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I  know it's smashing as a mountain
On top of your lungs
That long aged pain in the chest.

It was not meant to hurt that way
After so much time aching
Poisoning your vein.

The world is mad and **** vain
No own put care on you, no bandage
No drain

Just that same old pain
Beating on your chest
Hurting, crawling, coming after you.

But you will overcome it.
You know you will win this game.
Go after what makes you feel
Do not do always the same,
That way is not going to heal,
It just gets things more insane.

Yes, it's going to feel strange
Sometimes, like the weather,
You need things to rearrange
And then it will look better.

Let the wind lift, shake a bit
Your hair, no one's looking at
And it's all good to be wild.

Be free, you are ready and fit,
Open up your soul to the sunset.
Embrace your inner child.
There is something beautiful here
The grass getting burnt
The scent in the atmosphere
The pink sunset in the front

The post sign vertical still
Cutting in the sky
That old house up in the hill
To where I point the eye

That big tree that is wide
And forms a round circle
The castle lit in the mountain

There is nothing aside
The time is slow and a turtle
Is crossing nearby a fountain.
Sometimes the days go by and we can sense that everything is where it is supposed to.
That big tree shaking the leaves
In big long strong branches of green
Showing its magnificent shape
Bending softly and kind.

That huge landscape realm
Where no eye could escape
Has put my conscience in bloom
Of poems and serenity mind.

Now that the sun went away
And left magic silhouettes with me
I no longer feel that strange feeling.

I just want to do day after day
The same kind of dance as the tree.
Feel all the joy and to swing.
The snail
Sneaks through the leave
Hides from the storm
Nothing keeps ever from

Happening always Again

Ending and starting
That snake shape queue you were in
Aligned with my destiny
Brought our first words into being.
An interesting ping pong warm up exchange
Of facts and opinions
So irrelevant to the world
Gave origin to a great talk.
One we could breathe trust
And curiosity.

I remember the silent travelers around us
Probably hearing our conversation
A young couple even, considering our chances
We shared the same line of seats
Three hours passed like nothing.

Then one day I called your mobile
Hoping this would trigger something further
A hope is like a two way ticket
That wants no return
That phone call did shorten the physical distance
But you seemed much farther away.
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