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Her Songs Jul 2019
When I first met you, I did not like you.

I hated that you were always on top of your work,
That you were always so focused all I could do was lurk.
I hated that you always tried to be the best,
Competing with me in disregard to my request.

I was jealous of you because you were so perfect.
You made everything seem so worth it.
I never saw you walk away with anything other than an A.
All work was done in the best possible way.
I found myself comparing myself to you.
I wanted to be perfect too.

I tried to change myself to resemble you.
It actually helped me get out of the blues.
Many would say that you should never change who you are,
But when I was with you,
I felt like a star.

I started to distance myself because depression got in the way.
You were my first real friend and I doubted you would stay.
I dug myself into a hole to get away from you,
With this sadness following me too.
I never looked back to see you following me.
I would soon realize that you were a precious treat.

You stayed with me for a very long time,
You stayed with me until I was ready to climb.
Until I met you,
all I knew was demons
But you soon convicted them of treason.

You demonstrated the definition of a bright light.
And I could never thank you enough for showing me what was right.
Continue to be you: such a beautiful rose.
Dispose of any thoughts that may oppose.
Jillian Jade Apr 2018
Splitting apart
Peeling into two.
Too many lies that I've grown up into.
Being ripped in half
A memory of the past
But glass never breaks down the middle.
Broken pieces shattered on the floor
Be careful were you step or you'll get hurt more.
I'm torn down the middle because I can't choose.
I'd rather stay with me than live with you two

-Divorce from a child's perspective
Jillian Jade
red writer Feb 2018
beautiful; the pleasing of the senses or mind aesthetically.
    a word so simple, but yet im so scared of it
   when something is rare to you
   and almost foreign
    fear accompanies each time
    im scared of the opinions of my peers and my people and myself
    i stand here trying to look like everybody else
    i stand here and try to be beautiful
the stereotypes are degrading
    it feels as if our beauty has grading
    A, B, C, D? Y, does so much beauty go over looked?
    some girls hear it everyday
    others wait for a lifetime
    a word so delicate and charmingly used
    that eats away at my brain
    as i point out the hues of my red under-toned cheeks
    and stare into the mirror
    just trying to see clearer into myself and not just what i see in front of me
    i have a fear of looking different and my fear is a reality that i live everyday
   i don’t look like you and you don’t look like me
   but i still so strongly believe that you’re more beautiful than me
    and you can tell me all you want and as I hear the sympathy in your voice
     i give myself a choice to either listen and lie
    or go home and cry
    the tears ive shed for my looks are the same tears ive shed for the books
   as i remember each time previous that I cried on my bed while staring at gorgeous girls
   and wondered, when will i be praised for my beauty or i question if I have beauty at all
   and i soon fall into a deep pit
    staring at my body and into my own reflections eyes as i slowly start to crumble
    break down in defeat, hard to recover
    get knocked off my feet
    look up at a light to dry my tears
    walk outside the bathroom door and face my fear of being asked “did you just cry?”
    to which i answer “no” and make up a stupid lie
    im not begging for people to tell me im beautiful
    im begging for people to be more open
    and never thinking of closing
    don’t tell me im funny, tell me i have a pretty personality
   don’t tell me im smart, tell me im intelligent because smarts are probably beautiful too
   and don’t tell me you miss me, tell me you want to be around my lovely self
   or don’t at all
   and be open and tell me that i have a ****** personality
   or that i brag about my grades
   or i get too annoying for you
   because what pleases you, pleases me
   gaining a new perspective of someones beauty
   no matter the fire from the response
   whether it be from thoughts, actions or words
  there is beauty in all of it
   and please don’t be like me
   cause can’t you see?
   i never thought i had beauty
    until i wrote this
    and now i see what i wanna be
    because now i see beauty in me
comes a time and a place where everyone wants to give up.

just keep your head high.

throw the ******* up.

and tell the negativity you don't give a ****.

comes a time and a place ya gotta keep your head held high.

look up in the sky.

and believe In the big guy.

if you work your hardest to make it through.

I bet you won't believe what you can do.

with yourself.

if you don't believe me just try it out.

than you can see what being happy is all about.

I'm speaking from experience and all my struggles.

when I was down and felt like the brown stuff in your shovel.

Written by: Kyle Frederickson
nali Aug 2016
How scary it would be,
To fall into a love
That is not reciprocated

I couldn't sleep tonight.
What kind of **** is that?

You say
We’re moving too fast, and
You aren’t ready for something serious

That’s fine.

But your body speaks another language of magnitude
While we lay on my teensy, tiny mattress for hours
As my vision slows
From the spliff
That we smoked,
We laugh

You don’t have to say a **** thing.
Because your body speaks volumes.

My exclusive, elusive comedian
You say
You might have to abstain from me
For a couple of days
With a laugh

Because things are moving too fast
Because it’s not really a big deal to not speak
Because I don’t like that joke
Because I don’t think it’s a joke

If you wanted slow,

You wouldn’t kiss me with a striking urgency
That makes my heart beat anything but

You have a funny notion of this

Because the feelings I have for you are alarming
Because our head space is not alike
Because we’re moving way too fast
Because I forgot this isn’t a two way street

Is when you moan my name
And you tell me you adore the sound of “nail” rolling off your tongue
And I agree

Is when my ****** belongs to you
And only to you
Because you said so
Because I agreed

Slow” is when you tell me
That you are infatuated with my body
Because you know what to say
Because I’m sick
Because you knew that
Because that’s all I wanted to hear

Because I want to know what the ****
Kind of slow this is

I refuse
To fall victim to a love that is unrequited

And I refuse to expose myself to you
Raw and unapologetic
Because that’s who I am

Because suddenly it’s
“too much”

And I’m
“too young”

and you
“aren’t ready”

But you ****** me
Like you were
Maybe i'm overthinking. Who cares
A Goose's Dream May 2016
I stretch like a thinning cloud
Watch me and I'd be gone.
Say It Pretty Apr 2016
My sick little dog
Wiggles and bothers
Let's go out, out, out!

I take random pictures
What would I miss?

She sets the pace
Sniff, pause, backtrack

A breeze plays with strands
Of a weeping willow.
A million hidden smells.

For both of us
It is enough.


March 21, 2016
This is my first poem.
Anubhav Dec 2015
My love for you will never fade,
It will only increase with a high rate,
You give me strength to stand-up tall,
And you are always there every time I fall.
Everyday you are on my mind,
Person like you is hard to find.
When I first saw you,
You took my breath away,
And I fell in love with you from that very first day :)
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