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Anam03 Jul 2023
I can feel,
your heart racing, crying for his touch
Your eyes chase him constantly
while mine chase you just as much

A soft pink color brushes your face
I realize,
he probably looked your way
As I watch you sink deeper in love
I write words
I wish I could say

Love me now or love me later
trust me, doesn't matter
I just hope you love me once
before I drift somewhere farther
Elliott Jul 2023
"He's young now." I look into the mirror. "He'll grow on you."

"He's learning. Unwise in his few years, low in confidence."

I ponder..." Will he always be so...scrappy?"

Here stands a young man, looking in the mirror. Still baffled at the reflection he sees.

There goes a woman, his mother, still determined to have a youngest daughter.

People say "He's changing, look in the mirror...see for yourself."

What I see is a scared young man....

scared to live, scared to take up space, scared to make a sound in the noise of society's never ending chaos.

She's trying...she says. To understand. To support. To move on. She knows not her faults nor the effect her words have on you...she only knows that one day her daughter stopped wearing dresses, cut her hair, and left a life of pink and pageantry behind.

No, she doesn't know what she does, but she can see the light in your eyes began to dim when she calls you her little girl.

His father....slowly decaying, pushes the ideas of a son out of his mind. Refuses to see the beard and changing physique in front of him, clings desperately like a moth to a flame to his little girl who he swears never grew a day past the age of five.

Back when things were simple. Back when there wasn't so much **** change. Back when things mattered less about pronouns and more about peace of mind and reputation.

When I grow up, I want to be the change that I wish I saw in all of you. I want to embrace who I love with open arms, decide that I'd **** for the man I see in the mirror. Let all those who disapprove be ******.

Because if I couldn't protect the light in that little girls eyes so many years ago, I'll be **** sure that the man I become is one who will protect mine.
BLD Jul 2023
tangerine cider tickles my tongue
ultraviolet undulates on the blacktop,
a summer wave of a mistaken mirage
falsified, yet ever-so-present

i could've sworn it was tangible
the taste of your lips i've forgotten
some of the memories have dissipated
brown hair trickles along my earlobes
chocolate caresses my cheek
eyes stay peeled on me

i changed

my skin has sunken with calories
and my lips have cracked unwillingly
i watch tires swerving by
and ponder the progress i've made

yet i can't seem to wonder
if i've forgotten a piece of me
as i searched for what i'd lost,
for what you had stolen,
to no avail

how can i forgive someone
i can't even fathom to respect

empathy is a blessing to others
but a curse residing within

unforeseen laughter tickles my tongue
ultraviolet undulates against your desktop,
a newcomer waves to your own entourage
falsified, yet ever-so-present
Evelyn Jun 2023
I will never be the same again.
But truly who ever was I?
The foundation never formed,
All there ever was – is mourning.
Died then revived.
Died and revived once again.
Continuously digging myself up from the grave.
A wraith amongst the dead,
I cannot rest because I have never truly lived.

Necromancy upon my soul,
A constant yearning to finally be whole.
A body covered in dirt and scars.
Yet I am determined to make it beautiful.
A heart full of spite, yet bursting with love.
An incautious desire to one day be enough.
I refuse to rest until I experience what real, safe human touch feels like.

Place a hand upon my sulphuric body.
I was once so afraid but now I am begging.
Please take it away, please tell me I am not *****.
I suppressed it all but now I'm overflowing.
I care not who you are, please just love me.
Lay me down amongst the green.
Put all your limbs on top of me.
Make imprints upon this rotten flesh,
until I can finally feel clean.

A body barren and hollow,
A body that only knows shame.
My bones are coated in it,
Words spewing it,
Tears pouring with it.
All I am is shame.

She used to smile so innocently when she was young.
With a laugh like a howling winds great bellow.
She would fantasise about her first love, I let her down.
Now I am screaming, snarling, spitting.
Resenting a world that I was foolish to trust.

Drive a stake through my heart,
I ask of you to wish me peaceful rest.
Hopefully this time I will not rise again.

Heavy damange
Erian Rose May 2023
Where Oceans Meet
We Last Were Home-bound
Anchored Forest
Anyone interested in reading a few
of my chapbooks before they are released?

Message me and I'll send you the sign up form to be an alpha reader, beta reader, and/or arc reader of the books.
Yvonne Han May 2023
I’ve been snapped out of the void before
Endless relenting overthinking never did me any good
But with ego
I stubbornly persist

On an overground tram
Heading back from a casual birthday party
Casual by default since her mum insisted
On jack in the box games and a caterpillar cake at nineteen

I told her all about the online echo chamber
For my newfound identity
For which she held the same
Did she have these same experiences
These strangers liked to insist?

I will never forget how she so cool told me no
And like a slap in the face I was reminded
Of the futility of my own overthinking.
There didn’t need to be some grand explanation
For my cosmic being in the universe
I just had to exist
I wrote this on a tram in Croydon.
Anam03 May 2023
Late night
my heart gets reminded of you
somber feelings, I try to fight
a terrible defeat
blood of blue

Generous load
of tears I've spent
words on paper
my only treatment

'doesn't matter the distance' they say
my only response
'try loving our way'
All the love poems I write are about my girlfriend. I love her more than words could ever convey...unfortunately, we'll be forced to breakup after a few months due to many reasons. We knew our relationship wouldn't last long due to the 'reasons' when we first started dating...but decided to go for it coz neither of us thought it would be this beautiful and this tough to let go. The time of our separation hasn't come yet but every time we're apart, I miss her and it hurts. Scares me how I'll handle the real deal.
Anam03 May 2023
I miss you
now, tomorrow, day after
shouldn't have fallen
should've been smarter

Forever was never there
we knew
but didn't care

Reached the end
unfortunately, developed
too many scars
to mend

So close, so fast
forever was never there
we knew
wish we didn't care
Ikimi Festus Feb 2019
In this new era, insanity's the norm,
My friend,
No hate without cause, let's embrace the different form.
From within to without, unity we seek,
To join in union, the love we shall keep.
No longer confined to straight and narrow,
Holy matrimony welcomes all, hallelujah!
Progress we've made, the government got it right,
Human rights prevail, shining so bright.
Love knows no boundaries, no matter the gender,
No taboo in nature, let's embrace and surrender.
Your life is your own, do as you please,
Take a leap if you wish, conquer the seas.
We answer to none, the Bible's just a ruse,
Designed to control, but we refuse to lose.
Heaven is here, on this earthly plane,
Let's pursue wealth, and get high, no restraint.
But in this pursuit, let's not forget,
To love our neighbors, to never neglect.
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Let shout,
With laughter in our voices, till we reach for the sky.

Meanwhile in a distant land,
Greetings and farewells, spoken with care,
In moments of fellowship, hearts they do share.
But soon comes the sorrow, the ache in His souls,
As they part ways, beneath silent tears that roll.
In troubled thoughts, currents of doubt flow,
Why can't sorrow be gentle and hide, we wish to know.
Shall I conceal my intentions, my secret scheme?
Oh, dear friend, should I hide what I'm about to deem?
The outcry of ***** and Gomorrah, indeed it rings,
Their sins are grave, the chaos it brings.
I shall descend and witness their deeds,
To see if their actions align with the cries and needs.
And if they falter, if they fall astray,
Divine judgment shall have its final say.
She is my comfort in my storm,
The breath in my lungs
The soul in every poem that I write

When her hands are on my body
And her lips are on my neck
Her name is the prayer on my tongue
I never believed in religion until she had me on my knees for her
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