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Zack Ripley Jul 2021
Whoever needs to hear it:
abuse is abuse no matter what kind.
Physical, mental, verbal, ******,
none of it is OK. It will never be OK.
Whoever needs to hear it:
men, women, non binary,
however you identify yourself,
just because you "can take it"
doesn't mean you should have to.
Whoever needs to hear it:
you didn't do anything to deserve it.
Whoever needs to hear it:
you have nothing to be ashamed of.
It's OK to ask for help.
And Whoever needs to hear it: you matter.
maria Mar 2021
-Tell me something important about you
-No, like describe yourself
    -I love you
There's no me without you

Written on March 23, 2021
© ,Maria
leeaaun Mar 2021
it is important to continue,
but more crucial is to know
what to continue for
follow the continuity
Mark Wanless Mar 2021
the most important
thing in life keeps on changing
which is important
Courtney Marie Mar 2021
our youthful wit
so cerebral
guards our consciousness like a sacred
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2021
Discipline is difficult to learn
Ability to take control
Do things that challenge you
Rather than quit on your goal

Avoid unhurried temptation
Succumbing the worst thing you could do
Decide if instant gratification
Or achievement is more important to you
Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most
Written, spoken and heard
Give relieve
writer, speaker and listener.

But... they can also hurt.

Shell ✨🐚
It’s good to write down what you feel, it helps you cope.
It’s good to listen, you learn, help another.
It’s good to read, you learn
John McCafferty Jan 2021
Complex indirect energy effects
Dominos tipped in motion from years ahead
Solar waves continue to rollover again
Subtle state flows felt beyond present tense

Self reflection an important order
To step forward in the right direction
Fear not the unknown events
Souls sewn into space with grace

Shadow self flexes when stressed
Amongst absent minded friends
Less of our conscious contempt
Form learned actions instead
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
SquidInk Nov 2020
stop telling me that this is just a phase
stop telling me that you will change
stop telling me that you need me
stop telling me to stop overthinking
stop breaking my heart
stop crushing my trust
stop trying to change my mind
stop trying to include me when you know you don't want to
stop acting like its such a hassle to be my friend
stop acting like our relationship is the same
stop making me cry
stop making me jealous
stop giving me false hope
stop telling me that ill be fine
stop getting me stuff and saying "all fixed"
i don't even want that stuff
i want you to care
i want you to listen
i want you to love me again
i want you to break your habits
i want you to tell me that you're sorry
i want you to come to me crying saying that you messed up
i want you to promise me that you would never hurt me like this again
i want. i want. i want.
i never receive
but i stay because im not selfish
i stay because you were once worth it and i hope you can be again
i stay because you used to be my happiness
i stay in hopes that you can be again
i stay because i loved the person you were
sometimes i wonder why i stay
i ask myself why i put myself in so much pain
then i realize
i stay because i know you're going through so much right now
i stay because if i left you would break
if i left it would get worse
if i left you would be lost
and so i stay
not for me, but for you
i am in pain so that you don't have to be
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