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If I won the lottery, I'd be a big spend winner 
Flash cars, piano bars, and no doubt a terrible sinner
If I counted every pound I had spent
I'd now be a millionaire without a **** care
If I had asked that girl out at school how would my life be different
Live the life I lived or taken to the cleaners and now be poor and skint
If I had taken up acting would I have been the best James Bond
Surrounded by fame and the pick of any black, brunette or blonde
If I had eaten my veg would I have grown up a little bit taller
Or are these just tales of our parents with dated foods in the cooler
If I hadnt taken time with my trade and learnt on the tools
Instead of spending a pound and winning the pools
If it all just ended now, I think I would be happy
Not in some retirement home, surrounded by sick and adult nappies
If I didnt have such a typing stutter
I could have done something in this time that probably, and really, matters.

Money means no manners when it comes to lifetime matters
Cake slice, some tea, drank with a China Pennyroyal cup
Yet still finds the audacity to leave the toilet seat left up
Not even a lift of the finger when let go at a turn
Just screeches off, no cares in the world, as those Lamborghini tyres burn
A click of the finger to summon the passing waitress
Casually dressed at his father's wake, not even his Sunday best
The wife scurries around, a family day out, trying to keep order to their brood
As he just sits back, glass of wine in hand, wallowing in richness he doesn't even find rude...
Cheers! 🥂


That first glance catches the eye
Rarely too happy, a story to make us cry
Could catch us out in more ways than one
A terrorist plot or some fool just having fun
We soldier on, our face in the cracks
Ignoring what he says from the media hacks
But a quick peep up and you see the most beautiful face
On the front of a chinwag, you really are to my taste
Without meeting I would do as I am told
As you are the most beautiful of beings,
and definitely,
Above the Fold

Kids don't care what you look like in the morning
Your hairs a state, you're running late, and the toast is taking up a good time yawning
Kids don't care if their dinners mostly ****
The beans are cold, they'll do as they're told
As long as they can play with Monster Truck
Kids don't care if they missed that role as cameo
Just to play in the park, until it gets dark
Straight home for sausage and mashed potato
You see, Kids don't care if playing and just happy
A quick game of tag, whilst mum's chat with a ***
Then off to bed after watching a bit of telly,
Life is simple in the eyes of a child
It's as we grow older
We complicate the wonder for the monotonous working wild

Drinking straight from the vine
No supermarket could source such fresh, delicious, wine
The sun has a haze that could never be indulgent
As life has no more mystery, my release just problem solvent
The trees now making shade,
In a garden just heaven made
Two classic convertibles sat waiting in the barn
A drive up the coast when the sun hits high, and tell tales of my jealous yarns
I sometimes think back to when I lived under Queen and country
But miss nothing of what it became,
God bless the King and dear old Blighty...

Cheers 🍷

Make of those four letters, what you will
It's just about swallowing the bitterest pill
People don't like another opinion to theirs 
It's about moving the easiest of chairs
I have been told I need to have a word with myself 
Because I don't like the simple option straight off the shelf
Life is about being different and standing strong in what you believe 
Not nodding yes, that'll do, and just taking what you receive 
For I don't ever mean to rock the boat, baby
It's just a case of staying put, don't give in,
And not go along with the ifs, buts, and maybes

Stood at the school gate waiting for your child
The parents mostly chatty but the odd one is overly wild
You know whose kid that is as it's probably that horrible little ####
His twin is almost the same, a litter of 2 gobby runts
And as the saying goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
The mother with her roll-up ****, yellow fingertip's, a necessity 
Father on the dole, looking for work, a lie he often pledges 
Smokes cheap baccy, Rizla style, far cry from his Benson and Hedges
Yet they turn up in brand new trainers and all designer clobber
While you struggle day to day and wondered why you even bother
As the world breeds these people daily and I don't mean to be blunt
But they are what they are and to be seen a mile off
They're just a family of ####'s

#theslobs #wayneandwaynetta #scroungers
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