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7.6k · Feb 2018
Repetitive Phrases
han Feb 2018
I’m tired of hearing
the same things
“you’re amazing”
I don’t want to be told
I want to be shown
that I’m captivating
of your attention
that I’m worth your days
Words mean nothing
without the feeling
behind them
that evokes them
in the first place
February 26th~han
2.5k · Jun 2019
han Jun 2019
two points hurling through the void
both independent events
happening to overlap
just a moment
thus I am content
with a mere intersection
of your plane with mine
han~13 June 2019
2.0k · Nov 2017
Ode to the Patriarchy
han Nov 2017
The sweet smell
of patriarchy
in the morning
Don’t you hear
catcalls like birds
in the distance
Or you’d look better
Maybe the sound
of a woman’s
nails clawing
her way out
of an abusive
somehow shunned
for being *****
or harassed
and finding courage
to speak out
His emotions
mean little
because masculinity
is strength
She can’t bench
and he can’t squat
a nice max
they’re weak
Don’t you think
there’s a better
career for a girl?
You can’t run
a mile
or for president
like I can
but in the same
breath I’ll tell you
the patriarchy is
Han~ nov 5th
1.3k · Sep 2018
not much different
han Sep 2018
in an effort to be original, unique & different
we really all end up the same
your independent stance
and your expostulation
is hackneyed
we all seem like social justice warriors
fighting the same core issue
with different diction
1.1k · Jul 2017
han Jul 2017
I hope my tears water the sadness planted in my heart, so someday flowers grow again
July 16th ~han
1.1k · Nov 2017
Sharing Poetry
han Nov 2017
I used to share my poetry with you
but I don’t anymore
It’s so personal
I don’t think you truly appreciate it
Not that it’s beautiful or artistic
but painfully honest
Maybe I’m looking for someone
to empathize with me
and you can’t
November 26th ~han
1.0k · Jun 2017
Self Love
han Jun 2017
Despite what they scream at you
and blast through media
It is no crime to love yourself
There's no shame in admiring
each freckle, each inch of your body
You're handcrafted
Special made
One of a kind
Give your mind the peace it deserves
The care your body needs
You're beautiful beyond measures
In ways no scale could measure
Please, not for me, for you
**** the world and love yourself
June 26th ~han
780 · Apr 2018
An ode to new beginnings
han Apr 2018
I haven’t wrote in a while
not because I haven’t felt
but because I didn’t know
how to formulate
my mess into words
usually I’m one to make beautiful
out of brokenness
but lately I couldn’t
so here’s my ode
to all of the pain I’ve felt
all of the emptiness I’ve dealt
and a thanks
to the beauty I’m beginning to see
Han~April 8th
747 · Feb 2018
han Feb 2018
Last night my world caved in
so I went to you with baggage in hand
you didn’t turn me away, instead you
held it for a moment while you
listened and comforted me
you said ‘**** the world
for what it’s put you through’
you said I’m not too much
just a lot and someday I’ll find
someone who can carry it all
but for now you will
I have told you every detail
to the deranged story of me
and you stay
that’s enough for me
all I needed was to know I’m not alone
and you’ve given me more than that
by loving me consistently
thank you for being the best friend
even half a country away
I always needed
February 25th~han
I hope you find this, the same way our friendship has found me when I needed it:))
685 · Jun 2017
han Jun 2017
I fall in love with people
and their ability to be vulnerable
because it takes courage
to be real, human
in a world full of photo copies
To come across something
genuine or authentic
is a rarity
and I find myself loving
and admiring that
June 27th ~han
637 · Sep 2018
hello high school
han Sep 2018
the walls are white
it's cold
I thought the sheer amount of people
would keep this warm,
but no one is really here
is it an asylum?
does being insensitive
not drive you insane
is it a prison?
the rows are straight
all surfaces are hard
the clocks tick
the bells are deafening
the fluorescents are blinding
immersing into the masses
another brick in the wall
education, the most powerful tool
traded for memorization and regurgitation
cookie cutter people
tossed into the world
told to be innovative
think outside of the box
we put you in
the rows we sat you in
the white walls we trapped you in
merely an old critique on the educational system, but I will harp nonetheless because this place is stifling; currently writing poetry rather than my classwork

576 · Jul 2017
han Jul 2017
You have touched every piece of my life
I smell you on my sheets, my clothes
Your face plastered on my walls
You've stolen my sleep and dreams
There's no escaping you
Everything reminds me
You, you, you
I wish I could breathe for a second
I wish I could forget for a moment
The pain is suffocating
I feel like an addict in rehab
but I feel no rehabilitation
Only pain resurfacing
Over and over and over
I wish I could scrub myself clean of you
You're deep in my bones
You've grasped my heart beat
You're snuggled up into my soul
Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere
I don't know what's heavier
Your place in my memory
Or your absence
July 18th ~han
553 · May 2018
Too Long
han May 2018
It’s been too long
since I wrote
& by writing I mean for me
not so another human can fawn
over my words
but so that I can feel
each emotion being poured
into a hand crafted image

It’s been too long
since I stopped
to really think
& be present
in my skin
& my heart
I forgot what I was like
when I stripped all else
May 19th~han
I forgot what poetry does for the heart & soul
505 · Dec 2017
Talk Too Much
han Dec 2017
I talk too much
Words spill out
Whereas you don’t
You have little to say
and I take your silence
as not caring
rather than simply lack of words
I talk too much even for the both of us
December 8th~han
503 · Jan 2019
mingling souls
han Jan 2019
I'm not sure
if we have souls
or if its a metaphor
of our essence
either way
I want mine
to mingle with yours
new year, new poem
503 · Feb 2018
Like a River
han Feb 2018
consistency is all I ask for:
like a river flows
and stays consistent,
I need someone’s love to flow
through me all year round
to remind me that like water
I can be soft, yet strong
February 26th~han
472 · Dec 2017
Heart over Mind
han Dec 2017
Every now and then
I stop my mind
for a moment
and let myself feel
exactly what I’m feeling
I let my heart
be in charge
What I find
is almost scary
I realize
this isn’t
the reality
I want
December 27th~han
433 · Feb 2018
han Feb 2018
I attempted
to adequately describe you
yet ended up
pathetically tongue tied
for how does a human
tell another human
through words
how much they adore:
the way their eyes squint,
smile goofily when enthused,
toss their head back and laugh
or sing to their favorite songs
there is no word
to sum up a beautiful
collection of moments
February 5th~han
416 · Apr 2018
Someday Far Away
han Apr 2018
Someday far away
I’ll be dancing around the kitchen
tipsy on good wine
baking cookies
with vinyl playing
and the love of my life
next to me
April 1st~han
397 · Jan 2018
Your Silence
han Jan 2018
Your silence
speaks a multitude
more than your words
ever have
January 11th~han
392 · Jan 2018
Boxed Away
han Jan 2018
I boxed up a year and a half today
Every photograph,
first date kisses
awkward hugs
A year and a half
In a box
I thought we’d outlast it all
yet I packed your stuff
and memories away in a box
I always thought
our love was too big,
too much,
too great
to simply be boxed
and stored away
January 4th~han
390 · May 2018
han May 2018
I’ve began discovering
the beauty in independence
While we are young
we should take advantage
of being self indulged
in a sense
our only job
is to find ourselves
and then build up from there
May 19th~han
388 · Dec 2017
Looking Up
han Dec 2017
I’ve looked up in awe
my heart nearly bursts
it’s beating so rapidly
because this is beauty
& I get to witness it
I am humbled
by the beauty
I am so small
& so are my worries
This gives me inspiration
The same hand
which sculpted these mountains
and painted these stars
Will carry me through
I am so happy to be alive
& to have a purpose
December 8th~han
385 · Dec 2017
han Dec 2017
Traveling is like a drug
I’m high when I reach my hand out
the window and feel the wind
When I stand on a mountain
or with my feet in the sand
For a moment this is reality
and I never wanna go home
The world is home
December 6th~ han
370 · May 2018
han May 2018
Numbers are good
for tests
Numbers are bad
for weight
Make yourself small
Minimize your worth
to a grade point average
Stay up all night
until the bags under your eyes
become more to bear
than the AP textbooks
Yet get your beauty sleep
because it’s important
you maintain flawless skin
Drink coffee to stay awake
yet not too much because you’ll get headaches and acne
Forget your friends, family and hobbies
but don’t complain too much
Work hard
but then you’re a try hard
who apparently never tries hard enough
because in the end your number
could always be higher
unless you’re on the scale
then it’s lower
because apparently
we all agreed
that our self worth
isn’t self determined
May 24th~han
An ode to high school and being halfway through
366 · Jul 2017
A Poet's Purpose
han Jul 2017
I've never written poetry to be liked
or even understood
I just want to reach someone,
touch someone
in a way my hands never could
I just want to be truthful and authentic
to my soul and to you
I want you to see the complexities
so I know those who stick
are the ones willing to see
my words, my meaning and my brokenness
July 2nd ~han
357 · Jun 2018
Speak to Me
han Jun 2018
Speak to me O Muse
tell me the words in which
I can craft my story
tell me how to share my truth
give me your eloquence and beauty
my heart longs to speak
and soul to sing
yet I sit here
with inspiration
but no outlet
June 7th ~han
It’s been awhile since I wrote, I’m waiting for the Muse
han Feb 2018
To my one of my dearest friends:
you say you are nothing more
than a supporting character
and to that I am astounded
your character and joy
lifts everyone around you
much, much more than you’ll ever know
your quiet, intelligible demeanor
sparks thought and mystery
and so I hope one day
someone comes along
and sees you as beautifully as I do
so they can paint a picture of you for you
so maybe then you’ll see
you were never, ever destined to be
a supporting character,
but someone’s entire novel
and entire life
your existence
is beautiful and no mistake,
so please my friend
never take away credit from yourself
February 12th~han
I hope you see this em & know I mean every word:)
344 · Nov 2017
The Sun & Moon
han Nov 2017
He is the sun
I am the moon
He’s attracted to me
because I’m wild and dark
I wonder if he realized
I’d unintentionally take his sunshine
November 16th~han
344 · Nov 2018
han Nov 2018
it's easy being unconventional
and outlandish
when there's someone around
to make you feel
less strange
and more yourself
awaiting that someone
343 · Jul 2017
The One
han Jul 2017
What's your darkest demon
or deepest secret?
Who would forgive you?
Who would love you nonetheless?
Try finding a friend who you can ignore
for days, months on end
that will pick right back up with you
If you can't think of one I can tell you one
One who loves
One who forgives
You can meet Him anytime
Just bow your head
and hit your knees
He'll meet you right there
July 5th ~han
337 · Dec 2017
Rising Up
han Dec 2017
All this time
You tried to knock me
off my feet
Onto my knees
but you only taught me
how to stand
and rise again
against you

All this time
You tried to silence
my voice
and my power
but you only showed me
how powerful my voice is

All this time you tried to
brainwash me
with your words
but you’ve made me
a forward independent thinker
because I know your tactics

All this time
you’ve wrecked my life
burned my bridges
tore apart my home
I was getting stronger
rising from the ashes

After all this time
I’ve realized
You don’t hate me
You’re afraid of me
and of what I’ve become
It’s been a rough year, but I can feel a revolution coming on. Trying to take triump in tribulation:)
December 25th~han
336 · Jun 2017
Far Far Away
han Jun 2017
I wish you could lift me up out of this place
We would fly to paradise
and dip our toes into crystal blue waters
We'd swim with colorful schools of fish
We'd watch a sunset in every city
Then we'd star gaze in the country
I wish we could waltz out of here
Unseen, unheard
I need to escape this black and white
I need to see color again
My eyes crave the sights unseen
My ears crave the music unheard
My body craves the adventure
My heart craves it with you
So lift me up, up and away
From this place
To a home far away
Where the city lights gleam
And the colors are vivid
All will be made new
June 26th ~han
336 · Mar 2018
Still Here
han Mar 2018
the salty tears streaming down
my tired eyes taste of defeat,
I look myself in the mirror
each day and ask how
will I make it to tomorrow?
I’ve done this everyday
for as long as I can remember
yet somehow I’m still here
March 14th~han
An ode to the hardest months I’ve lived through
333 · Jun 2018
han Jun 2018
I wouldn’t mind to be
the dandelion
in a field
you stopped to pick
on your roadtrip
June 10th~han
“what’s to be said for the dandelions?”
326 · Mar 2018
Life’s Lessons
han Mar 2018
I can’t decide
if life has been rather cruel or kind
it has given me circumstances
and unfortunate situations
that force me to let go
and wisdom that
teaches me to say goodbye
March 1st~han
Thoughts on current situations
326 · Sep 2018
in my head
han Sep 2018
I live in my head
so much sometimes I forget
I am in a room full of people
that I'm not just a spectator to reality
how can I be so outgoing, yet so socially awkward?
han Sep 2018
A paradox:
I veer from my straight and narrow
because I refuse to blindly follow a lie
so in search of a truth
I question everything
in turn, rejecting all forms of truth
therefore I have no truth
and is the absence of a truth
a lie?
is the philosophy all truth is relative
a complete anarchy?
does anyone know the truth?
will searching for a truth leave me lost
the entirety of my life?
if I settle with one version of the truth
am I accepting a lie
as a sort of safety blanket
to ease my fear of the unknown?
is it better to die with hope
or fear?
please comment your thoughts:) be patient with my wondering
322 · Jul 2017
han Jul 2017
When 12am knocks, I answer
There is no sleep
Only constant reminders
There are no doors to hide behind
The nighttime brings silence
Silence lets a loud mind roar
To the darkest corners
Only there's no where to hide
No distractions
It hits me like a wall
When 12am calls, I answer
July 8th~ han
314 · Sep 2017
Wild Paths Less Traveled
han Sep 2017
Vincent Van Gogh told us
normality is a paved road,
a comfortable walk,
but that's not what I want
I want to dance in a field of sunflowers
I want to breathe blue skies and sunshine
I want to climb mountains
Therefor there are no paved roads for me
Only the ones less traveled
and they will make all the difference
September 20th ~Han
313 · Dec 2018
han Dec 2018
The world isn’t my enemy
I am
any step I take forward
I pull myself back
with words
conjured up from insecurities
and painted with doubt
the fear of not
constantly looms over me
I’m not afraid to disappoint you
I’m afraid to disappoint
the little girl
I once was
and still am
the one who thought
she could do something
to shape her life and the world
My heart is heavy as I write this poem. I’m not sure if this will resonate with anyone else, but it’s a very real representation of what I’m feeling at the moment. December 16th~han
304 · Dec 2017
Observer of the World
han Dec 2017
I love the way the world
passes by me like a movie scene
I’m in the car
gazing out the window
content being an observer
I realize I am so small
compared to this world
My one little story
is apart of the bigger
That plays itself out before me
December 6th~han
han Jan 2018
There will be nights for driving home
accompanied by sad music and tears
There will be mornings when the sunrise
is so bright that it fills you with hope
There will be Mondays that are dreadful
Tuesdays that are just as bad and worse
Followed by adventure filled weekends
There are always going to be days
and no matter what those days bring
we have to immerse ourselves into them
When we are sad we must grieve
When we are happy we must glow
Don’t live each day as another
to simply check off the list
live them as their own
This my friend will give us a masterpiece
for life: a collection of beautiful days
January 7th~han
296 · Jul 2018
Positive Note l
han Jul 2018
The universe may not give me what I want, but I know it’ll give me what I need
A thought I had. It may have some merit, it may not, but it gives me peace and I think that’s enough. Maybe it will you too?
July 9th~han
295 · Jun 2018
han Jun 2018
I said I wanted to be Great
then I realized not only
did I sound terribly pretentious
but that word is centered around
the evaluation of one’s self
based upon the opinions of others

you can leave a legacy of many sorts
whether or not it’s one worth leaving
is the real question

we choose our actions
but more importantly
the spirit behind them

true greatness does not intend
upon becoming Great
It just is
June 7th~han
292 · Oct 2018
Ignorant Bliss
han Oct 2018
I will yell  
until my throat is raw
I will fight until my strength
has dissipated
I will force my eyes open
until I’m blind
I will listen
until I’m deaf
I will live until
I die
because I refuse
to treat myself to an
ignorant bliss
In light of every current event, all I have to say is if you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention
289 · Jun 2017
han Jun 2017
and just like that another flower plucked from the garden
sad to see you go
but you were chained
to lose you is to free you
now you fly high
the heavens opened their arms wide
you're home
June 23rd ~han
285 · Apr 2018
I want you to know
han Apr 2018
I want you to know
you’re beautiful
in the way that deserves
to be talked about
I want you to know
that I notice
all the little things
you do
without thinking
the kindness
the smiles you give
I appreciate it all
and admire it
I think you’re fantastic
and always will
Han~ April 8th
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