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I suppose worst is over
Knife pulled from the wound

Or like a broken bone freshly set

But being through the worst
Wonder what comes next

Chest tight

To not consider there ever could be an 'after' for us was just foolish

We thought we would be able to withstand any storm

So giving in like that after hurricanes and tornadoes
Amidst a light drizzle

Twist story however you like

We were convinced love had the answers

Existed in a plane above the rest of the world

Which sounds like beautiful scenario until you look closer

And realize when you're up that high you've got a helluva long way to fall
Is the worst ever REALLY over?
Aidan Feb 9
What happens
When someone has no one
When there is no one to lend an ear
When a your mind comes crashing in at once
What happens then
Do we go through the motions as usual
Do we waste away and drown in thoughts
Do we question what’s being said
Do we finally choose to open up
What happens next
Beats me
If only the answer was clear
Because if the answer was clear
There would be a shining arrow
Pointing the way
Lighting the path
If all of that was true then we’d have bliss
We would have peace
But then what
The next wave rolls in
Crashing into the tranquil shores
Crashing through the walls just rebuilt
Crashing any bond with once formed
Now it’s back to square one
Back to the drawing board
Where will the dart land next
But when it lands
Will you take action
Will you continue into the same path
Jeremy Betts Feb 6
I'm pleading with the operator all in vain
There's no one there
Could be operator error
It's only ringing, no one answer for my pain
Lies tend to be faster
Not everyone's a good actor
See what I see, a monster with my same name
A new breed creature
Science doesn't get it either
Sanity fleeing and impostor steps into reign
A hostile takeover
Over 'n over but over in short order

Jeremy Betts Feb 3
I don't have any answers
I can't recall the right questions
Even with makeshift blinders
I find myself open to suggestions
I've had enough with these reminders
I catch a glimpse of the problem in reflections
Dark and light are missing critical dividers
Please help, can't tell angels from demons?
We three share the same voice as Pinocchio nose liers
What road is it they say is paved with the best intentions?
Something about a destination of eternal fires...
Eh, it's a moot point now,
I fly by the stairway, going 107 on the highway, it's one way, no need for directions

Jeremy Betts Jan 21
I'll have nothing if I lose her
If I stay I'll lose myself
So I'm forced to ask myself
What is the better future?

Jeremy Betts Dec 2023
I see you had a bad day
Thinkin' things you shouldn't say
No other choice but to stay and pay to play
Can't even stray away from your own cliche
Doomed by strands of DNA
Failed every single attempt in every possible way
In desperation you kneel to pray
No answer today...
...same as yesterday

Anais Vionet Sep 2023
I’ve slept in church
that must be when
I missed the answers.

“When will Christ return?”
I asked, waving my phone,
“I have this handy calendar app.”

"My child," he said, putting a
fatherly hand on my shoulder.
I wiped it off, like a spider web.

I’ll never get to heaven,
I lack the plasticine
malleability of belief.
**plasticine malleability = Play-Doh like*
when he kissed
me goodbye
I held on
with tears
in my eyes
and usually
i don't hold
on to no one
A M Ryder Jun 2023
Something is about
To happen that
We are not aware of
Our only chance
Is to keep our
Heads low and
Act like we're
Changed men
Because we're
Very close to
The end
We need to be
Okay with mysteries
And the stories
They breed
There will always be
Far more questions
Than there are
Actual answers
In this universe and
We need to be
Ok with that
Mark Wanless Apr 2023
the answers we seek
are within as the questions
that form in our mind
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