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There once was a man called Rabboni.
The pharisees called him a phony.
     They called him a fraud
     Even when they were awed
By miracles they said were baloney.
David Hilburn May 10
Right about glue?
Salvation is a nod's miracle...
Flow to owe, is rightness you?
With the season of silence, will...

A quiet person
Save you from two?
Chaste, and expecting worsens
Apprehension, is for those who...?

Kind amid dreck
Superiority has found your hunger...
Safety of sanity, is always elect
If was was to be, wall's speak danger?

Actual accord to finish
Simple lucre, to deliberate thus
The question's and answer's, of essences wish

Glad to meet me?
Sincerity is ours, for another
Integrity of poise and anarchy
With only ourselves to bother...?
A question only an angel could answer...?
Phia Oct 2023
I’ve resorted to making wishes on dandelions
For miracles
I know
Will never come
Zywa Feb 2023
Isn't it beautiful

today? It's a miracle --

but who is impressed?
"Makura no Sōshi" - 84 ("The Pillow Book" - 84, I Remember a Clear Morning, 1002, Sei Shonagon)

Collection "No wonder"
Pat Villaceran Aug 2022
Life's so big and beautiful

and bold

For you to get stuck
in this cave that holds


Caged in
unable to move

Because the curtains were closed
and the windows barricaded
from light

But here's your
A message from
Your past lives

To open the door
The key's just there
Lying on the floor


Just like you did
When you were a child
Waiting to open
Christmas presents

Seeking the thrill,
the excitement of the new

Because yes, my dear,
Tomorrow's been waiting
for YOU.
May she mark her moments of miracles. For it won't be but momentarily she'll soon forget such wonderous moments and she'll be buried in her daily duties, dilly dallying dutifully till the deathbed does she dwell on such matters again to sit in such shame sorrowfully understanding the passing of her muliebrity.
selina Mar 2022
seasons are changing
and miracles are coming
do you understand the signs?

(or do you misinterpret them
the same way that i do
every godforsaken time?)
Paul Butters Jul 2021
The miracle –
To see, to feel, to touch, to hear, to smell
To be
To know I’m me.

A miracle repeated centillions of times over:
From the tiniest bug to the tallest tree.
So many sentient beings
Brimming with thoughts and feelings
Powerful emotion
And boundless imagination.

Evolution is but a continuation
From some timeless beginning
That could have created time itself.

Particles still wink in and out of existence –
Endless miracles beyond our vision.
All animals are just like us,
Seeing, feeling, thinking, wondering.

We take all this for granted
Rushing about
With our petty concerns –
Seldom taking the time
To stop
And look
At the sheer wonder
That is

Paul Butters

© PB 11\7\2021.
In the beginning.....
How’s this happening of me holding a pen again?
Trapped in the wit and bound by each vein.
My vision is blurred but my mind is clear;
I’ll take a paper but there’s something I fear.
Combination of thoughts made up inside my head;
The part of life simultaneously alive and dead.
The stars and the moon just one glance away;
Nobody knows how much these eyes weigh!
The eyelids are lift up to feel alive;
Emotions hit and put out the main five.
The dark isn’t enough to devastate;
Oh it's already midnight and the following date!
I can hear my name called out by the adjacent river;
Winds and waves leaving me to shiver.
This world is numb and cold;
My soul is drifting apart and it needs to be hold.
Look I am still breathing;
But my hands are freezing.
Yet I complete the poem and put a full stop of done;
Miracles do happen, I’ve recently experienced one.
Now I keep my pen & paper aside;
This happens all the time and I’m always abide.
Twenty-four hours of exertion and sound;
It requires some peace to be found.
This is an unending chain;
How’s this happening of me holding a pen again?
-Aishwarya Kulkarni
Anais Vionet Jan 2021
This is the viral solstice and I am liberty’s gambler.
What would I give to taste the fresh air of freedom?


Thaw-out that space-cold hope and puncture me – please.
God blesses the poets to write of such miracles.
is it gambling if you know you're going to win?
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