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Andy Chunn May 26
Summertime brings forth a wondrous season
Where charms of nature suddenly arise
A tapestry of beauty is reason
For wonder and laughter beneath blue skies

The trees display with joyful sway their glee
As canopies of leaves rustle a song
Their branches dance the summer jubilee
As echoes of laughter sing all day long

The hues displayed in grand flowers arrayed
Burst forth in brilliance, a kaleidoscope
Fragrant whispers pervade the air conveyed
Senses enchanted with promise and hope

Babbling we now hear, streams and rivers near
Their melodies a symphony so sweet
A lullaby so dear, removes all fear
As sparkling waters kiss the sun’s retreat

Summertime sets the sight of pure delight
With wonder, peace and beauty shining bright
The fun of summertime!
Andy Chunn May 26
A lovely day, the eighth of May, with sunshine and light breeze
You could not tell, that all’s not well and we felt safe at ease
A little blip, a video clip, showed damage way out west
But that was far, and could not mar our little place of rest

The march of time, brought clouds that climb, into an angry sky
And soon the voice, gave us a choice, as winds began to fly
I stood and watched, the radar notched, and signified a storm
I waited to see, the possibility, of it’s mighty form

In lapsing light, at infamous heights, they formed and went away
With funnels strong, it was not long, I heard the voice say
“Take cover NOW, the storms somehow, are imminent and direct”
So in a panic, acting quite frantic, we sought a way to protect

As sullen skies stopped, the stillness topped our deep distraught concern
And all was still, and quiet until, the skies began to turn
Clouds regrouped, and trees were scooped, like toothpicks they did snap
And running fast, entrance at last, was like a treasure map

We were inside, seeking to hide, from winds and funnel cones            
Windows broke, and trees did stroke, our little country home
Our chimney fell, the stones did sail, the rocks blasted our roof
The wind and rain, sound like a train, the damage is the proof

Well I must say, it went away, as fast as it had started
It seemed much longer, as it was stronger, just before it parted
It buried the cars, with trees like bars, in only thirty seconds
Doors blocked, the driveway socked, and freedom clearly beckoned

We were blessed, and if you guessed, this was real and true
In cleanup mode, our small abode, with so much left to do
I ache for those, whose loss arose, to greater heights than this
With nature’s aim, no one’s to blame, just pray it goes amiss
Spring in Tennessee
Andy Chunn Nov 2023
I am a mirror so they say
If you are kind to me this day
A friend to you today I’ll be
Reflecting all the things I see
My Christian mirror shows the way
Andy Chunn Oct 2023
As youth’s bright flame slowly fades to gray
Time’s hand weaves its threads of silver hue
Each dawn’s the same, we count another day
Our memory cleaves, and aging faces view

Yet with the years, comes wisdom’s gentle grace
Experience, a gift, well worth the cost
Wrinkles and fears, stories etched upon each face
Our spirits lift, in memories embossed

We may grow old, but love remains the same
In tender hearts, it’s flame forever burns
Through trials so bold, life’s ever-shifting game
Our friendship starts, and loyalty, it earns

So let the years advance, let them unfold
For growing old is life’s sweet tale retold
Growing old is quite the experience!
Andy Chunn Sep 2023
Where did my Jesus go
The one I loved so long ago
I wonder if he’s still around
I wonder if he can be found

As a child, in my youth
Jesus used to be the truth
Everything was black and white
Jesus taught me wrong from right

As the world passed me by
The flash of life caught my eye
And was my Jesus there
Couldn’t find him anywhere

I saw the way our lives were run
I saw the way that things got done
I wondered if Jesus was there
Wondered if he could even care

Couldn’t find him in the bank
Or lying drunk in the tank
Jesus are you at the bar
Or ridin’ in a police car

Crazy dreams come in my head
Got to thinking Jesus dead
Then I looked around to see
If he was really part of me

Black and white turn shades of gray
Jesus lives for one more day
He ain’t dead, at least in part
He’s living right here in my heart
Lyrics written in 1975
Andy Chunn Sep 2023
Foggy mists engulfed the bright
When raindrops fell throughout the night
The lampposts glowed at midnights dark
When sweethearts kissed at Lover's Park

Together they braved the soaking rains
For they were lost in lover’s lanes
They could not bear to say goodbyes
Lost in the storm of lover’s eyes
Collaboration with Charles Messina
Andy Chunn Aug 2023
In shadows deep where darkness hides
There lies a bag of eight-legged horror
A bag of spiders where dread resides
Creeping and crawling, causing sorrow

With nimble legs they dance and sway
Each spins a thread, a delicate art
A web of wonder, they work their way
To weave their silk and do their part

They scuttle and scurry, never at rest
Their beady eyes, like gleaming gems
Silent whispers in a world obsessed
Reflecting secrets, known only to them

Oh, the bag of spiders, a curious sight
But hidden within their fearsome guise
Eliciting shivers, invoking fright
Lies nature’s marvel in miniature size

A bag of spiders, misunderstood
For spiders, in truth, are nature’s aide
Not causing harm, but doing good
Keeping balance, so be not afraid

So let us ponder with open hearts
A bag of spiders, for if you did
You’d see how nature plays her part
And applauds the bag of arachnids
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