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Amaris Jun 2018
Daisy he desired, and of Daisy he thought
His eyes only for her, and to hold her he sought
Riches and Daisy, perfection, together
He wanted it all, flawlessly, forever
Longtime dreamer, believer, hopeful and true
Desperate for an illusion, with absolutely no clue
That his flowering dreams were wilting away
To become nothing but memories that hold little sway
Over what his life has become from before
And the dream he had once envisioned, they tore
To pieces that lay, shattered and broken
Shards of a past come future, only tokens
Of Nick Carraway's memoir writ after two years
No mourners at the funeral, goodbye without tears.
His lasting imprint, whether worst or best
Tells us that hopeless dreamers can never rest
For the elusive green light that stretches far
We go faster, faster, towards that fixed star
Boats against the current, waves beating high
Despite it all we trudge forward, and always we try.
Inspired by The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Tossing and turning, sleep evades me
The thought of her pure dress
As I sip my warm white tea
My love becomes less and less

My eyes shall not close
To be filled with desires which are false
Dreams that make me smile
Fall into a deep trial

I desire hate
This love is a curse
To want a ***** as a mate
Wealth filled purse

I give everything
I want something
Phone in hand dialing Nick Caraway
I love you is what I say
Usually... I write personal problems, rants etc.. But for English we had to write a poem relating to Gatsby. I thought it would be comedic if Gatsby and Nick got together so enjoy. This is from Gatsby's perspective

— The End —