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The Tinkerer Jul 2019
In the past,
I'd try to find
A way to love,
Give all the love, all I can,
To all who need, and all who want.

Looked in now,
Cause I've managed to fizzle out.
Burned through the faith,
Left ****** and bare.
Down on that love.
360, no love around.

Used to have all the love for some.
Now I have none for none.
Losses: One for One.

Thought I'd be good to medicate,
Thought I'd see it when I meditate.
Now I dig through all that lost faith, the heartbreak.

Fossilized in a place I so long vacated.
Make a stop on an abandoned station.
Pick it up, or recreate it.
Find what once was fun, was whole, was my day in the sun.

I gotta excavate from what I once separated.
That love for me I had long awaited,
Trip through hell, to see me elated.
Catch my breath and figure it again,

That love for one,
Get it back, For once, for all.
King of my throne, I will be reinstated.
I need to get away from what buried my self love and find myself.
On the path to reignite my emotional wealth.
Have to lean away from what killed my spirit, dried my well.
The Tinkerer Jun 2019
Not in words,
Could it ever be seen.

Just how much,
You mean to me.

You show love,
Are loved,
Just know you're beloved.

Unwavering, my fealty.

To see you win all,
Be a bad *****.
To see you succeed.

Though, haven't been here for long,
I plan to be, from here on.

Beyond a pleasure,
Always, it's been.

Grateful, I am such.
To know, such a queen.

Hope this isn't too much.

Just want to put this out though.
I hope you believe.

To me,
You a friend like family.
Just another of my intermittent ramblings.
Hard to come across people who mean more than you'd know but when you know, you know.

- M
The Tinkerer Jun 2019
I feel this deep fear in me,
Something I can't truly see.
Within me, it dwells. I truly believe.
Looking into the depths of the well,
A living hell, I see staring back at me.
That darkness is all I feel.

Nobody else, no one with me,
Fear claws its way from down deep,
Digs right into me.

I feel it, I wail,
I flow, I begin to well
I flail, I scream. So silent,
Nobody else can see.
Within me, I weep.

Keeping it hidden, happiness is forbidden.
Never am I forgiven.
The promised land, my vision.
A forever expedition.

To find what I seek,
To love, to believe.
To find a connection,
To find that remission,
Finally to be given.

I go it alone, I work through my woes.
The battle's done won,
The war leaves one ruined.

Make peace with the fact,
There is no connect,
Always be alone,
You are doomed, forlorn.

Live with it and die.
You are on the decline.

Know, you are yours,
Bonded with none.

Alone is your soul.
Weary, your mind.
Loneliness if my biggest fear. A connection is what I seek. With all, and with one.
Without it, I'll always find it hard to sleep.
The Tinkerer May 2019
One said once,
That the empty mind is the rival of God.
At this point I want to believe that it's not.
Preoccupied. My mind, I'm paranoid.

A pit in me, depressed, my anxiety.
A million times I've been asked,
Can you read minds?
I wish now, I could say yes.

For the longest time,
It felt as her mind was moulded with mine.
For the longest time,
I felt I could keep the devil in line.

Now though, I stare him in the face,
I see his menacing smile.

Heat made home in my psyche.
He's shares my soul, he's right beside me.

He sees me write these lines.
Knows what I'm trying to find.
Exactly what I look for, he's managed to hide.

Forever, I thought my mind my strength,
What if, with his help, it becomes my demise?

Self doubt, respect. Rejection and unclear sight.
All these things I'm struggling with,
Though I continue to fight.

I fight because I know I must,
There seems to be no light,
Darkness within,
Has my flame finally found it's cold night?

Questions I can't answer.
Not now. Not today.

My hope is now, I know all that I've lost,
Remember, some time ago I lived without.
I am fighting depression and Anxiety. I do not intend to give up. This is a cathartic piece to help me vent my frustration and come to terms with my situation. Music and Meaning help me find my way through this tough time
The Tinkerer May 2019
For with you, not much more I need.

For me, you seamlessly read.

No *******. No beating about the bush.
No stories, your sixth sense tends to always know the truth.

A quiet love, a mutual respect.

Through Silence.*

I forever owe you a debt.
Even though, whenever we encounter each other there is an abundance of silence, I take it as a sign of immense comfort. A comfort I don't seem to find in nearly anyone else I have ever known.
I would like to believe that we were fated to be friends, and to you, I will always be fiercely loyal.
Thank you for showing me a quiet love. One I don't quite yet understand, but I appreciate nonetheless.

- O
The Tinkerer Mar 2019
The energy of a million suns,
You are powerful, explosive, warm.
You are all of this and more, all at once.

Your strength you resonate.
Acts of power and love.
You seem to supersede anger,
As easy as you mould them into one.

Beyond the weather,
Or the tea of the day.
A depth you carry with you.
With your word and what you say.

To those who shame, diminish or hate.
Stand to them as you do, without fear,
With vehemence, a better world you create.

You persist, be it for a moment, or for years.
All you can handle, and through it all you learn.
You overcome, you see it all through.
For this is what makes you resilient, strong.

You handle pain, you handle love,
You manage again, pick yourself up,
If you ever you fall.
Take the reigns again, you handle it all.
You make it look easy as a hand in a glove.

Fierce as a phoenix in flight,
Fire in your eyes, with peace of mind.
As you've done before,
I wish to see you rise.
To live for yourself, the most fulfilling of lives.
For I hope you do know,
Your limits aren't even bounded by the sky.
This is corny, I know. But this is one way I really do know how to show my appreciation and love for who you are as a friend and as an individual.

You inspire.

- ITS (M)
  Dec 2018 The Tinkerer
Nic Sutcliffe
if it hurts, be grateful
it hurts because it matters
it hurts because you care
it means you are alive
a reminder of your own mortality
a reminder of your fallible humanity
a reminder of our interdependence on all life

the real danger is
hurt replaced by Apathy
for cold is the heart that no longer feels.
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