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Pam Wooten-Welsh Mar 2021
She was fierce.
She was wild and night-time.
A heart so gigantic
she could paint a picture world-wide.
Her style was her own.
Her spirit is unchained.
Liberated running away from society
touching the earth with her bare feet,
it embraced her soul,
leaving her breathless and carefree.
A natural and appearing
like a field of flowers,
bright and magical.
She was a kaleidoscope of colors
living enchantingly under the moon at night,
and cheerfully in the sun
with its radiance and light.
Pam Wooten-Welsh Feb 2021
Daydreamer in the sun,
deep thinker at night under the moon.
Her soul is awakened to a kicky spirit,
as she walks along the shore
barefoot on the dunes.
She is a wanderer with a wild heart,
brave and fearless.
Peace seeker living in harmony and freedom,
traveling along her path,
she has never been a follower or a leader.
Her eyes brilliantly glow in the light,
along with her captivating smile,
as she meets kindred spirits
on her travels and stays for a while.
Musings about her past dreams,
she buried her lost love turning it to stone,
hence writing a love story Gypsy once lived,
now spending her days writing poetry peaceful and alone.
ALesiach Jul 2019
Gypsy sits under the twinkling starlight,
of a fierce love she sings into the night,
but never a lover is in sight.
Will you be her lover?

Gypsy fades to a gentle slumber.
Will her dreams be light or thunder?
Will they dwell on life's duress
or a lover's sweet caress?
Will you be her lover?

Gypsy can freeze you, put you on ice
or she can take you to paradise.
Do not forget to hold on tight
or into the abyss you will slip at twilight.
Will you be her lover?

Gypsy stirs in the morning light,
her dreams are gone like mist in sunlight.
Did you read the message in her eyes?
She will be waiting in the night.
Will you be her lover?

ALesiach © 09/19/2014

— The End —