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relahxe May 30
Falling in love with the wrong person
Is desiring strawberry ice cream, but
Something about the color is off,
so we choose vanilla, as we did yesterday.

Falling for the unavailable
is the soul's attempt to satisfy the need for deep connection
at low risk,
as the mind's already predetermined the impossibility,
which loosens the heart.

For if there was an available person,
we'd never feel that way—
they're simply too boring (or the risk is too high).
Because God forbid you hoped something would happen,
you truly believed,
and you were left crushed.

When you love the unavailable,
you're crushed to begin with,
You ask for it and embrace it, as it's all you've known.

When you love someone who could never
want you back in precisely the same way,
you're safe in a weird way,
In the unreciprocated, impossible-to-fulfill
that you have full control over.

Something the inner child
never had.

To love someone near, someone close,
is to admit you have no control.
It's better to have full control over a sad situation than half control over a happy one.

As Seneca puts it, "The man who has anticipated the coming of troubles takes away their power when they arrive."
When love occurs only with this safety—that the trouble is anticipated,
the reciprocation is impossible,
the fight for it is what matters, what drives us,
not the end goal.

Loosened hearts amidst a sea of certain disappointment,
unreciprocated effort—
that's when my heart loosens,
when there's certainty.
And in love, true love, there is no certainty.

This is the unconscious desire to control.
And until I realize that love is vulnerable,
truly vulnerable,
not vulnerable in a "here are all my secrets" way,
but "please stay away,"
not vulnerable in an "as long as you're far away,
I'll love you all the way" way.

This is not vulnerability,
it is cowardice.
But I have self-compassion for my inner child,
she's afraid because she's used to unpredictability.
And the only certainty
is that it will be bad,

But what if,
just once,
I let go of the reins?
What if I allowed myself to hope,
to dream of a love that isn't tainted by fear,
where I have no control,
but it's real, it's near?

What if I trusted that vulnerability
could lead to something beautiful,
something more than the safety of sorrow,
more than the comfort of control?

For true love isn't about control,
it's about the willingness to fall,
to trust,
to be open to the unknown.

It's scary, yes,
but perhaps, it's worth the risk,
to find a love that's not predetermined,
not bound by the fear of heartbreak,
but one that can truly grow,
beyond the confines of safety,
into something profoundly beautiful.
I’m so in love with you
I think about you first thing in the morning,
and you’re the very last person I think about at night.
You’re the first person I wanna run to when I have good news,
and the person I want around when everything isn’t right.

I’m so in love with you
I write you letters but never send them
Afraid with each word you’d pick apart the pieces of my heart
Shattered with each time it isn’t reciprocated
Doomed to be damaged

I’m so in love with you
That even still
I await the time to see you
Look forward to hear you
Love when I feel you
Although you’ll never choose me
I’m so in love with everything about you and what you do to me
Lance Mar 2022
My heart always skips a beat
Each time my eyes find you
It's sweet
Yet I hope you knew

I love and wish to spend every waking day with you
How I wish you knew
Yet you like someone new
And no longer see me

Longing and hoping
To have reciprocation
But alas

You may like someone new..
The feeling in your chest that whenever you see that person you like but could never have. The smile in his face knowing you aren't the person making him smile. And lastly knowing that he is falling for someone else.
Ingram Jan 2022
All it took was one look from me
and you would have bent over backwards so easily.
I took advantage of the love you had
because I needed to fill a void so bad.
It’s true you knew how I felt for I wasn’t fooling anyone
but I still feel guilty for everything I have done.
I can see that you try and try and try
but this time you will have to tell me goodbye.
I will stop you from coming back and begging for more
because I need you to move on and realize you don’t deserve this unreciprocated love anymore.
Diana Santiago Aug 2021
I waited in vain for your validation
In hopes that maybe you’d see me
The way I saw you, beloved
Sadly, you viewed me like thin air

While I was mesmerized by your cappuccino skin
And the way your hair danced in the wind
You couldn’t give a **** about me
I was just one of many who looked your way

Even as I would ignore you in plain sight
I would beg for your attention in my head
But you only threw crumbs at me
Like I was some lost street pigeon

Keep your linty crumbs for someone else
The hell you think you are?
I am deserving of so much riches
Yet I feel like some vagabond
A Howell Jan 2021
to say the least
i’m a little confused
why i gave you

all of my nickels,

all of my dimes,

and every last penny,

but in return i get
nothing but a neon

because like your heart
this machine is out of order
xandra Dec 2020
every time i imagine your name
or your face,
or any daydreamt aspect of you
interacting with me,
instead of your name,
i will think,
"for what?"
and i think,
it's better this way,
~for both our sakes
xandra Dec 2020
was it how you made me laugh,
or how that laughter decimated
my sense of uncertainty
and lulled me into a temporary constant,
in my ignorance,
a real version of me
fell into a faux version of you.
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