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JV Beaupre May 17
On the edges of things, I see
Bosch’s vision of hell
with dark comedy thrown in.
So many actors, all at odds,
acting just for themselves.  

Actions indescribable, vile, senseless,
confusing and chaotic,
occasional good to randomize.
Chickens chasing corn.
Is there a collective moral consciousness?
Shifting, transactional alliances,
where is the common good?

Outside, I see a constantly shifting scene,
so many moving parts,
all independent, all self-indulgent
Kiss up, kick down.
What can happen next?

Better to be insulated in negative space,
disassociated from the brawl.
Or am I just being smug,
thinking I’m not a part of it all.
The empty self-delusion, that I’m different,
There is no negative space--
I too am in the pit,
fighting to survive.
Minute by minute.
JV Beaupre Apr 3
with trepidation,
I walked into my room
for the last time.
the next time
I was just visiting.
JV Beaupre Apr 3
The diameter of the quest pointed indirectly into the fog.
The fog that hid the ****** damsel, captive, far from home
With my trusty blade and my rusty horse,
my  whole mission, saving the princess.
My sword slammed into dragon, far and sqware.
I packaged the carcass, put it on the curb, and grinned.
JV Beaupre Feb 19
Looking in all the wrong places
In Boston, I shared a bed with a stranger,
In New Orleans, it was rope...
In Memphis, I sat with a stray cat,
I smoked-- the cat did nat...
Just trying to lose the loneliness blues.

2. It’s just around the corner
a warm night in spring
flowers fragrance the air
is this the one?

3. The 90-day half-life
From like rabbits to sustainable passion,
The “inluvy” hormones
are nearly as exhausted as we
Time to work on friendship,
 and commitment to our future.

4. On the shoals
"It wasn't what was said, it was what wasn't said"
negative space shaping the conversation--
dancing, flitting from safe to safer,
like stepping stones across an angry creek,
we just try to get by.

5. An assessment
Love isn’t static
No, it evolves,
waxing and waning
to an uncertain end.
It can fade,
or it can continue to grow
and become something 
truly wondrous.

6. Live and let live
Hanging the toilet paper roll,
evil sister-in-law peeve.
Yes, the toilet seat thing.
A sock warming a room corner.
Not ******* on screwtops 
The toothpaste top, classic.
Every flat surface a shelf,
every car trunk a closet

7. Requiem
Alone again
I miss my friend
JV Beaupre Oct 2023
grotesque, banal,
sorrow and suffering
meted out to all,
but unfairly spread.
the litany of evil,
endless and pointless.
it's the four horsemen,
joyfully at work.
oh god,
how can you permit this?
a wiser man* than i,
in the stead of god replies,
it's just part of the deal.
*C.S. Lewis
JV Beaupre Oct 2023
All of a sudden, 
No light, no sound, 
no sensations at all.
My mind was freed--
it soared, 
I could think of anything,
and I did.
No sensory distractions,
no outside prompts to guide my thought
At first, I thought I was alone,
but I wasn't. 
I was one among hundreds, 
thousands or more.
To the left of me, the right
front, back,
above and below,
silent comrades, 
on a shelf,
each like me.
How did I know this?
I don't know, 
but it was true...
as true as anything else.
I was just a brain in a jar,
with the sensory plug pulled.
I just hope the nutrient
continues to flow.
JV Beaupre Sep 2023
You will become rich
You will become poor
You will eat an apple
You will swallow the core
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