,
and share in such a melody.
that starlight hum.
that midnight medley.
that dark and ever-glowing sonnet
that brought you to my desolation.

I yearn to kiss them with my ones,
those lips as warm as starlight flame,
as perfect as the heart of night,
as young as time itself.

but mine are blistered
by frigid winds,
and bloodied from some fist
I've recently had to stomach...
I have known a pair of crimson lips that made the world sing with more words than it had before
Ash Jan 12
I walk a ghost among the mourners,
plucking stitch
after stitch
into my own burial shroud

—with a rose
tucked into the sleeve

as though one day,
a dedicated love might find itself here
Ander Stone Jan 11
you brandish most beautiful eyes at me
as our paths cross
in the city.

a blue as pure as the winter sky
makes me think that
to see you cry
would plunge my heart into
a roaring blizzard.

yet I can imagine the light
of the sun
shimmer upon a single

I could bear the thought of
seeing you weep with joy,
as the first dew of
blissful spring runs down your
snow-pale face.

and in a second you pass me by.
and you are gone like
a snowflake in the wind.
I have witnessed a pair of azure eyes that made the winds shimmer this poem into existence.
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