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Eshwara Prasad Nov 2020
thunder everywhere
thunder everwhere
thunder inside my heart
thunder inside my head
thunder everywhere

thunder in the sky
thunder inside the earth
thunder on the mountains

why i hear this thunder everywhere?

only i hear this thunder or you  too?

does it portend anything, sinister?

again.... i hear the same thunder ...again..

i am going mad..
emma jane  Jun 2015
Funny :)
emma jane Jun 2015
You're my storm cloud disguised as sunshine
but your masquerade never stops the rain.
Laughs like lightning flashing across your face
sharp and dangerous, followed by the thunder of
my ignorance, cluing you in on how far your lies
stretch into my desperation to be wanted.

Oh I never thought
I was that funny
Your electric strings
Pull the punch lines out of my mouth.
The lightning's best friend.

You must really like me
You must have told your friends about me too.
Because that cackles coming out of their
throats when I tell a joke sound just like
the storm, the zigzags of fire that tear through the clouds.
telling me how funny I am, how much they love having me around.
How you need me.
Time for my response… its my job right?


Why is it now that the way you curl your lips
when I make my jokes
and less
like a smile?
Your friends know that shape
and they know how to make their lips look the same way.
Is it some contagious thing that they all have, and disease
passed around the room every time that lightning escapes.
But they all think I am funny
It must just be a friend thing…
I should learn how to do it too.


Streaming pixels
Blurry faces of “friends”
it must have been a mistake
The love me
next time,
I’ll make sure to clear it up with them
why wouldn't they want me to attend?


Glances like knives
Darting through the air like flies
and infestation of insects that
carry messages that
I don’t understand.
But they do.
Like a major league team
catch after catch
never missing those eyes that
seem a little bit darker
and a little bit colder.
Passing the ball around the bases
returning the favor.
Why can’t I grip ball that seems to bind
them all together
leaving trails of
text messages
and parties
that I was not invited to
this ball that seems to always
keep me on the outfield.
And how come everytime that ball goes
its feels like
a punch to the stomach
never ceasing to knock me
leave me

This must be what friendship feels like…

Is it?
because I look around
these hallways
where I always walk to fast
trying to keep up
yet I am always
I see that
these other girls
walk in straight lines
arms joined so that no one
far behind
yet I’m always walking in
dizzy circles
wondering when they will
turn around to see if I am
still following,
still standing,
still funny.

Thunder, the lightning's best friend…
but that is never who I was to you.
another spoken word that I preformed today and will preform on wendsday in front of a larger audience, my entire grade oh goodness.
this poem although open to interpretation does have some format that means something. So the lighting represents laughter and the thunder kinda represents be being clueless to the people laughing AT me not with me. That's at least how I mean it to be understood, but If you see it another way that that's cool too :)
Go thunder go thunder go thunder go
We sent the heat packing
It looked like we were going to lose it
But then we dismissed the heat
And sent them packing
We are the might of Sydney thunder
Into the grand final yeah
We are the might of Sydney thunder
Kicking *** is what we do
We nearly ****** lost it
But somehow wickets started falling
We are the night of Sydney thunder
Go the mighty thunder
Put out Brisbane’s heat
Yes we party yes we are great
We did it well at north Sydney oval tonight
The heat don’t know what hit them
It was all the thunders fault
The might of Sydney thunder
Sydney thunder Sydney thunder  
Bring on the stars
Go thunder go
Allania Berkey Mar 2016
The clock struck midnight
I was restless and thoughtful as could be
I noticed that I had been tossing and turning to a beat and rhythm that plunged above in the sky
It was a thunder-storm
bang, crash, thump
The sky illuminated in glory

The thunder roared and crashed in the middle of the night and the trees helplessly yearned for serenity
It was calm earlier that day
The breeze was right where it should have been and the sun was warmer than a hot skillet on a stove top
The sky was fostered in a pacific blue
And the clouds resembled dreams
I remember it was 1:05 pm to be exact and I was feeling blissful
I decided to ride my bike through a quaint old town, two miles west of my house
I stopped and stared at this little old man painting in the park
He was painting a tree, with pink, red, purple and gray
I couldn't help, but noticed how he was enticed by his surroundings
I continued to bike away
It was now 2:45pm and I was feeling a bit famished
To the right of me stayed a cunning unforgettable coffee shop
I insisted to go in
Something about that coffee shop struck me that day, just like the little old man painting his introspection in the park
The room reeked in comfort and patience
Something I did not understand
Contemplatively, I bought a cup of coffee--black, I also companied that coffee with a blue berry scone--my favorite
I sat by the window to admire the sunlight and how the warmth cherished my skin
I sipped my coffee--startled
I noticed something peculiar about this coffee shop and this day
Instantly, I was left with an uneasy and unsettled feeling
My black coffee was much more bitter than usual
It is as if the taste could not go down my throat
Something was wrong, I felt it
As I looked around the room everyone else was enjoying their cup of coffee
They also seemed to lack any hesitation
The tone in their voices create a harmonic rhythm in conversation
I noticed that every time they took a sip of their coffee they found it sweet, rather than bitter
I turned my head and looked out the window for a moment
Suddenly, I noticed that the sky was diminishing in its tints of blue
I looked down at my watch
It was 3:35pm, I had to get home
I paid my bill and scurried onto my bike
The sky was calm throughout the entirety of the day
It was lovely and ideal--until it wasn't

No one expected a storm
No one expected disaster
But somehow, I did

I laid in bed that night waiting in anticipation
Waiting for my world to collide
Thunder and lighting seemed to have fought its way through the sky
There wasn't enough
Concurrently, I felt bitter-- just like my cup of coffee in that cunning old shop
I was left without answers
I was left without sugar and cream
creek, scratch, thump
The tree branch slid against the slide of my house
I noticed it all
It's starting
All the anticipation and anxiety I felt throughout the day was finally coming to its end or maybe to its start
The sky started to illuminate an illusion of sunlight
It was 11:30 pm and the day it almost to its end
I laid in bed thinking
I thought about my day and everything that it was missing
I notice it all
The little old man in the park painted a tree with a usual set of pigments, he defined ordinary, while sat alone comforted by the mere work of his creativity
The people in the coffee shop arrayed and encompassed patience, harmony and happiness
I was struck by discomfort because I unware of all those wonderful things
I knew all about the thunder and how it was provoked in the sky
I understood the lighting and its wish to shine
I thought of the beat and tempo that they would together make
Sometimes it was bitter, but sometimes it was sweet
I understood thunder and lighting
I understood why they danced viciously in the sky  
Finally, the clock struck midnight and it was now tomorrow
The storm was coming to its peak
The thunder fought its way with the lighting just as viciously written words floated on a piece of paper
The lighting struck back with ferocious and willful ambition
The lighting held its ground, but didn't give up its hope
It was 1:05 am
The storm had reached its end
The thunder and lighting seemed to have parted their ways
Their fight was tortious
Nobody won, rather they both lost
It was 1:25 am
The rain had finally stopped
The trees have found their peace
It was 1:42 am
As I laid in bed, I thought about my day
I just want the storm to stop
Just like the the thunder and lightening, the little old man in the park and the people in that cunning old coffee shop, all have found their comfort and patience
The thunder and lightening have similarly found it in their bitter sweet good bye
It was wonderful
I noticed that as much as they fought throughout that darling midnight blue sky, they were attracted to their rhythm—A rhythm that was worth saving
The sweetness was found in their beat as they danced throughout the night
The thunder and lighting created a bittersweet combination
Just like the coffee I wish I would of had
A natural disaster that was intended to create a craze in the sky
The thunder wanted to be sweet, as did the lighting
Two peas in two different pods
Their negativity created the sweet appreciation of warm sunlight
I notice it all
The sun was the sweet
The day was calm
The thunder and lightening both knew it all too well
That night, the reminder of it anyways, I laid in bed and I knew that someday the storm would go away
It was 2:25 am and I finally shut my eyes
Nomad  May 2014
Nomad May 2014
Can you hear it?
The big echoing boom?
Can you hear it, as it thunders right through the room?

Ah yes the thunder,
there before, during, and after the rain,
it's the sound of anger masking the pain.

The thunder it roars, and echos deep,
it's there when we don't want it, and there when we do,
it's an ever longing sound, that's meant just for you.

The thunder, hear it roll across,
the thunder, the thunder, listen as it claps.

The thunder is mighty,
for such a late reply,
but once it booms, and shakes the earth, that means you missed the sky.

For the thunder only comes,
following the flash,
like the clean slate on a rainbow, after the settling of the ash.

The thunder is here,
and yet it beckons near,
it's the sound we dislike,
but a song we hold dear.

Our own thunder.
Emma  Jan 2014
Thunder Thighs
Emma Jan 2014
When you tell me I have thunder thighs,
your intention is to offend.
However, I take this high compliment, and I thank you.

Thunder is the most powerful source in the world.
It can bring even the strongest man to his knees, weeping.
When you tell me I have thunder in my thighs, I thank you.

Thunder roars and those in its presence fall dead, silent, powerless.
You are essentially telling me that my thighs have enough
power to absorb any and all power, and for this I thank you.

You must think this is an insult because you're scared of thunder,
scared of power. Of my power. I feed off your fear and
my energy increases, and as it does so, I thank you.

I harness the thunder in my thighs and use it
to scream when my voice isn't loud enough.
For the dramatic decibel increase, I thank you.

I have more thunder in my thighs alone than
you have coursing throughout your whole being.
So, go on, call me thunder thighs, I'll only thank you.
asija  Mar 2015
asija Mar 2015
Boom, Clap, Crash
It frightens the little girl
Boom, Clap, Crash
The little cat meows
Boom, Clap, Crash
Outside, people run from it
Boom, Clap, Crash
It strikes a tree
Here is one of the poems I wrote
calion  Aug 2014
calion Aug 2014
I love thunderstorms.
I love the rain, the wind, the cold, and the lightning.
But I hate the thunder.
Boisterous. (It goes through the air like a thousand trash cans being hit.)
Heavy. (It hangs around, and as the sky gets darker it gets louder.)
Arrogant. (It interrupts conversations and plans and gets in the way and assumes it's welcome and perfect.)

Junior year was a thunderstorm.
I had rain (like the times I actually got invited to things) and wind (like the times I swore I felt her holding me) and cold (hide-and-go-seek in the school) and lightning (spinning flag in the hallway).

But I also had thunder.
Thunder. (You pulling me with you.)
Thunder. (You giving me encouragement.)
Thunder. (You asking her to prom.)
Thunder. (You avoiding me.)

Because no storm is complete without thunder.
Ella Blue Poet Aug 2015
The girl standing in the cold winter air
Her long hair wet and her feet are bare
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

Her garden was sunny, not a cloud in the sky
But now it's raining, lightning forming up high
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

All her friends run to their homes
While the little girl stands in the rain alone
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

She runs around and tries getting inside
All the doors are locked, there's no where to hide
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

She has nothing more to do but run and get warm
The girl doesn't know what to do in a storm
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

The girl is freezing, to her it's unbearable
What happened next was truly terrible
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

Her running was something of a maniac
And suddenly lightning struck her back
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

And where her body lay, death looms
While her friends sleep peacefully in their bedrooms
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

And in her coffin she lies today
All she wanted to do was go out and play
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

Now listen here, don't run in a storm
Else you will leave this earth in a ghostly form
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
And it falls on the girl who isn't making a sound.
bekah  Oct 2010
bekah Oct 2010
made by lighting heard from all over
everyone gets quiet when it comes around
some people count the distance depending on the sound
not me, however
thunder makes my heart pound
thunder makes me head  spin around
i feel as if i am staring at my twin
thunder it can feel and see me from within
it makes me feel free it crawls under my skin
some people are scared but i understand where its been
thunder to me is grand and its only just begun
it gives me chills even while other people run
thunder mixed with the wind the storm is not done
to me its number one its better than the sun
i am with the thunder for the long run
Butch Decatoria May 2016
Within this jungle, which is ours
I ride the back of Thunder-cloud, my friend

Around and through the thickets
thick banyan trees & palm fruit fallen leaves

Down muddy earthen paths
until everything is green and shadows

until inside its heart, the rain forest
trees of this jungle are city buildings - tall

and choir of fauna high and low
do not fear to sing beneath our cathedral's shade

In this kingdom of flora and ruby rich dirt
belongs to thunder-cloud and dirt-poor me

A Mowgli on his elephant,
hollars ahead to any that hear "We are free!"

Here, far from the whips' lashing, guns,
away from the loud business of murderous money

They who say that I am nothing
in their eyes who abacus my worth with looks

with upraising lust of wolves
but I a free man, a simpleton for beloved (Earth)

I am dark skinned
Krishna on my steed of thunder-clouds

A native son of brown & green wilderness
caterwauling to the beyonds unknown

Within our jungle, brother thunder,
my elephant of deep clouds gray

we are Mammoth and as wild as wide
as open as free... with every step forward

on this living journey
we will take

a peaceful kind of smile
will only be what is written
                                                       upon each lovely lovely face

*(Within our jungles...we live simply
without the Man's hate
not today will I hunger, nor will I thirst
fed on real wonder, drank clouds of Himalayan rain
without a rupee to my name... on the back of thunder
my gentle Ganesh - I have no one to blame.)
Amanda Kay Hill Jan 2017
They are a good team
They come in like a thunder
Storm they play with all their
Heart they go out like
A thunder storm
Oklahoma thunder
Oklahoma thunder
They might win some games
They might lose some games
But they are a wonderful team
Oklahoma thunder
Players play like a team they
Will always be my 2 favorite
NBA team my first favorite
NBA team are Denver nuggets
Oklahoma thunder
© Amanda Kay Hill

— The End —