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They want you to do everything they like.
They think they know what is right for you.
They project their feelings onto you.
They are elitist.
They are too money-minded.
They think certain jobs are beneath you when those jobs are essential to society.
They prefer boy children for some reason.
They have an obsession with fair skin and thin body types.
They eat too much rice.
This is me venting.
Why did God
make me this way

It's actually rare
to be so ambitious
to have this superpower
the ability to be so versatile

Nobody accepts it
It's seen as

I can't choose one thing
and stick to it
like everyone else

I don't know what I'm
passionate about

By my age, I should know
my friends know
what they like
my family members know
what they like
why don't I know?

What am I meant for?

I feel like a puzzle piece
that is being fit
into the wrong puzzle

It feels uncomfortable
to force yourself
to do something
that isn't for you

It makes me hate my life.
  Nov 2023 halfmoonprxnce
He gave me dead flowers
So I can smell them every day
The rotten petals falling
The color of decay

The washed out sunflower
The dehydrated leaves
The mold on the water
The color of debris

The richly red rose
Now drooping to the floor
The color of love
Existed no more

But still I saved the flowers
And smelled them every day
And watered them with tears
To let them grow again.
halfmoonprxnce Oct 2023
Unable to feel
Unable to do the things you love
Everything is boring
Nothing is fun
Nothing brings joy
You're just existing
Waiting for what?
The next day?
Your next vacation?
A new job?
A relationship?
Nothing will bring true joy anyway
It all last for mere seconds, days at most
and dissipates eventually
It's hard to verbalize
what its like in this mind
in this body
To not enjoy anything
To not enjoy the things you used to love
To need the stinging feeling of a razor across your skin
to feel clarity
To not love food the same way you used to
To want to sleep at 7:30 pm every night
because what's the point in staying up any longer
when there is nothing to do, nothing to enjoy
To sleep as much as you can to escape reality
People say to love yourself, focus on you
but how can you focus on you when it isn't enjoyable to
when there is nothing to uplift yourself for
when the focus turns into getting to bed
as soon as possible?
  Jun 2023 halfmoonprxnce
Em MacKenzie
If life gives you lemons
just be thankful it’s not a lime,
and when squeezing it
avoid getting the juice in your eye this time.
halfmoonprxnce Jun 2023
Butterflies flutter
Through a crisp, cool, green forest
Landing on noses
Curious humans craving nature
Tiny legs tickling warm skin
This was originally a haiku, but I changed it for one line.
halfmoonprxnce Jun 2023
Greenery full of life
sits atop hills
beneath a moody grey sky
lush shrubs, bushes, trees
a sight lusted over
by people like me
a guilty pleasure
for those from Michigan suburbs
stationery, observing humans
the fast moving traffic below
semis rushing to make deliveries
people getting to jobs they hate
or don't mind
in outfits they aren't comfortable wearing
road rage
accidents on the highway
houses sit atop them
steep backyards
even they wonder
why anyone would live there
people can fall into traffic
their steepness is not something they can help
flights flying overhead
humans making it to events
thinking they are so important
living a life of privilege and ability
nature is peaceful, kind
unbothered, it's number one hobby:
Meaning: While driving in California, I saw beautiful mountains. They're everywhere. Covered with trees, bushes, shrubs, dead grass or what looks like hay, steep peaks and deep dips. There is a specific beauty in mountains. We don't have any in the suburbs where I live, so it's a treat to see them every now and then. Mindfully watching nature is something that I have gotten myself accustomed to. There is something beautiful and peaceful about getting lost in observing nature; the colors, textures, shapes, plants... It is simply gorgeous. The word "scenic" is the most basic word you can use to describe it. It feels like you are lost in something else. A sight is more special to absorb through the eyes rather than take a picture or see through a screen. This piece of writing is about mountains and hills and their existence-- their observations of human activities while they remain stationery. It highlights how nature simply exists, while observing the hustle, bustle, and struggle that humans face in their day to day life.
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