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2.6k · Jul 2021
ross Jul 2021

i break like glass;
you break like waves
on the ocean.

2.3k · Nov 2019
her magic
ross Nov 2019

moonlight spilling from her eyes
magic pouring from her lips
the universe in audience of her beauty
even the stars would weep with envy

1.8k · Nov 2021
here is a place
ross Nov 2021

here is a place
my heart comes to mourn;
a place where these thoughts
are seldom my own.
a place frozen in time
your face covers these walls;
a cold lovers waltz
still haunting these halls.
a window through time  
i am left to adore;
here is a place;
i will love you, once more.

i hope your still smiling, wherever you are.
1.7k · Dec 2019
beyond measure
ross Dec 2019

if my mind
was the universe
thoughts of you
would be the
stars that fill it
beyond measure

1.6k · Jan 1
ross Jan 1

i was an ocean
you; the moon
suspended in darkness
amidst a billion stars.
i’d reach for you every night
now; forever more
until the last star
burns into oblivion.
i’d reach for you every night
even knowing;
i’d never touch
your perpetual glow

1.6k · Mar 2021
maiden voyage
ross Mar 2021

there is a subtle beauty in madness.
an eery wonder within sadness.
like the musicians of the titanic
their final lullabies
dancing through the air
amid the screams and the panic
a moment of beauty
an expectance of fate
a beautiful surrender
as they perished beneath the waves

1.6k · Jan 8
ross Jan 8

oceans swell and foam
within her;
i was a ship
upon her waves.
planets bend
dancing between us;
the stars, in audience
jealous of her beauty.
the universe held it’s breathe
the hands of time long frozen
something brought you to me;
a cruel fate she’s spun
for now i have seen eden.
i have eaten from her tree
i have tasted her magic,
and no other kind of love;
would ever be enough.

1.2k · May 2021
ross May 2021

from darkness we emerged
a fragile little dream;
the wonders of the universe
and all that she had seen.
our bodies each a vessel
from a time before our own;
suspended between a sunbeam
a world we call our home.
and yet, the beauty of it all
is the clock upon the wall;
as when nothing else remains
perhaps only the stars,
will remember our names.

1.1k · Apr 5
flower moon
ross Apr 5

she is a flower moon
on a still summer night
filling the sky
by an endless
ocean of stars
suspended in blackness
radiating wonder
her presence;
unlike any other
her light;
a perpetual glow
even without trying
even without knowing
you outshine them all.

996 · Apr 2022
ross Apr 2022

my body a vessel
my being, come true
from the source of my soul;
all my rivers and oceans
flow straight back to you.
for only you, could weave a magic
a witchcraft so divine;
that just a single thought of you
can take me back through time.
reliving each and every moment
every kiss and stolen glance;
to laying alone in darkness
realising it would be our last.

i still think of you every single day.
929 · Apr 2021
ross Apr 2021

we are but
two lovers lost
between worlds;
worlds in which
we have always
lost one another.
time and time again;
we meet
we fall
and again
we lose it all.
how else could your face
reminder me of a home
that has never been,
but yet, was always so close.
how else could i know you
before you spoke a single world.
how else could i lose you
and remember this same
empty feeling.
my love
our moments together
are not measured by time;
our bond
our longing
our contention
transcends understanding
defies reality,
two souls lost
in the same place
at the same time;
forever searching
for each other.
a tragic love
divine fate;
our beautiful paradox.

928 · May 2022
ross May 2022
a summer night
moonlight spilling
onto your bed;
a fleeting memory
a moment lost in time
laying beside you
a beautiful rapture;
and all the chemicals in my head.
871 · Mar 3
what if.
ross Mar 3

time is fleeting
love her hard
love her fast
give everything you can
for as long as you have
be open
be honest
be humbled
admit your defeats
she will give you every thing
every part unraveled
stand with her
do not run from her magic
a love like that
may only come around but once
it is a fate far worse than any
to wonder what if.

869 · Dec 2023
midnight haunt
ross Dec 2023
sometimes i come here;
just to remember you.
sometimes i come here;
to read each word written
relive every moment stolen
like a favourite novel
i find your magic once again.
for here is all i have left;
and behind words
you exist forever
here you are my ghost
my midnight haunt
here i think of you
most times
818 · Apr 9
ross Apr 9
the sun and moon
yearned for one another
but time kept them apart.
tracing the horizon
an endless dance
they wait for an eclipse;
proof, that even against all odds
the most improbable love
can always find a way.
you are my moon.
790 · Jul 2021
ross Jul 2021

perhaps we never made it
to the end of this story;
but i’ll always remember
the pages your name was on.

759 · Jan 2021
bathed by moonlight
ross Jan 2021

moonlight pouring
through the window
spilling across the bed
her eyes, a wildfire burning
as she got in my head.  
a velvet touch
on satin skin
each flash of brilliant white;
a billion stars
for my eyes only
as she lit up the night.
her soul displayed
her heart unfolding
each word a perfect verse;
within your soul
that summers night
i saw the universe.

738 · Mar 2021
ross Mar 2021

our hearts had loved
and loved, unshaken;
behind each stolen smile
they both were breaking.
we found comfort in each other
a place to be safely insane,
a world away from normality
a place free from pain;
there are moments when i hear you
your voice trembles in my head,
and now i’m stuck telling fables
of the things i never said.

735 · Dec 2021
perpetual glow
ross Dec 2021

the passing of seasons
sown guilt on my mind;
a quiet place in my head
i venture into too find;
the light of ten thousand suns
your perpetual glow;
and just how much i once loved you
you could never know.

721 · Apr 2021
ross Apr 2021

perhaps if the stars
could ever gaze back
upon themselves
suspended in the night sky,
revel in their own beauty.
soak in their own majesty.
in awe of their own wonder.
perhaps only then,
they would understand;
what i see in you.

711 · Mar 11
ross Mar 11

that’s how i know
with you it was different;
something else entirely
something other-worldly.
all have come
and left by dawn
nothing but
empty desires
a hollow love
but not you.
with you
i obsess on our memories
fixate in our moments
long lost to time.
and just like van gogh
within his work
i have lost my mind.
here is all that remains;
years passed
black words
on white canvas
two ghosts
between worlds.
it is indeed oddly
beautiful and bizarre;
for i am lost and floating
within the darkness
suspended in your space
amidst the stars
dancing between worlds
sending out signals
just so you know
i’m still here.

693 · Apr 10
ross Apr 10
they say you wear
the face of whom
you loved most
in a past life.
perhaps that is why
i can only see you
in everything.
693 · Apr 29
once more, into the fray
ross Apr 29
and so i had fallen for her
just as day becomes night;
quietly and patiently
without knowing
too then all at once.
the sun sets;
birthing an endless
array of stars;
in that darkness
in their audience
i confessed my love for you.
the universe held it’s breath
time stopped
planets wept
for i had been here before;
i would love you and lose you
in a thousand lifetime’s
if it meant i could have you
for just one.
645 · Apr 2022
between the veil
ross Apr 2022

with tired eyes
and mumbled breath
suspended in limbo
between the veil;
of the world awake
and realm of dream
each night i wait patient.
for there is place
where the safely insane
and longing hearts
meet once more.
amidst a sea of faces
the hands of time fall still
and then i see you;
your stare cuts me open
your gravity pulls me in
helpless, i smile.
for to be lost in your darkness
drowning in your gaze
honey soaked kisses on my lips
is the safest place i’ve ever known.

641 · Jul 2021
ross Jul 2021

barefoot prints on wet sand
as waves and sunset meet;
light dancing across the water
seashells washing at my feet.
within i hear an ocean
a lullaby once lost in time;
or perhaps i hear an echo
of a time your love was mine.

635 · Apr 16
a tale to the sea
ross Apr 16
if i told the sea
the way in which
I feel for you;
she would leave her shores
abandon her waves
and follow me across
the endless horizon
in search of you.
614 · Dec 2023
ross Dec 2023
perhaps the greatest
suffering one can endure;
is too find someone
you cannot exist without;
and then existing without them.
607 · Apr 8
i see you.
ross Apr 8
i’m here again.
i see you without seeing you
i feel you without touch
another night, black words
on white walls
i find myself hopelessly
seeking you out.
restless, relentless
i no longer know what i even
hope to find at its end.
perhaps only the stinging comfort
of knowing your near
within my grasp
like the gods of old
filling the night sky
with so much wonder
for i to only look upon in awe.
like pyramus and thisbe
through a crack in the wall
we whisper our love.
you are engraved within me
this cannot be for nothing
i refuse it.
countless moons
have come and went
radio silence
an entire world between us
yet i cannot give up;
the idea of you.
i exist in a fantasy,
a childlike dream
i peel back the veil of time
and gaze into you once more.
i do not know
what souls are made of
but what ever it is;
ours are the same.
and if that is all
we where ever destine to be
a flicker in time
a fleeting moment
a blip in space;
then i have cheated
fate from her cruel wish.
for i have lived out
countless life's
with you in my mind  
my muse;
i have dreamt you
into my existence;
and here you remain.
593 · Feb 13
ross Feb 13

if my life was a novel
each experience
forever in ink torn pages
somewhere within
a chapter is missing;
this is when i met you.
this is when everything good
happened all at once.
on those pages;
words dance
universes bend
stars weep
and time stops.
on those pages;
skies clear
seas calm
and i smiled.
for you arrived
just as a dream
from nothing
to a monsoon
a wildfire
burning through
tearing down
you revealed
the parts unseen;
an aurora borealis
a beauty so haunting
you brought me
to my knees in worship
and now;
after endless nights
countless moons
time has made me honest.
honest enough to admit;
i lost you
because i felt
so utterly unworthy
of someone
with so much wonder;
a magic unlike any other.
a bruise that never heals
i press it down;
it hurts to remember you
but it feels so good
to just remember
that it even happened at all.

579 · Jan 5
i have loved you
ross Jan 5
i have loved you
in every way possible.
in secret,
behind whispers
hidden from sight;
words etched into canvas,
from another life.
in rapture
two bodies entwined;
too nothing but strangers,
the ghost in my mind.
i have loved you
in every way possible.
from nothing;
too then all at once.
still craving your touch.
571 · Oct 2019
drowning in you
ross Oct 2019

like surrendering to the ocean
floating carelessly, weightless
lost deep within her waves
i am terrified; and yet at peace
loving you feels much the same
the more i fight these feelings
the more i struggle amidst this storm  
the more i drown in my lungs
and you pull me under
but to be lost in your waters
submerged beneath your waves
and drowning in you
is the sweetest hallelujah
i have ever known

569 · Apr 2021
neon lights
ross Apr 2021

you took off your clothes;
and my heart felt the weight
of things i’d never known.

567 · Mar 2021
dandelion wine
ross Mar 2021

even from afar
even without words
even without touch
honey, i could adore you
like dandelion wine
in every time line
in every life time.

555 · Jun 2022
cinnamon apple
ross Jun 2022
i miss you.
i miss you more
than i ever thought
humanly possible;
over 1000 moons passed
and still;
you dominate my thoughts.
i see moments and memories
of you all around me;
in everything.
i’ve never known
an allure like this.
so, constant.
i miss your advice
i miss your presence
every stolen glance
every sacred moment
magic pouring from your
cinnamon apple
stained lips
in the corridors
of my mind;
you usher me in.
in the darkest depths;
yours is a light
that never goes out.
see me, read me, and know you made everything worthwhile.
549 · Dec 2019
ross Dec 2019

there is nothing more tragic
than the souls falling in love
simply at the wrong time

546 · Jan 2021
ross Jan 2021

perfectly lonely
winters night
you on my mind.
forever i’d lay here
with you in my head
cause heaven ain’t
too hard too find.

546 · Feb 15
ross Feb 15

some nights i wake
from another world;
another place and time
one where we made it.
i have lived out
so many different life’s
with you in my mind;
from better to worse
and i have loved you
just the same
in every last one.

491 · Apr 5
night crawlers
ross Apr 5
warm summer nights
lost, intwined
under satin sheets  
a midnight worship,
souls unraveled
night crawlers
telephone lovers
pale skin
eyes burning
bodies dancing
soft moans in my ear
the sweetest lullaby.
like a siren you call;
pulling me into
every dark corner
of your mind
and still;
even now
i hunger for only you.
i once believed
i had fallen hopelessly
in love with a memory
but i know that not true.
for i would rewind
the hands of time
and stay
that moment
even in purgatory;
i shall kneel
by your throne.
485 · Dec 2019
sing me to sleep
ross Dec 2019

and so i had fallen
in love with her
just as one falls asleep
without knowing
gently, effortlessly
and all at once

471 · Mar 2021
foolish heart
ross Mar 2021

every tide brings with it change
every wave each breath anew;
lonely nights sat by your throne
longing to worship you,
empty roads lead me in circles
now right back at the start;
and i nothing left to blame
but my own foolish heart.

392 · Apr 19
the fable of aphrodite
ross Apr 19

that’s the curious thing
about love;
it cannot be defined.
it cannot be measured
or reasoned with.
it knows no limit
it transcends time
and bridges space;
to love or be loved
or even have been loved
is to exist somewhere, forever.

388 · Nov 2019
the laws of nature
ross Nov 2019

i once believed we would
go on together forever
i once dreamed we
would sit side by side
gazing out into the blackness
as we watched each star
hanging in the night sky
go out one by one
our love outlasting their light
our love transcending time
i thought nothing could
pull you from me
that the laws of nature
would bend only for us
but my ignorant mind
and my foolish heart
lead me to believe
i could have you forever

383 · Dec 2019
ross Dec 2019

the hardest part
was admitting;
not that i had
loved you once
and it was lost
but that i had
loved you once
and never stopped

371 · Dec 2020
sweet nothings
ross Dec 2020

i believe that through our dreams
we can re-write moments
once lost to time.
not as in, to alter what has already come
but merely to glimpse back;
as to what may have been.

reliving the same sequence of events
trying to find, how each moment
played out best.
i dream of holding you again.
longer, closer;
each breath more synchronised
than the last.

every night i fall in love with you
all over again in my mind
yet, we always end up back;
stuck, in the same place
at the exact same time.

with you, taking my hands in yours
your head pressed against mine;
a gentle mumble
pushed across your lips
you ask;
“how could you forget me?”
and then, like from a hellish nightmare
i awaken once more.

i don’t know if loving someone
could be more tragically poetic;
perhaps, the greatest trick
the devil ever pulled
was crossing our paths.

you asked me;
“how could i forget you?”
i can’t.
i never have.
every single night
i find you in my head;
just to speak to your ghost,
too utter sweet nothings in your ear
and to be hopelessly lost
utterly and completely entranced
in your gaze once again.

362 · Sep 2020
the bridge of time.
ross Sep 2020

in our words
we are made immortal
across an ocean of stars
through the window of time
the past is but a bridge
we cross in our mind
each night i walk silent
through darkness i tread
between this world
and another;
too find you in my head

on golden shores, where the ocean swallows the sun, wait for me my love; for i will return.
316 · Oct 2019
ross Oct 2019

the most tragic pain in love
steams right from the root
when our hearts can crave only
the most forbidden of fruit
the most tragic pain in love
is the flame that won't die
all we long to possess
that money can't buy
the most tragic pain in love
is the pain we are taught
when our hearts try to forget
what cannot be forgot

312 · Mar 2021
ross Mar 2021

sometimes, i wonder
even after all this time,
in the quiet moments
when no one else is around
deep in the corridors
of your mind
do you ever find me again?
i still think of you.
the way you’d grab
my hand in yours,
whenever you had
something too say 
that just couldn’t wait.
or the shape of your mouth
as you’d hold back a smile;
i remember you.
in every finite detail.
perhaps, i cannot forgot you;
perhaps i refuse too.

309 · Mar 2021
the water
ross Mar 2021

too learn in the teachings
of the lessons not taught,
too bathe in the waters
of the waves that brought;
a feeling of substance
right down to the bone,
and drown in emotions
that where never your own.

306 · Dec 2020
ross Dec 2020
its a curious thing;
that now even at it’s end
and through it all,
the sheer ecstasy
and complete heartache
my mind will only
and always remember you
in your most perfect form.
the heart wants;
what the heart wants.
297 · Dec 2019
blinded by grace
ross Dec 2019

her beauty is overwhelming
like watching the most perfect
thunder and lighting storm
she demands my attention
and i cannot help
but gaze in sheer wonder

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