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brandychanning Jul 2023
near three years, nearer to eclipses,
since last scribed here, been there
been loved, mistreated, done my share
of giving beatings, for the deserving,
never been any body’s biatch, no starting

men look at me, their eyes self-seducing,
a crook(ed) finger never summoned me
or any self respecting woman of valor,
with a full fist of words, a tongue sharper
than a deli slicer, if looks can ****, then
left my fair share of men on the Riviera,
the Hamptons, the Gold Coast, uptown
and way downtown where the cool kids
pretend play @ being prey hunting grownups.

ya, hear your thinking and it’s stinking,
my generated magno-electric vibes that’s
to blame, get this kids! never your fault
being whom you the actual F are, it’s their filters
that ***** their vision, their desires unbidden,
casual dispensed, thinking glory is theirs to share.

my road is not broken, there are signs even I spot,
when the man I crave is nearby, whose calm is not
couched cool, who doesn’t wear his possessions on
his sleeve, one who says adventure, yes, let’s go,
never saying when, for the only when is what both crave,
the loving of immediacy of “right now,” and add
to that pithy, my name, Brandy, acknowledging it’s
me, just me, he addresses and not some vision that
was crafted by others into an ideal,  and ‘because’ is
not sufficient but the perfect rationale, to trust what
your absent father called your “finely tuned instincts for
human finery, humans who eclipse ordinary stars

Billie Marie Jan 2022
The sky is purple black;
brilliant, tiny pinpricks of light scattered across.

How is it I feel
the rays of the Sun at my back?

I paint my Moon a deep burnt umber
to match my deeper mood.

She is my bright, lone star; and,
I expose all the darkest woes
for her to see.

She is the beginning and the end.
She takes everything.
What can be left
after the Sun returns
from his hiatus?

How will it be after sharing
such secret intimacies
after so many years?
How can one turn back
from a thing so dear?

In the umbra of my darkness
I open to let you take
what can’t reflect
your pure illumined face.

I cast this umber shadow
as a token of my surrender
to your loving Grace.
Izzy Jan 2021
Cinnamon hearts
And poison darts
No they don’t come with extra parts

I cry in tears of dreadful despair
Thoughts of candy apples danced through the air

I feel the pain on your finger tips
I see the sun and lunar eclipse

I’m blinded by the fact I’m here
I’m surprised I haven’t disappeared

Chocolate shakes
And body aches
Fill me up before I break

So take me away to the home of sweets
Dance of candy apples in the streets
Hope you enjoy!
Rane Oct 2019
Some believe that their love for each other faded the longer they were apart. In fact, it was quite the opposite, being apart strengthened it. They began to cherish the moments they spent together before they separated. After numerous years of loving each other from miles away, they devised a plan. Every so often they will reunite, whether during the day or night, and during these reunions, they'll catch up with one another and reminisce. Unknowingly, they create one of the most popular phenomena on Earth, eclipses. Their children gather to watch, brought together by their eternal love for the other.

yes i know the title to this poem is the title to a panic! at the disco song but i think it fits the poem very well
are a
Rare Spectacle
To and From
which celestial bodies
Can't deviate

Orbiting and Angling
Celestial bodies
planetary movements
The one with reflective light
Deprived of light, in an orbit
Obscures the source
Falling In a line
Gravity at play
Celestial bodies bound

Time a factor
Always a charter

Orbiting and Angling
celestial bodies
Planetary movements
The reflective one Aglow
Shadowed by The Planet
Obscuring the source
All in a line
Gravity at play
Celestial bodies bound

Reaching to the Mars
For a life beyond
Defying gravity
Celestial bodies bound

*Eclipses are a Rare Spectacle
Celestial bodies have Eternal Glow
Solar and Lunar eclipse ,
And a probability of life on Mars .

— The End —