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What is this mania of over the top
self-absorption that appears to be
running amok, this social dementia
annoying egotism, where it seems
everyone is constantly posing and
publicly auditioning for attention.

Cellphones and Social media two
of the abetting culprits, deluding
the populace that constant selfies
a star does make. Get a blog, be a
celebrity, go on TV? Self-promotion
and crass Exhibitionism has become
a vexing preoccupation. Striving for
LIKES and Followers sending and
Trending, seeking the adulations of
strangers out in the cloud that they
will never actually meet.

What happened to modesty, or
self-restraint? Have we all lost
our minds? When did being an
average normal well-adjusted
human become not enough.
When did humility become
undesirably passe? Are we all
truly that insecure?
From youth, not unlike the love
I received from my family, I surmised,
that extended love might be everywhere.
With artless, open arms and heart,
I embraced this simple notion.
In time, sadly this childish wish
was honed to a hard truth by maturation.

Friends and loves come
and go, fleeting in heart,
and committed soul.
Unreliably, flowing in and ebbing out,
like deep undulations of an ocean,
all too often with sneaker waves
that pull us under. Breakers pushing
our ship onto the rocks, in a sea
of shallow unfulfilled expectations.
Encounters becoming disappointment,
with too many frogs kissed.

My educated suspicion is,
beyond our family of blood kin,
Faithful canine love is the only
other "truly committed devotion"
we are likely to get.

In the end, that may well be enough.
Perspective wisdom can be a bitter lesson.
A friend I admire suggested that
I repost this offering, calling it
"Current" perhaps she was having
reasons to relate. So here goes.
I hope it helps a little. Remember
dear girl "Men are like public buses,
if you miss one, just wait a while and
another one will be around."
He had several Ivy League
University Degrees, lived a
long life, traveled, had three
ex-wives, no kids, no dog,
big house, Cadillac car with
low miles. Bragged he was
always well informed, he knew
it all and would pontificate
as much at the drop of a hat.

He liked to boast that
he never voted in any
election. Waste of time
or so he maintained.
Though he did gift large
sums of money to certain
political candidates, that
in return would do him
certain business favors.

He died alone in his recliner
chair with the TV remote
in his hand. In the end that
was his only friend and
social connection. It was
avarice and ignorance that
did him in. A terminal disease
of his soul that neutered his
A man of few principles, made
his money off the sweat of other
people he considered beneath
him, seldom did a good deed.
Barren of love or consideration
for his fellow humans, he was and
remained self-absorbed to the extreme.
He even thought about running for
President. He had missed the point,
that "No man is an Island."

English Poet John Donne 1624
a man that got the point and
wrote it down, 400 years ago.
I worship the stars, the moon,
the sun, this earth I stand upon.
Nature and all the peaceful
living breathing creatures that
share this space, the rivers that
course, the oceans that ebb and
flow. The rains that keep us green
the fields that keep us fed.
The ancient tribal people knew
this and put their faith in nature
and the celestial universe and they
thrived for thousands of years.
Some of my modern fellow humans
don't seem to understand, that all
this we already have is truly our
Heaven on Earth.
Better to pay homage to Mother
Earth, she is the god we need, if
she, the moon and or sun go, we
all go, and nothing will remain.
My almost grown grandsons
see only a stooped withered
old man when they look at me,
no clue of the young man I used
to be. Or where I have been, the
things I've done. They've only
known me like this. Even 20
years ago, when they were born
I was already a senior citizen.

In my mirror I also see what they
see and can barely recall that
once upon a time younger me.

Time moves on leaving erosion
behind upon mountains and
people too.
Erosion on mountains is
a slow process, we humans
are not that fortunate.
In the end we are the sum
total of the effort we invested,
or conversely our failed deficiency
in that regard. With no one to
appreciate or blame, but ourselves.
A conversation and all
human communications
require more than just
one single person talking.
It's a two party exchange
of giving and receiving.
If one party is obsessed
with only incessant "I or
Me" topics and hardly ever
pauses to take an occasional
breath, it becomes a discourse
of self-absorbed hedonistic
over glorification, and the
other person (s) might just
tune out, elect to walk away,
or hang up the phone.

These sybaritic talkers may
merely find their dog, or
house cat and bore them
with their narcissistic prattle.

If their critters wish to eat
they are obliged to at least
appear to be listening.
The rest of us have no such
We have all known people like
this, friends or maybe even
family members. The older
I get the less inclined I am
to endure these people or
those occasions.
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