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Jellyfish Oct 2023
When I have no where left to go
I come back to this blog where I feel known.
I type for hours, and don't expect flowers
This page is comfortable, it fits my tone.

If you trace my journey from the start,
There's tears in many moments; a piece of my heart
Years may have passed, but in every part,
Words have been my solace, a work of art.

In this digital haven, where stories are sown,
I've found my refuge, a place to be shown.
Amongst kindred spirits, I've truly grown,
In pixels and text, my feelings flow
Thanks for always being here He,Po
Steve Page Oct 2023
The Last Priest smiled his blessing
indiscriminately, bridging, seeding,
building a new priesthood
beyond borders, across tribes,
ignoring gender, discounting class,
blind to race, snubbing rank,
denying privilege and preferring
a new holy nationality for refugees
for stateless souls like mine
- like ours
UK National Poetry Day on 'refuge'
1 Peter 2:9-10
9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Galatians 3:26-29
26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,
27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
A girl
had seen
the once
stars before
her eyes,
as small
as they
they saw
a refuge
in the place
she called
in the
night, she
lands in
the garden
of the moon,
she had seen
every petal
as a word of
poetry, a
the flowers of
her becomes
a guest within
the heart,
they asked,
“how did
you know
of our
to which
she says,
“I am
love and
so are
Raven Blue Jun 2021
Refuge from loneliness.
Thought it was love,
But that was just kindness.
I should not have hoped,
To have those delusions.
I should not have confessed,
And just kept it as a lonely love.
Robert Watson Apr 2021
I long for solitude;
The day's barking tyrants
Drained my reservoir.

Thirsty for life,
I search for my oasis
On life's arid expanses.

I witness the crucifixion;
I watch firefighters burn books;
I can't resist the sirens' call.

The ionizing words mutate me;
I read, and I'm pierced.
The tyrant's visage, shattered.
Try to spot the allusions!
Black Petal Mar 2021
No matter what comes
I'm making it beautiful
Here in this refuge
You are asking for advice
but you can't see reason
You are tired of her tantrums
but going against her? Treason

You know the facts
this is an issue
She may be waiting
but she doesn't miss you
His5Her is a series of poems with different points of view of fictional people.
Elvis Furtado Nov 2020
When tears don't work no more,
When words spoken don't mean anything,
It is the refuge of the written,
That soothes my aching heart

For it is the record of a pain,
captured in time that can freeze that moment,
And forever live beyond the pain that existed!
iamgone Nov 2020
my mind may have layers
stairs and levels
and turning
halls and rooms
but don't be fooled
my mind is not
a building
my mind is not
a home
in fact
my mind
is where i get
lost the most
I can't find refuge
not even in my own head
what day is it?
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