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I may have forgotten some things about you
but there are some things I could never forget
They are ingrained in all I do...
I wear green as much as I can
It's my favorite color because it shows
off my green eyes that I inherited from you
You always said my eyes and smile are my best features
I can still see your long legs in the bathtub
Bent in like a happy frog just trying to relax
Yet you still had time for a conversation with me
I wish I would have inherited those long legs of yours :)
I wash my face with nozema
because when I smell it I think of you
When Christmas comes around I buy Andes
chocolate mints and make spice tea
because they both remind me of you
As long as I live and breathe
you will always be remembered
I love and miss you always ~ Dear Mama
Merry Christmas
Could never forget my Mama especially this time of year so wanted her to know I was thinking of her... always ❤️
I love her.
No not ******* worldly,
But softly, purely , celestially.
Not necessarily, just completely,
selfishly and I'm sorry.
I love her unconditionally, some say unconventionally.
But they don't understand me.
Yes...I love her.
Most spiritually, asexually, platonically and wholly.
I love her, truly, honestly, musically and poetically...
She doesn't have to love me.
Your looks may fade... my love shall not.

Upon the hill

Under the stars

You and I and god was there

             •          •

It was a spectacular show

We finally come and all was understood

Amid the dissolving sense of mystery



You and I and god

We tred the  earth and all is good

Took a sip, i felt fine, lost my breath, in the christian sigh,
I felt fine,
Never have i seen the alterian jazz the blue twilight scene, a new dimension in time, time held us together,
Unraveled my skin to see the new light, green eyes purple sight, seen that wich is a new color, but what color is god??
I fear his punishments for all my sin

fear of his angel that lies within they come over me and held me tight,
Gave me a drink of the new wine i sigh again looked past what was in plain sight,
farther from the valleys beyond the mountain top away from the forest a blaze, its important to say, what lied beyond it all in the light the new colors that came
From a drik in the new wine....
 Dec 2015 Brandi R Lowry

Time disappears,
the hours, the days
Lost in the shadows,
a sundial haze

Seizing the moments
our memories trace
Drawing the curtain,
these thoughts to erase

Still I ignore
every clock on the wall
Each ticking second,
the minutes that fall

For all I see
is the beautiful view
Of every new day
I am starting with you

 Apr 2015 Brandi R Lowry
I want to dance, the dance
Of raindrops
Cavernous steps I'd put along,
in smoked hues of grey,
in clouded cotton.

Melting suns sublimed
o'er dew dropped leaves.
Romantic ballads
on every poets page,
passionate rain and fiery sun staged.

I want to dance, the dance
Of raindrops
While you play harmony,
on the harp.
Once like the wind played,
in my chestnut hair.
The tiptoe of the rain,
bringing childhood memories
of fresh mud alive.

I want to dance, the dance
Of raindrops
The solo they perform in cackles,
of the child nextdoor.
I remember the parched streets,
the thirst song of the kuckoo,
lips dry without you my love.

Oh! How I wish,
I could dance, the dance,
the raindrops danced.
To quench that thirst of rhythm,
My beloved I want to dance.
Dancing in the rain to quench the souls thirst ,
a drop of peace everywhere!!
 Apr 2015 Brandi R Lowry
Good Evening, Moon!
here we are again
just the two of us
or so it seems.
- How are you, my friend?

How was your evening, Moon?
how many sleepless children,
how many doting couples,
how many broken hearts,
- have you seen tonight?

Are you happy, Moon?
with your given task,
when you look down upon us.
Or do you wish to be somewhere else?
- I would understand!

How do you bear it, Moon?
all those people,
relying on you
blaming you
confiding in you.
- Will you tell me the way?

How do you do it, Moon?
Keeping yourself together,
steadily moving forward,
never looking back.
- I don't seem to get it!

Will you be there, Moon?
for me to talk to,
to share my secret wishes
and the cruel pain?
- I thank you for it!
 Apr 2015 Brandi R Lowry
I keep texting
even though
I want to sleep

It's because
I don't want you
to hurt

And while typing,
"love you more"
it feels like betrayal.

truth be told,
I love her more

It's because of her
that I'm still awake
at this time.

she called me
in the middle of the night.

in tears

I comforted her,
sent her home,

I waited an hour
for her answer.
When you wrote to tell me your day

I'm supposed to be cheerful, but all I felt was disappointment.
I kept up the smiling face, distracting myself through answering you.
Always flinching upon the sound of my phone.
As I sit upon the rocks now,
I can't think of a better place.
With the fish like a tower above me,
And the sun shine upon my face.
It is not yet Summer,
But the air feels soft and warm.
The wide world that surrounds me,
Has taken a new form.
The sky that sits above me,
Is filled with a mixture of bright hues.
And while I'm looking right up,
I think of all the 'yous'.
The ones I think of during my daytime,
And those I see within my dreams,
And those I will only ever get to reach,
Through the sun beams.
I know I grew callous for months there,
And I'm sincerely sorry for that.
But the feelings that I felt so deep,
Were really difficult to combat.
I've found here in the sunshine,
My innate self is breaking straight through.
And I really hope if you're reading this,
You know I've written it for you.
The you that did not leave me.
The you that has held on.
The you that is the reason,
I eventually grew strong.
I've been sitting here for hours now,
But it feels like years instead.
And I'm waiting for something,
To follow the path I've led.
It's not all that straight-forward,
There are many obstacles it must cross.
From every painful defeat to failure,
To every rueful regret and loss.
I know I must be patient,
For good things come to those who wait.
And just as I look up now,
I feel glad for my true faith.
I know now I can stop running,
And truly begin to love me.
I can let happiness finally catch up,
So that what is destined, will be.
22 March 2015

© All Rights Reserved Joanne Heraghty
Random dates.
Random times.
Useless words.
Stupid rhymes.

It's not cool being
less than you can be
so I urge you--
urge you--
to be happy.

Because there was a man
who was a clown
and he danced for the children
as they were being lead
to the gas chamber.
And it was 1943.
And it was
**** Controlled Germany.

The clown wept,
each time the lever
was pulled
and when the children
became silent.

To stop crying,
he told himself
that existence
is just random dates
and random times.
There was no meaning
in reason
and no order
in lines.

All he could do
was all he did know,
and that was to give
before they'd go.
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