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thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things thinking of ending things nobody can hear me
Pierre Ray Feb 2012
It was written in the beginning, a beginning before Britain, before folklore, gore and war. A beginning then, when the lords created, decorated and separated the night and also the bright, bright light. Therefore, a delight! In the beginning, creating the seven ways of days and the rays. The birth of earth, the black ravens, the havens and the heavens. A beginning of clean slates, dreams, schemes and themes!

As I blink and wink, badly and sadly I think… An ending, with fate or an ending with no ascending or commending date? Let’s debate and negotiate! A beginning, of Pharaohs, their arrows and the sparrows. An ending of sorrow? A beginning, borrowed from our hour’s tomorrow? An ending, I deem, that forever bends, defends, depends, pretends and never, ever seems to end. The heavens specialties and

hell’s cruelties. Governments and their restraints! Negative and positive lengths and strengths. A beginning and an ending; betrayed and strayed, long before many of us were to play or say. Stories of cities, glories and their pities! Starving nations and Haitians! Expensive vacations and relations! The elapsed and relapsed! Perhaps, the mishaps and disruption of our corruption’s eruption and ending

destruction? Hey! I say, let’s turn a page past the basked, the masked and vast. A fold past the cages that enrage-rage, wage and old age.
The detained delights, the petty fights and plights. Why can’t we each reunite? Unite forever! Drop and stop this harm and fight. Fly into the night, together with our almighty arms and mighty charms. Primarily, in the beginning or ending, let us not negatively but too positively and ultimately amend! Children, men and women, amen.
drljms  Oct 2015
drljms Oct 2015
Just like the stars at night,
Just like the vast ocean,
Just like the strands of your hair,
My love for you,
is never-ending.

Just like the rain that drips,
Just like the sand that flows with the wind,
Just like the numbers that we count,
My love for you,
is never-ending.

Just like the clouds at daytime,
Just like the rays of the sun,
Just like the people around us,
My love for you,
is never-ending.

How can you stop,
My love that's never-ending?
Oh, I know now,
It's because you don't feel
the same way as I do.
Never-ending love. Never-ending rejection.
crimewavves  Mar 2014
Ending "It"
crimewavves Mar 2014
To some people,
"ending it"
throwing all their belongings out in the street and saying
"I'm done,"
because that's all the world ever said to them.
To some people,
"ending it"
walking out on their partner of 9 months
because they found out about
their lover's affair.
To some people,
"ending it"
taking a handful of pills
because they don't think
they are beautiful to exist under the sun and
listen to 80's music ever again.
To some people,
"ending it"
dropping out of school
to travel across the country
because life is a field trip all by itself.
To some people,
"ending it"
attending multiple therapy sessions
to topple their crippling social anxiety
because they're tired of being
To some people,
"ending it"
hitting back.
because they're tired of being abused.
And to the rest of us,
we don't know exactly what "it" is that we're ending.
Because we can only hope that
one door closes and another opens.
I wrote this poem tonight. I wrote it for every single one of my friends who have ever felt like "that" person. This is not the end. I'm always gonna be there to support those who I love, but it kills me when people I care for dearly, succumb to the negative energy in our world. So many suicidal friends and so many people looking for a way out. I wrote this as a reminder that there's a way out, because I used to not see a point to anything and I used to want to "end it". There's a better way no matter what you're thinking about giving up on.
Fly Vida Jul 2011
We always search for a happy ending but there's nothing happy about an ending. So let's make it a happy never ending beginning. Keep going around in circles, since circles have no ending. Let’s dance around the point since the point is the punch line and the ending but what is the point of love? It is to love and be loved which is the reciprocal of each other so really we're just going in circles around each other. Instead of finding the point, let's find meaning in meeting each other half way and only half way because once you're half way the rest is just leaving...

Let's find decibels in silence because silence speaks volumes and actions speak louder than words, so let me scream "love" at the top of my lungs when my lips meet yours, my battle cry will carry on as my teeth tug at your ear lobe. I promise to whisper sweet nothings as my breath finds its way from your ear to your neck, speak in tongues and you can guess what comes next, sing as my body finds rhythm with yours as fitting perfectly together as harmonizing chords do...

I can almost speak right through you without saying a word. When your eyes meet mine the silence is almost deafening because we each have so much to say and no way to say it, only the means by which to show it but a picture is worth a thousand words, so I could just paint your portrait as my hands find the curve of your lips and how it matches the curve of my hip... Every detail in the strength of your shoulders as my hair falls over them and my hands continue to paint with conviction. There are no mistakes as your hand takes mine, we'll paint the perfect picture together and say what we always meant to each other as we wait for the sun to rise and dry our portrait that is worth a thousand words more than what we ever could have said to each other in a single night... or a Lifetime.

"We always search for a happy ending
but there's nothing happy about an ending.
So let's make it a happy never ending beginning...
Love, and be loved in return."
tree Mar 2022
> if the world was ending of course I’d tell you I loved you, I loved you with all of my heart, so much that I couldn’t bear to tell you because even if you loved me a little (i know you do but do you?) I would’ve run into your arms, I’d be happy for a thousand lives over, of course
> and maybe I would tell you that I was never able to think about the love I had for you in the present tense, I loved you and I will love you but I do not love you, if it’s in the past or in the future it’s less of a part of me and that is okay
> if the world was ending maybe I’d tell you that I could never decipher whether the love I had for you was platonic or romantic or something in between and that sometimes I wondered if I only held onto the feelings so I could write more poetry
> maybe I’d admit that I wrote the most beautiful words for you, that sometimes even my own words evoked tears in the corners of my eyes because such a crude emotion was poured into that writing
> maybe I would tell you that recently i wasn’t able to think of you apart from love
> and maybe I would tell you that apart from staying awake at night and seeing you in my dreams I wouldn’t admit that you lived in my heart
> maybe i would tell you that i couldn't look at your face for too long because what if i ended up staring at you and (worse) what if i ended up gazing at you, that would not be good
> if the world was ending i'd reveal that the only way i kept a lid on my feelings was limiting how i felt to 'maybes' and 'what ifs', anything more was embarrassing
> maybe i'd tell you that you're my soulmate and i've never met anyone more alike to me who could at the same time be so different
> and so i'd probably admit i think i love you in a friend way but i've never had a friend that i couldn't bear to let go as much as you
i would tell you that you're my person, and i wouldn't care if i was yours
     > (though right now i really hope i am, probably because the world is not ending; everything changes when there will be no tomorrow, everything changes when all we have is the past)
> i would tell you that i've rarely experienced such an intense emotion, much less for a friend, i would tell you that there's something different about you (is there something different about me?) that makes me dread the day that we part
     > i would tell you how much i feared that we would drift apart, if i could i would hold your hand and never let go (would you let me or would you pull away?)
please don't gateway error me now OH MY GOD IT FINALLY POSTED!! I've missed posting here so much oh my gosh hi everyone
Lilyani Plaza  Aug 2020
Lilyani Plaza Aug 2020
Opening new chapters and revealing new strengths only to find a weakness to diminish any ending of the chapters that’ll come.
The chapters are uncountable and the beginnings are unthinkable as for the endings are extinct, for there is a never ending cycle of disappointments and evil that don’t stop to allow the good to outweigh the bad.
These chapters are never ending hurricanes with a slight light trying to shine down through this chaotic reckless world.
Every thought every movement is jotted down into this never ending cycle of memories, it almost seems as if god gave up on me and handed my book into the devil's hands to punish me for the sins I’ve done and the never ending outlook of evil I would see.
I now see that my chapters are full of never ending storms of the negatives I see and dead of all the positives I fail to find, but who can find any positives in pitch black darkness.
For now my story lays in the dark with the chapters never finding an ending for its a continuous battle of evil against evil.
Cole Dec 2019
I wish I was a fairytale
Of another different realm.
To leave my life I peace
Ask sadness to cease
In the never-ending portal.
Be written down immortal.

Deaf to anxious woe
And misery to tow.
'round, 'round, the praise following
The only rule: no wallowing
In the never-ending portal.

A princess to be queen
Has no reason to be mean.
Her people love and sing to her
Up until she finds her sir
In the never-ending portal.

Her children will be kind.
Her, they will mind.
She, the ruler of the kingdom
If happiness there is no sum.
In the never-ending portal.

Here, I wish twas true,
I stand in morning dew.
Picturing that far 'way land
But, in reality, I stand
With the never-ending portal of poems.

Mimmi Dec 2022
Then out of nowhere and at once, the voice stopped.
No lingering feeling of self hate
The questions
The pondering
It all came to a halt
A thing that’s been with me all these years
Came to an abrupt end
Not bitter
Not sweet
Just end
An ending i’ve been hoping, but not waiting on
I didn’t know that there was such a thing
As an end to it

A blabbering, mumbling sorrow of self pity
Or just a mere convenience of a lexicon with words to degrade myself
A daily reminder of how worthless I was
So I would’ve never forgotten my reason
A reason never explained
Never cared for
With a reach of a sovereign hand I touch the notes
Floundering through the air
Playing a floating piano
“A river flows in you”
Caring for unprotected skin

I was waiting for a different ending
An abrupt ending, not like this one
Fingernails not bitten off bleeding
A curious feeling of relentlessness
Not used to the feeling of not being alone

It all came to a halt
A voice that’s been with me for years
A sadness of emptiness is nowhere to be found
A clue to a healthy mind
Maybe a fear of what could’ve been if not the voice left
A sort of trembling worry of who to now complain when I do wrong
An understatement of falling leaves from my tree

I know my family will be glad
Even though I haven’t ever told them bout the pain I contain
Who to be worthy shall never pass
Through my gates of hell
No one is worthy of that pain
Maybe not even me?

I think this was and end worth waiting for
Inner demons are worth fighting
They don't have the right to win over your life!
So a Good ending, Is worth fighting for.
I think the world is ending
And maybe it’ll happen soon
I think the world is ending
I need something to hold on to.

The world is ending,
and maybe it's my fault.
Too bad the world is ending
Maybe I could have made up all my flaws.

I wonder how it will end
Maybe our deaths will be slow
So we can watch the angels and demons rise
And say our goodbyes
Watch our cries land on death ears
And we beg for mercy
Because of all the time we’ve wasted over the years
I think the world is ending,
So it may be too late
For me to mention
The things I never got to say.
© Copyright 2010  Kamille Elizabeth
Axel  May 2019
Happily Ever After
Axel May 2019
Happy ending is when the prince kisses the princess
Happy ending is when the bride is laughing with her groom
Happy ending is when people find love in a small room

But a happy ending to me is when I write poetry in a small room or under the trees and maybe sometimes in the bathroom.
Happy ending can be infinity
Happy ending can be a story
But my happy ending is myself and my poetry.
I found love in the words I write and I found love in the words I say

— The End —