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Lawrence Hall, HSG

                     Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump Schedule a Debate

                   “No, sir, I do not bite my dentures at you, sir;
                     but I bite my dentures, sir.”

               -as a brawler in Romeo and Juliet I.i.57 does not say

Neither man is a coherent talker -
This might end as combat by walker
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                       Love Abandoned Along a Desert Road

                                Cf. Shakespeare, Sonnet 51

I wonder if my love forgave me at all
For tossing my sleeping bag, my books, my clothes
My typewriter and my dreams into my old MG
And pointing everything west into the sun

Shakespeare speaks of a slow return to her
But I stopped at the Pacific, and lingered for years
A few ‘phone calls from far away, some letters
And then forever silence

Relationships are not covered by a funeral pall

But still

I wonder if my love forgave me at all
Meme-ing from Shakespeare Sonnet 51
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                   Would You Like to Go for a Coffee with Me?

The sweetest words that anyone ever spoke
Were not by Shakespeare, no, not even he
But by many a shy and nervous bloke:
Would you like to go for a coffee with me?

Even Romeo would squeak it in a trembling voice
Fearing, hoping what might her answer be
Oh, what will be her answer, her pleasure, her choice:
Would you like to go for a coffee with me?

For a cup of coffee is a communion shared
A moment when friends make a discovery
Of a vision and gentle thoughts now paired:
Would you like to go for a coffee with me?

Oh, yes

The sweetest invitation that ever could be:
Would you like to go for a coffee with me?

14 May 2024
The repeated line, "Would you like to go for a coffee with me?," is meant to be in very small type to reflect the speaker's shyness.
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                  Shakespeare Didn’t Drive a Clapped-Out MGA

                                  Cf. Shakespeare, Sonnet 49

A time will come when you will audit me:
My prospects as a husband and provider
The possibilities of a comfortable home
And maybe the Mercedes you deserve

I amuse you now, but not for long:
A studio apartment with a rabbit-ears TV
A hideaway bed for frolics in the afternoon
Sale-table wine and Bugler-rolled joints

Not quite Rod McKuen, to my dismay:
It’s not if but when you go away
Meme-ing from Shakespeare Sonnet 49
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                    After a Night of Thunderstorms

The zinnias are rich with the works of the bee
Meanwhile the mosquitoes are working on me!
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                            Schrodinger’s Lover

                                      Cf. Shakespeare, Sonnet 48

I have always kept things carefully hidden
Especially the secrets of my heart
But a lover cannot be secreted away
Nor would anyone want this to be so

And because you are no one’s possession
You cannot be kept from the gaze of the world
Locked away in a metaphorical box
Because of anyone’s inappropriate fears

I have always kept things carefully hidden
But you, brave happy spirit, will not be bidden
Meme-ing from Shakespeare Sonnet 48
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                      This Time the Mind and Heart Agree

                               Cf. Shakespeare, Sonnets 46-47

My eyes delight in the beauty of yours
In all the catalogue of your sweet charms
Visions and scents of dreamy summer flowers
Blossomed in anticipation of love

My heart delights in the happiness of yours
The generosity of your saintliness
The rigor of your analytical mind
Your kindnesses to all humanity

There are perceptions and appearances, true
But then there is the perfection in you
Meme-ing from Shakespeare Sonnets 46-47
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