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Annatman Oct 2019
I don't know if
You know what I mean when
I say that
I'm thinking about you, let me explain:
I sense you as though I am near you,
My thoughts reach out to you, trying to reach you,
To touch you, to see you, to hear you
I know you're not here, but
You're here in my inner view,
I hold you inside me and
Hide me inside you.
Can you, too, feel me beside you?
Is this real or is this a dream?
ConnectHook Aug 2019
How can "parents"
Allow their daughters
To waddle around
In hotpants
Or sweats
With dubious messages
Printed on their ***?

What do they expect...
And why should they react
When I ask the little lady
To bend over and hold it
So I can read it?
Zombie parents and little putas:
such people are devoid of discernment
Breanna evans Jan 2019
that I had
to wash both my elbows
best peaches I've ever tasted, so I'm always shakin' that tree
We want to tear in -
To taste all the juices
Knowing that now,
All too soon, we could lose this.
We want to drink
All the things in this world
And never
Stop to breathe.
For the wheel
Takes and it gives
Some things will die
While others still live
When the day
Gives way to new day
We're afraid what we love
Might all fall away.
Still, the world demands
That we must let go
And let the deep rivers
In motion all flow
Dropping our leaves
Going back to our roots
What we know to be true.
Stop to breathe.
Before the next bite,
Stop to breathe.
10/23 Inktober prompt: Juicy
No edits allowed.
Yo quiero ser la otra:
La que escondes de noche,
La de paseos en coche,
La de cosas prohibidas,

Quiero ser la querida:
Por siempre tu derroche,
Cómplice en tus huidas,
La que lame tus heridas
Y sabe mirarte a los ojos
(Cuando ni tú mismo te reconoces,)

Jamás ser la oficial,
Ni la de la silla presidencial,
Ni la santísima catedral,

Yo quiero ser templo escondido,
En medio de la sombra del suplicio,
A donde llegas hambriento y cansado
A ofrecer tu sacrificio,
Tu amor
Sin derechos, ni beneficios...

Caemos lentamente al precipicio,
Donde dicen que de allá uno jamás vuelve,
Una sombra roja nos envuelve,
Dicen que ahí es donde los pecados se absuelven,
Ahí, donde te conocí,
En ese bar de mala muerte,
De la mano de aquel con el alma rota...
Yo quiero ser la otra.
Lou Vaughn Nov 2014
He's a thundercrash thorncake
Can crush you with a handshake
Juicy as a rare steak
Feeds my dreams

Owns a chartreuse shotgun
Is taller than the noon sun
Has me coming undone
Licks my pain

He's a cyanide thrill ride
A rollercoaster landside
Likes it by the bedside
Fills my ache

I am his and he's mine
Like succotash and sunshine
Exploding like a landmine
Save our souls!
ripe wild blueberries
nestled under tall fir trees
sweet **** juice bursts forth

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved

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