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Jeremy Betts May 21
I don't deserve her
She deserves better
Didn't know you could experience a record skip with a paperback chapter
Forever risking this status of together

Phia Sep 2023
You are my favorite chapter
in the story of my life.
Your page is dog eared
so once I reach the end,
I can come back to you.
Random thought I had. I'm not sure if it's any good.
Coleen Mzarriz Jan 2023
With the hustling of leaves falling onto the ground and my hands used to the cold weather of Maple Street, the same sky where little strange souls like us meet—under the waves of clouds thickening our sight and our smiles splattered all over the place—remains.

I stirred my coffee, and you drank your now-cold chocolate drink. Your eyes carry the burdens of the stars and gravitate towards mine—I have been awake and alleviating the presence of old souls surrounding us, and I broke down. You embraced me like the classic song you are.

A lighthouse guarding travelers attempting to overcome the sea, I caught your hand and pressed it closer to my chest. Doors opened, unfolding a new chapter for us to climb higher than usual, and you looked at me like I used to look at you in pictures I keep for myself—lulling this young, brave soul to sleep in dull hours where you softly snore in a damp bed while the moon speaks in a softer tone to let you close your weary eyes and darkness begins to unfold within.

Sometimes it makes it harder to breathe the very same air you inhale—and these two young hearts live in another world, closer to home, and you held me, finally, the anchor I once dreamed of, and now your presence I could see—your skin I could be comfortable with.
wrote this for you, my love.
it's still there
sitting still inside those bars
the pages we drew together
not yet finished
will it still sit there
to many more chapters together, as they say
will it be covered in dusts
somewhere no one knows it exists
Spicy Digits Feb 2021
And it all came crumbling down
The job
The familial ties
The man
And it all fell through my fingers.

A naked shell disintegrating
Paying taxes
Flossing and waxing.
Sean Achilleos Sep 2021
I had to say goodbye to save my mind
I had to leave you in the past where you belong
You will never grow up
And I've grown too old to lie
Too over it to pretend
If I had lied
My emotions would have persecuted me
And my body language would have given me away
I don't wish it different
Because I don't like wishing in vain
The race has begun
But I'm not running
The fight is on
But I'm not fighting
sean achilleos
Claudius Jul 2021
We were never a love story...
We were more a story of love
You were a title and I merely a chapter
We grew no choice but to digress
To go back to being best friends, two peas in a pod who stared at each other a second too long.
god I wish it could change
hazem al jaber May 2021
Sweet chapter ...

You are ...

you are the sweet part ...
that played into my life ...
and made it a great ...
and a lovely story ...
even you took it's chapter all ...
while no one can do ...

you are ...
my lovely story ...
that i live ...
and enjoy ...
every day ...
as the sun's story ...
to this earth ...
every morning ...
gives a happiness ...
and it's warms ..
to it and to every one ...
and to every thing ...
that live on this earth ...

yes sweetheart ...
you are the great chapter ...
that i love and write ...
every day ...

hazem al ...
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