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I am human after all
Tempted each day
I am foolishly blinded by love
Sliver by sliver resolve fades away
I am immobilized by agony
Weight grows hard to bear
Tip over so I can be free
Off edge to fall somewhere
Toppling head over heels in a haze
Comparable to Jack and Jill
Chain snapping as moment occurs
Crashing at bottom of this hill
I am the statue everyone sees
Poised awaiting instruction
Off-track I tumbled through the trees
Cracked by calamitous destruction
Start healing wounds all over skin
Created from own poor decisions
Gravity not willing to let me advance
Rolling accumulated incisions
Back and forth I wander
Earth tilts beneath my feet
Dizzily confused I can't figure out how
To steady myself preventing defeat
It's impossible getting where goals are
Wobbly with each step I take
Top of the mountain seems so far
Luckily legs do not ache
It seems this journey will not ever end
The wind
Rattling bones that comprise my skeleton
Rampant running around
It's not fair punishment by any means
Served my time in this location
Already processed surrounding scenes
Fists balled due to brain's frustration
Downward I cast exhausted eyes
Driven by instinct to carry on
I am accepting of demise
All hope is gone
If hope is what makes us human I must be something else
Jeremy Betts Nov 2023
Walk around palms up like "what the fuuck?"
Low-quality literature John Travolta, dumbstruck
Lingering havoc of being awestruck by dumb luck
Stuck in the rut felt in the pit of a stomach
Nut up or shut up mukbang, self demise potluck
Lame-duck after lame-duck left to run amuck
Anyone else know what the fuuck?

Jack Jun 2022
Silent night fills the gallow,
Abyss lurking within the shadow,
Chilling breath decorate the air,
Eyes everywhere,
Blood rush pumping heart,
Adrenaline kicked in,
Anxiety and panic swarming my veins,
They called fear...

Remember remember remember,

Not all lights save lives,
Maybe, waiting for demise,
Nightmare carve a scar in me,
Branded curse haunt for every dream,
Sign of counted breath,

Remember remember remember.

Run and hide,
Leaving trail of prey,
That is my mistake,
Not to be repeat,
But the devil must know,
I'm always here,
And now I'm ready to face fear,
May the hunter become haunted.
Big Virge Sep 2021
So Are We Seeing The Demise...
of Our Human Kind... ???

Because It Now Seems Like...
What We’ve Done Is Unwise...
When It Comes To Our Lives...
And How We Use Our Minds...

Technological Vibes...
Like Machines Now Rise...
To Provide Intelligence...
And New Age Weapons...
That Can Now Fly...
High Up In The Sky...
With No Humans Inside... !?!

It’s A Crazy Time...
To Now Be Alive... !!!

As Humans Decrease...
Due To Some Disease...
That Some Believe...
Came From A Laboratory... !!!

Our... Human Race... !?!

Mental Health Issues...
Now Becoming The Rage...
Because of Child Rapes...
And The Strain of Fame...
For Playing Games...
And Sports That Court...
Internal Wars...
Due To News Reports...
And Media Hoards...

Who Could CARE LESS...
About The Type of Stress...
That Apparently Begets...
Both Women And Men...
Who Are The Best...
When It Comes To Contests...
That Demand Mental Strength...
And A Strength of Mind...
That Most Can’t Find...
When It Comes To Their Lives...

So There Is A DEMISE...
of Much That Resides...
Inside of The Heads...
Who Compete Against...
THEMSELVES... It Seems...
Which Is... Kind of Crazy... !?!

Like Those Who Believe...
That It’s Okay To Be...
A Woman Who Has No Ovaries... ?!?

Or A Man Who Began...
Life As A WOMAN... ?!?

So Now Natures Design...
of Our Human Kind...
Is Being Refined...
To See A Steady Decline...

That Doesn’t Seem Right...
But Apparently... IS... !?!

And Has Brought The Demise...
of Expression That Enlists...
RESISTING Such Things...

So Now Loose Lips...
Can Sink Your Ship...
If Certain People Think...
That You’re Being Homophobic...

And When It Comes To Gender...
There Are Now Agendas...
That Wage Vendettas...
On Those Who Speak...
Their Minds FREELY... !!!

So There Is A Demise...
In Freedom of Speech...
And Freedom To Think...
To These Cancel Police...
On Internet Feeds...

But There Is NO DEMISE...
In... Racist Police...
Or The Types Who Lead...
Who Do Not Believe...
That Taking A Knee..
Is A Way To Protest...
Against Inequalities...

That Anthems Express...
About Our Histories... !!!!!

These Days It Seems...
That There Is A Demise...
In Basic Decency... !!!

While Hypocrisy...
And Corrupt Regimes...
That Use Devious Deeds...
To STEAL Money...
Are Seeing No Demise... !!!

In Fact Their RISE...
Is Now Making Mandates...
All Over The Place... !!!

To Make People Vaccinate...
And Keep Masks On Their Face... !!!

Which Leaders Claim...
Is To Keep Us SAFE...
And To Help Them Decimate...
All These Corona Strains... !!!

That Have Seen No Demise...
In Fact They MUTATE...
And Return Again... !?!

Like Lies Maintained...
By Political Names...
Who Seem To Have NO Shame...

But Yet See NO DEMISE...
For Letting Truth... DIE... !!!

Which Of Course They’ll Deny...
Like Those Who Live Life...
Behind The Guise...
That Things In The End...
Will Be... ALRIGHT...

Because of Ignorance...
And A State of Denial...

About The Signs...
That Are Now In Sight...

From Gender To Agendas...
That Wage Vendettas...
Against Helping Us Better...
Our Human Kind...

To The Type of Mandates...
That Are Now Making Waves...
Like Corona Strains...
Time And AGAIN... !!!

It’s A Whole NEW AGE...
Where What’s Being ERASED...
Is Being... HUMANE... !!!

WhIch Is Why Poetry...
That Deals In FREE Speech...
Is Being Downsized...
Like Forthright Rhymes...
Because of Insights...
That Are OPENING Eyes...
About The Decline...

of Our Basic Rights...
To Just Live Our Lives...

WITHOUT Protest Lines...
And The Type of Vibes...
That Are FAR From Nice... !!!

Which Is Clearly Why...

When It...
Comes To Where Were Heading...

This Set of Rhymes...
Is Now Asking This Question...
... About Our Human Kind...

Are We Seeing The Beginning...

of Peoples...

....... “ Demise “.... ???
The signs right now, aren't the best for humanity's future.....
Randy Johnson Sep 2021
A man has lost his life nearly 62 years after he was born.
We've lost an actor and comedian and his name was Norm.
I'm sorry to have to inform people that Norm MacDonald has passed away.
He died on September the 14th, he left this earth yesterday.
He starred in movies and was a cast member of "Saturday Night Live".
He was diagnosed with cancer nine years ago and he couldn't survive.
He was also a writer who wrote for the sitcom "Roseanne".
Millions will mourn the death of this very talented man.
"***** Work" is my favorite movie that Norm starred in.
He went to be with The Lord yesterday, he's in Heaven.
Dedicated to Norm MacDonald (1959-2021) who died on September 14, 2021
LC Aug 2021
they quietly loomed over you,
arms interlocked so you never moved.
solemn faces, small, narrowed eyes.
you prepared to meet your demise.

but one day, their hands slightly shook.
that quick movement was all it took.
you pushed past those cold, binding arms,
embraced confidence, far from harm.
Part of me already knows that
The promises you make are empty
They bare no meaning
Yet I hold on to something
A sliver of hope
I turn away from the truth
The hope I feel is my own delusion
An illusion I create to save myself
Kept in the dark crevices of my mind
I throw myself deeper into the false pretense
and dig myself my own grave once more
Stuck in a reverie of my own, I let myself sink in own mind, pushing myself more into myself. I’m my own demise.
Take this with a grain of salt, if this makes you think of yourself by all means think of that. Just something I need to get out of my own system.
Safrina Kabir Jul 2021
I would do anything
Anything to see you cry
My baby
Your feeble hand dissappered in mine
I hate to let you die
I would do anything to make you cry
Before the dawn demise
Just once my sweet child
The pain of a mother losing  her infant has been depicted. Birth of a child in a family starts a new chapter in life. Again his death can shatter the previous.
Would you remember,the times when
we were cracking jokes?
would you cry over, by reminiscing those days
which I cared you even more?
would you sit there all alone,
and wish,this should be a dream?
would you keep looking me in all selfies we took?
would you take my guitar and,hum my favourite song,
without shedding tears?
would you remove the dust from all the trophies,
which I had once achieved?
would you sleep every night, hugging my pillow and my frame?
would you smell my favourite blue hoodie,draped with my
favourite perfume?
would you miss my preachings,which I had always tried to say,
by walking behind you ,wherever you go?
would you take a look at my diary in which, each page has only
to say about you....?
I was just became curious to attend my funeral.....
Like Manny said to kizi in the movie -"Dil bechara"
Anything wrong with me???
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