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14.3k · Sep 2018
Hello :)
Donna Sep 2018
If this poem trends
I just want to say to all
Hi nice to meet you


Oops my humour gets the better of me :-)))))) xxxxxxxxxxx
Have a lovely Sunday xxxxx
12.6k · Mar 2018
Bum fun chair
Donna Mar 2018
I said to a chair
Can you please stop
touching my ***
It said no no no
it's so much fun
:)) silly one
11.2k · Sep 2018
Donna Sep 2018
Hmm I've only got a
few likes today hmm maybe
my writings not good

Why am I even
writing what's it's all about
What's the point , I only feel

anxious now , deep breaths
Now I feel silly why did
I write that , oh jeez

heart beating feel sick!!
Then my self doubt passes and
I'm back to lovely

place again! Self doubt
sure can grip me making me
feel really down! But you

see writing helps dig
through negativity , am
I a poet or not

Maybe , I'm not sure
But I'm much more too , I'm a
wife a mum a sister

a friend. I've wrote my
heart out for five years now non
stop to be honest

But now I'm in such
a lovely place of content
I'm living happy

Of course I still get
life stresses hit me and yeah
I get negative

But one thing I can
always rely on is my
passion for writing

It helps mentally
to keep me strong and focus
May it come from my

heart or mind or once
in awhile I like to write
stories , fun fun fun :)

I'm slowing down now
Gone and got myself married :)))
Tis so wonderful

Children are growing
up fast , there leading there own
life's more every day

So I'm finding new
hobbies to keep me active
Life changes happen

But to write , will be  
in me always , tis part of me
it's just there always

So to all who love to
write have fun dry those tears up
Find your happy place :))
Have a lovely week ahead :)) love to u all xxxx
Donna Jul 2017
Surrounding the world
The big universe dances
In magical ways
Donna Aug 2018
We walked around the
park and came across a sweet
garden of flowers

All trimmed so lovely
not a bud out of place and the
sun shone happily

Was there we saw a
wishing pond full of silver
gold and bronze money

So we made a wish
Plonk plonk plonk is what we heard
as the coins lie still

Jennifer was near
by , watering the new buds
Butteflies fluttered

there ivory wings
whispering sweet lyrics to
birds flying in sky

We came across a
monkey , he ****** to its cage
Dean said its hungry

It was colour of
midnight , full of gentleness
Contentment for sure

Dean pulled a twig of
leaves off a tall plant for the
monkey , who I thought

had smiled in its own
animal way , but all of
a sudden two girl

monkeys colour of
a rising sun tried to rule
the roast , so dean gave

them some leaves too , but
they seemed adamant to pinch
the males food , we did

have a giggle and
told the girl monkeys to shoo
They just ignored us

We saw elephants
Skin like a hundred years old
Eyes like big diamonds

One seven foot tall
Jennifer flew by smiling
sprinkling sunlight

upon there hay , we
saw a monkey eat a fly
It picked off its wings

threw them to the ground
and ate its body ,it was
a fascinating

moment, Flight never
to be lowered only to be
born again to life

Oh I loved the big
leopard she was amazing
Her fur so unique

Her temperament so
kind so loving so happy
Man as been her friend

It was a lovely
day and Jennifer enjoyed
herself too , she sang

a song making the
sun giggle so much , its teeth
fell upon warm earth

leaving sparkles in
ponds and glistens upon cars
and smiles in clouds

We all drank ice cold
water and ate some chips and
a panini with

cheese and tomato!
We drove home feeling happy
And the sky was too
Yesterday we visited a wildlife park it was truly lovely lots of the animals are becoming extinct and this particular park as given many of the animals a really lovely kind loving enviroment to live in :)))
6.7k · Sep 2018
Mary the Fairy
Donna Sep 2018
There once was a Fairy
Who lived in a magical world
Her sweet name was Mary
And she loved to be held

She loved to watch the stars
Twinkle brightly at night
Even though afar
They were a great sight

She watched the dusky sun
Rise early every morning
Whilst the birds would have fun
And humans were yawning

She skipped over lakes
Making the lake waters laugh
And fishes would wake
And give Mary a jacuzzi bath

She flew with Butterflies
And Dragonflies too
They ate custard pies
And egg foo foo

She made her own dress
From red autumn leaves
She was nicknamed The Best'
By all the lovely trees

She wore spaghetti hoops
In her long golden hair
And jumped through potholes loops
To explore natures flair

She'd slide down mountains
Rainbows as well
She brewed coffee in fountains
And rang a lunch time forest bell **
Fun fairy story x
6.1k · Jun 2018
Donna Jun 2018
I've become a great
expert in karate , thanks
to those pesky gnats
Those pesky gnats have bit  me alive this year there so annoying !!
But I'm learning great karate moves :)
5.1k · Jul 2018
Slowing down
Donna Jul 2018
I love to watch snails
There've made me realise , I need
to take life easy
Take care all much love to you , be back soon :-))))
3.9k · Jul 2018
Josephine - myhaikudiary
Donna Jul 2018
She has skin like soft
midnight and eyes that shine like
the bright evening moon

Her laughter echoed
happily around the room
travelling through an

open window,  to
sing with the birds , her big smile
lights up any heart

Emigrating far
away to Dominion
Republic..her quest

for a brand new life
begins to take shape , her dream
ready to breathe air

Born in Africa
She's a lady of respect  
A jolly spirit

Her mother skills show
in her children , polite kind
loving and happy

She wanders through her
newly painted house with a
silent hum of smiles

She said to me 'Donna
you're getting married next week
and your here painting

my house , how have you
coped'  , I said I have a real
amazing daughter

who as taken charge
of all that needs to be done
We both smiled so wide

She wears a silky
scarf around her head , she as
the essence of

a free butterfly
I admire joesphine
I'm glad I met her :)
The job me and dean are working on as been a real blessing x
Enjoy your weekend everyone **
2.7k · Jul 2017
Blue sky - Haiku
Donna Jul 2017
Beautiful blue sky
Floating endlessly in love
Making the clouds sigh
2.6k · Jul 2018
Forever smiles
Donna Jul 2018
Summer raindrops fell
Flowers kept on blossoming
Love is beautiful

Offically married to my lovely Dean , it was one of the best days of my life xxxxx love to all xxxxx pagan Paul and Kim baker I've put my wedding photo up like I promised cya u soon lovely hearts xxxxx
2.6k · Sep 2018
Donna Sep 2018
I looked at grey sky
A quiet seagull flew by
And I felt its peace
Hi all :)
was Inspired whilst I hanged out washing on washing line :)
Take caste all **
Donna Aug 2018
I woke this morning
and looked at my ring and I
smiled all of my smiles :)))))

The sun is shining
Bumbles bees like big full stops
Buzzing in the air

But these wasps are a
pest they want to attack me
So I got a bat

But I haven't used
it as yet,  I think they know
I'm ready to bite

Some of the chalets
have England flags upon roofs
Some have twinkled lights

Me and dean have had
such a relaxing time , we've
ate slepted watched tv

We've danced drank and hugged
lots of family , his dad
stayed with us until

Monday , then he flew
back to sunny Spain with a
cherished memory

We took time out to
recharge our batteries as
life just gets better

We bought new blinds to
make our Chalet feel homely
and a table cloth

It's beige with white spots
O it's so pretty I love
it..dinners look lush

We took our dogs for
a beach walk , the oceans is
windy gently soft

Trees so pretty , I
saw Jennifer the fairy
riding a wagtail

They were running so
fast on a field the daisies
giggled in the breeze

My daughter came down
last night to spend time with us
Tomorrow we shall

go for lunch next to
summer trees and a blue lake
filled with ducks and swans

But best of all I
get to make more memories
I feel like a bird

flying high in sky
as my heart and mind bind
as one big love heart :-)))))
I'm loving being down Chalet with dean we had a such a wonderful relaxin time except the wasps and there loads of them I think august is the main. Season for wasps  xxxx
Inspired :)
2.2k · Nov 2017
Letting go - haiku
Donna Nov 2017
In life you have to
know your own self to truly
enjoy everyday

Because your life is
precious just like big oceans
and golden beaches

Everyday they wave
Everyday they shift tension
Just to feel that calm

Peace than blossoms
And happiness smiles wildly
Both face cheeks lift up

Thats when you let go
And everything looks pretty
And love becomes real

It's in the trees and
flowers and animals and
the great big blue sky

It's in family
Love ones and pets and the warm
amazing sunshine

It's in the full moon
And all the twinkling stars
Its in darkness too

It's in soft snowflakes
When they touch earths precious ground
They kiss it gently

It's in a window
Looking out from the inside
Mother Nature rules

It in a child's
laughter and your true loves hug
It's in flying birds

It's even in a
cinema night eating sweet
popcorn and sweeties

See when you let go
You learn to love a lot more
And your life begins
I just think that love is in many many things x
2.1k · Oct 2019
Goodbye Sweetie
Donna Oct 2019
Today an angel
sat upon a rain cloud and
watched the rain fall down

Sad day today I still can’t bring myself to talk about it even though I shared a poem recently but I took it down for the words tto forever sleep peacefully x
2.0k · Nov 2018
Be Happy
Donna Nov 2018
Be happy in life
Because hatred takes away
All of your beauty
1.9k · Jul 2018
Jennifer the fairy
Donna Jul 2018
So there she was I
knew I saw Jennifer the
fairy in the sky

O she twinkled bright
left happy zig zags flowers
floating so freely

Anyway as I
sunbathed whilst dean fished ,I saw
a big willow tree

Oh my he looked like
had the **** , Jennifer made
his eyes go bosseyed!

She was trying to
round up the dragonflies but
they kept flying off

I was observing
as usual eating a cheese
and tomoto roll

Jennifer was bored
again so she surfed across
the pond racing the

mallards and swans , her
tiny wings tried to keep up
but she had slowed down

But Jennifer was
not going to lose , she loved
to win

was a problem she
had since she was born , her best
friend Peter the Snail

told her on many
occasions to lose is not
a bad thing it can

be a good thing as
well , but she'd much to learn
For now she wanted

to win, she fired
her bow and arrow and hit
a passing carp fish

All of a sudden
The carp turned into a
dragon , she jumped on

his back and both raced
through the sky towards Mr
Willow who was still

in a grumpy mood
but I could actually see
a twinkle in his

eye , he waved his long
arms in the air , Jennifer
and the dragon

had won the race , the
swans and mallards huffed and puffed
not happy with her

winning , I looked at
her and smiled , by now my big
toe was hurting me

And Deans fishing rod
was bleeping , he had caught a
carp, but oh no it

wasn't a carp it
was a dragon,  Jennifer
had forget to turn

him back into a
carp , wooo me and dean run as
fast as we could back

to van where he drove
like a maniac to dodge
the dragon who once

was a carp , as I
looked out the rear window I
could see Jennifer

giggling , she was
riding the dragon with her
bow and arrow , I

thought to myself she's
a mischievous fairy
And I just smiled wide

I got home quickly
and me and dean had salad
and a nice cold drink

Dean still can't believe
we got chased by a dragon
Maybe one day I

shall tell him about
Jennifer the fairy and
I bet he'd smile too

Just quickly wrote this I used my imagnation to make a story about my fairy called Jennifer she popped up in my mind again , was inspired at fishing trip today xxxxxx
Have a lovely week and soz if I don't get to read you all I'm getting married in 3 weeks so life is hectic **
Lv u all take cares <3
1.8k · Jan 2018
Be a toilet
Donna Jan 2018
Be a toilet
Flush all the **** away
And keep a clear mind
well it's seems to make sense , soz for the swear word sometimes it just seems to fit well :)
Donna Jul 2023
Twinkling brightly
Glistening so beautifully
Solar lights at night
Inspired by a tree in my garden covered in Solar lights one of my fav night time views x
1.8k · Oct 2017
Donna Oct 2017
Just like the warm sun
or pouring rain , poetry
is all we weather
1.8k · Nov 2018
My Husband
Donna Nov 2018
Everyday my love
makes me laugh,  everyday I
thank my lucky stars
I love my Dean not a day passes where he don’t make me laugh xxxxxxxxx <3
Feeling very blessed xxxxxx
1.7k · Oct 2018
Crunch Crunch
Donna Oct 2018
I walked in autumn
leaves this morning and they sang
a song to my feet
:) la de daaaaa :-))
Silly one x
1.6k · Mar 2019
Breathe Of Fresh Air
Donna Mar 2019
I can hear a lawn
mower , someone’s cutting grass
Spring will be here soon
:) inspired this morn x
1.5k · Jul 2019
Go For It ❤️
Donna Jul 2019
Think positive and
positive things will happen
Believe in yourself

1.5k · Oct 2017
Lovely day
Donna Oct 2017
Make your day lovely
Fill it with big happy smiles
And cups of coffee
Smiles and coffee :)
1.5k · Oct 2022
True Love Always
Donna Oct 2022
Don’t worry my love
I can’t take your pain away
But I’ll hold your hand


(Dedicated to my lovely husband the love of my life)
My husband has osteoarthritis in his knee and a pulled ligament in his other knee his in so much pain but his a fighter and a warrior as everyday he still goes to work even though his in awful pain , I feel frustrated at times cause i cannot take his pain away but will always support him and help him as much as I can *** True Love Always is a phase me & my husband have used since the day we met and over the years our true love always as grown and grown so big it’s truly True love always **
1.4k · Aug 2019
Happy Walls
Donna Aug 2019
There’s nothing better
than beautiful photos filled
with special moments

love my family photos I have plenty hanging on my walls at home always makes me smile when I look at them ;❤️
1.3k · May 2019
Donna May 2019
It was that little
seed that turned into a wish
and made the sky smile

Loving Spring ***
1.2k · Aug 2018
''Tis true
Donna Aug 2018
A spoonful of clear
patience and a goodnight sleep
Changes perspectives
Yes this is very true ***
Postivity - inspired
1.1k · Jul 2017
It not worth hating
Donna Jul 2017
It's not worth hating
It will only make you bitter
Find a way to love
Senryu x
1.0k · Jul 2018
Donna Jul 2018
Pretty butterflies
Flutter o so quietly
Not to wake winter
Inspired today :)
Catch up soon lovely souls :-)
1.0k · Feb 2021
Love is everything ❤️
Donna Feb 2021
Love is everything
Its a better way to live
It’s the best way to be

Inspired by the love I have for my family xxxx unconditional ***
1.0k · Nov 2017
My Earphones
Donna Nov 2017
I have two angels
Taking me to the moon and
back , singing me songs
This is inspired by my earphones as I love listening to music especially whist ironing makes it less boring :)
883 · Jul 2019
Fly Fly Fly
Donna Jul 2019
Fly like a bird
Don’t let judgmental people
Take away your wings
Stay strong stay happy rise above negativity people x I’ve come to the conclusion that some people just don’t like to see you happy!
My motto is sod them , live life , enjoy laugh and relish in being happy as long as u can , even on stressful days finish your day off on a postive note **
831 · Jun 2017
Donna Jun 2017
I sit on top deck
watching the world go by and
I think of a giraffe
Silly I know but hey it's was fun to write :)
810 · Jun 2017
Shining star in sky
Donna Jun 2017
shining star in sky
you appear in evening light
braving this sad world
sometimes the world can be a sad place x
782 · Jun 2017
Sunset - Haiku
Donna Jun 2017
Gentle tender night
Blows soft endearing kisses
Making daylight blush
775 · Aug 2017
Half moon (haiku)
Donna Aug 2017
Tucking herself
into bed , the moon rests her
arm over the sky
748 · Dec 2017
Soft ivory clouds - haiku
Donna Dec 2017
Soft ivory clouds
Flowing delicately sweetly
On this winters day
I bought my wedding dresss today I can't stop smiling , so am inspired to share my haiku with you all :)
743 · May 2019
The Love Of My Life
Donna May 2019
Holding hands , smiling
together , laughing sharing
Love is wonderful
This one is for my husband Dean who forever supports me and is always trying to help and care for me especially when my aniexty kicks in , loving him is the best medicine I ever going to need xxxxx ❤️
Donna Apr 2019
I had a poem
it paused for a minute then
it floated away
:) I was in garden relaxing and was inspired by the lovely warm sun and birds so I  went to write it down than wham it wouldn’t come out,  mind had forgotten it as quickly as I was inspired to write it , ah well it happens here and there ***
734 · Feb 2021
Donna Feb 2021
Daffodils blossom
Like drops of warm summer sun
Spring is on its way

Saw daffodils today so lovely x
721 · Jul 2023
Donna Jul 2023
Hey rest up slow down
please Osteoarthritis
the pain is too much
My husband suffers from osteoarthritis most days his in awful pain , some days better then others. Everyday he still smiles and goes to work but it sure as not been easy for him : ( makes me feel so sad at times but on the other hand I remain positive for my husband and family because positivity to me my husband and my family means so much to all of us *** I thought of this little poem on the days my husband pain is much more manageable , it’s a very painful bone disease so when my husband had good days it makes me and my family so happy **
711 · Nov 2018
Merry Days
Donna Nov 2018
I got well spaced out
I looked at the universe
And got drunk on stars
Fun one xxxx
702 · Feb 2018
Grey winters day
Donna Feb 2018
Seagulls in grey sky
Terrocota house roofs shine
just like the warm sun
702 · Jan 2018
Walls corners and smiles
Donna Jan 2018
The walls are talking
The corners are asking why
And the photos smile
I really like this one , I have lovely photos of my family so was inspired, my family is my all x :)))) ***
684 · Nov 2018
Family <3
Donna Nov 2018
Family is all
Spending time together makes
Awesome memories
Love my family feeling so proud xxxxx
Firework display with family , the best ***
645 · Sep 2019
A Dog And A Tree
Donna Sep 2019
What does a dog and
a tree have in common , they
love a good old bark

A cheery up happy poem :)
597 · Feb 2018
Evening time
Donna Feb 2018
Evening time blossoms
Trees darken against dim sky
Everything quietens
567 · Apr 2019
Define Yourself
Donna Apr 2019
Flowers always die
But it’s their beauty that makes
the world beautiful
:) don’t ever succumb to other people’s judgemental thoughts , rise above stay strong and be proud to be you :-)) xxxx
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