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cresun Apr 2016
i used to call these four walls home,
until you came along and made me feel again
there was a missing piece that left the puzzle incomplete
you dropped by and the mystery was solved
we wrote our names on a piece of paper
and tied it up around the rocket
so it would take us to orion's belt,
in hopes they would keep us together forever
but we both knew it all too well
that hope, is merely nothing more
than a thing that keeps mankind going
though while we still can feel the spark igniting,
i think its the only thing that matters
*for now
cresun Apr 2016
maybe there's no such thing as recovery,
maybe it was just a period of sanity
  Feb 2015 cresun
You're worth more than a poem.
But for now,
I'll try my best to make this much more than just a poem:
but a message from me.

What you don't know is,
every time she feels down, she rereads all your kind words.
When she's bored, you're not on,
she rereads them.
She spends all her time thinking about you.
She cherishes you,
You're the best she ever had.

She takes everything about you,
devours them, slowly savoring all the good bits (which is everything),
and then keeps them tattooed all over me,
never to be removed.
Each and every letter, engrained onto me with a flourish,
a kiss,
trailing her hands behind, stroking the way the gorgeous letters look
all aligned together to make such beautiful sentences.

Her eyes trail every word,
her hands caress the wonder machine that brought her you,
her ears thrumming with the sounds of you,
the music notes floating into her ears,
the way water flows,
for you are better than just any ordinary ocean.

You may call her an ocean,
but you are more than that.
The ocean only takes up 75% of Earth.
You are much more.
You are her sky,
her universe.

You hold the stars in your heart,
twinkling like little rubies.
Just like the moon and the sun,
you see everything.
The clouds are your façade,
and the rain,
your tears.

And all she wants to be is the satellite,
to explore you and learn everything about you,
to always circle around and around,
to never leave.

I know you won't break me,
or her.
And for that,
I am forever in your debt.
So come to me when you need me,
I will do anything to serve my prince.

With Great Love,
The Creep's Heart
There's my valentines day gift for my boyfriend ^^ Je t'aime, et merci beaucoup pour ton attention et amour. Vous êtes beaux et tres sympa. :) happy valentines day, mr. Right!
(Sorry this ***** ^^")

Comeback when you hear this song
By 2PM
cresun Jan 2015
no, no no no stop
stop it right there
take back what you just said
swallow it back down your throat
**** it into your stomach
don't let it get into my head
don't make me believe that
you miss me as much as i miss you
you like me as much as i like you
don't say it, just for the sake of
saying it back..
"miss you too," he said. and i felt something inside of me broken, shattered into pieces down to my tum
cresun Dec 2014
some birds found their family out of their own nest
some birds stick together, other birds flew alone

those words she screamed at me
they all felt like being struck by the lightning
my wings broke every time and i had to fix it myself
but next time i remind me to make myself a better wings
so i could find my family out of my own nest
cresun Dec 2014
"is it appropriate to weigh 154 pound?
would it offend anyone if i were to wear high-waisted shorts despite my gigantic thighs?
is it okay if i wore clothes and people can still see my fats rolling out?
would anyone make fun of me?"*

the sad thing is we think about how others see us first
rather than what is best for us
when we buy clothes, we think of how others would see us in it
and not based on whether or not it makes us feel happy
due to the great success glamorization of what its called 'thigh gap',
many begin to think whether not having one is wrong

i just wish something changed the world
and we're all back to one square
where personality comes first
***** the ones with ugly hearts
shower the pretty hearts with more love instead

and maybe, somehow, somewhat,
the world would be a little happier
definitely not a poem. just a thought i have nowhere else to write it down.
cresun Dec 2014
1) you
2) everything else
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